
The hidden Secrets (Rwby fanfic)

Second chance at life what will happen? This is my first time writing so be patient and please help.

Ed_bear · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: finally arrived

(Thank you to Danny_Doritos and Indus_Road for the power stones)

Lucy's P.O.V

'Just another day in the library were the only people who come here are the young and they are only here because there parents wont give them a Scroll so they decide to use the computers here and the books that we do have here are just the old and donated ones and now the books that people do want are fairy tales that can be bought at the shop and nobody really come here since I'm a Faunus.' Lucy a fair young girl who seems to be in her mid-20's with bandages around her arms almost as if hiding something.

The door opened suddenly as if someone collided with it, forcing it to open and what followed was a boy no older then 5 Lucy guessed with a dirtied suit and the once white shirt now torn and dirty with bits of blood spread the shirt and the pants having one leg being wrapped with cloth and a belt with the child having a limp from that leg probable a wound maybe a stab wound and the child has one hand in his pockets with it seeming to be clutched around something and he has dark almost black hair which is actually brown and with brown eyes that resemble hot chocolate and having bits of darker that resembles the shape of a star it also held a scene of maturity however if you weren't trained in info gathering then you wont have noticed, with a flare of her aura I sensed that he hadn't unlocked his aura yet however he was quite close as if his soul wanted to escape? No It wanted to leave?!!

Edward's P.O.V

Limping towards the faunus lady at the reception desk that was looking intently at me so I instinctively grabbed whatever was in my hand which was the dagger-gun in this case and I feel like she noticed, 'wait what was that feeling?!?!?!'

Now limping AWAY from the scary lady as I do not want to know how she did what she did and I'm not ready for whatever that was since I'm injured and all I really wanted was the books in this library so that i could learn something new like grim, semblances, aura and history... Yayyy.

"Hey kid were you going and what are you doing." 'Lady why do you think I'm going to do in a library like honestly come on.'

"I'm just looking for information Lady and maybe a few story and some books." 'Like seriously what do you think I'm here for.'

"Look kid your injured and you need help so why don't you stay there and let me call the hospital" 'Finally a decent hum-faunus being who is worried about a kid'

"Look lady I might not look it but I know what I'm doing and besides if you did call the hospital then the blame would be on you since your a faunus and although I appreciate you trying to help others wouldn't so it's best that you leave me alone."

'Damm the kids right and there's really nothing i could do' "Well kid you're right however if you wait I'll get the med-kit and tell me what book you want so I can get it for you."

"That... thanks it would be helpful as for the book I want umm how about things on aura and weapons and there techniques as well as dust."

"Humm alright kid just stay there also if your trying to be a huntsman then when your 10 come to be and ill unlock you're aura for you however if somebody else that you trust wants too unlock you're aura then come to me, anyway just stay there while i get the med-kit."

"Wait whats you're name I don't really want to call you Lady or something like Deery if you want and I'm not trying to be a racist it's just a nickname that I-thought-of-OK-I'm-going-to-shut-up-now."

*Time-skip brought to you by the author wondering if you got the hint, if not then you will soon.*

"Lad-Lucy it's been like and hour and a half so why wont you leave me alone, I'm trying to understand why people don't infuse Dust into the metal of there weapons and are only coat the blade, even though it's possible to infuse Dust into clothing."

"Well you see Ed your injured and as for the reason you for not infusing dust into metal is since Huntsmen and Huntresses use there aura on there weapon so its sharper, stronger and just all out better for combat however if you infuse Dust into the metal then it would cause a reaction in the Dust because of aura making an explosion or something."

"Fair enough also I was wondering if there is a way to find work while being a 4 year old and also being an orphan and before you ask no, I'm only looking for work so that way I have money and wouldn't need to live in an orphanage filled with annoying kids that are filled with kids that complain or kids that try and use others so they could succeed and leave others behind."

"I have no clue what you think I was going to ask but sure I'll see what I could do to get you a job although it will probably be pretty bad seeing as i don't have that meany connections so if your willing to wait like 2 or 3 weeks then that's when I should have something."

"Okay you have a deal so I'll see you in 3 weeks then and it's also getting late so its best if I leave now, maybe also meet the head maiden at the orphanage so I guess this is bye for now."