
The hidden Secrets (Rwby fanfic)

Second chance at life what will happen? This is my first time writing so be patient and please help.

Ed_bear · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6: Strange dreams?

(Thanks to PunchingDrywallMan, Dekuga and Cr1mson_Hal0Ultra the power stones and all those people who added the story to your collection)

Edward P.O.V

Waking up in the cupboards was strange especially after that strange dream about what... Signal and Ruby but why. Is this some sort of glimpse in the future but if it was then I would have to go to patch and if the vision was correct then it'll happen when I'm around 6 so I better prepare and if that was true.

Getting up and moving to the entrance and hoping to find a better home as although this ones good the fact that someone died and really don't want to clean the house and not to mention the the outside of the house is too intact so it would be one of the first places people would search if someone was living around here and the best place to make a base is probably a broken warehouse on the second floor as that would allow me to get a better view of my surroundings and I'll probably make my own house on patch since that's what Tai did and people seem to just accept that but for now I need to make money.

In the late morning of Vale Edward can be seen moving towards the shopping district of Vale and although on the outside it seems like sees waling fine on the inside he's clenching his teeth in pain.

'Okay Edward here's the plan look around cause a distraction steal Lien from the registry and grab as much food as possible and stuff it in the plastic bag people buy, 1... 2... 3... GO!!'

Running which resembles more like hopping and also taking out the Dagger-gun and shooting at a large display window, breaking it and causing panic and in the distraction there's a curtain Rose and candle meting for the first time.

???? P.O.V

'Yeah, training really needs to st-'I let out a loud "Oomph!" and a grunt as I slammed butt first on the floor of the mall's hallway. I couldn't help but notice that whatever hit me had to be going faster than a normal civilian.

"I'm so sorry mister!" Judging by the voice I could immediately tell that whoever slammed into me was a young girl.

I picked myself up, dusting my pants. "It's fine kid, just watch where you're go-" I paused in my speech when I finally got a look at who hit me, I stared in disbelief at the girl in front of me while I finished my sentence before it got too awkward, "-ing..."

On one hand, I did not necessarily have to stalk the home of a trained hunter and his two young daughters like some sort of creep. On the other I was now staring down at the real Roman Torchwick's red colored, silver-eyed, nemesis, Ruby Rose, albeit much younger than canon probable around 5.

Not the worst thing to ever happen, and I'll admit just a little bit of fangasming was going on under my cool looking exterior, after all, I am not a (big time) criminal right now and she probably isn't a huntress in training just yet. But I didn't want to create any divergences from canon until I was one hundred percent positive I could manipulate things into what I want to happen. Meeting Ruby now was certainly a divergence from canon.

I did not like this. How do I plan around this? Is it possible it will affect things to come in a major way? Right now I simply couldn't think that far ahead. Not yet at least. I needed to distance myself from this girl for now. But… just looking into those big, silver, adorable doe-eyes...

Taking a deep and silent breath through my nose, I couldn't help but only think of one thing that could summarize this.


"I'm really, really, really, really sorry!" Ruby repeated herself, apparently not convinced I didn't actually care all that much. She continued her rather fast paced and very animated apologizing, "My dad keeps saying I shouldn't use my semblance like that in crowded areas, that I'm going to hit someone, and then I did just now and I feel really bad right now!"

I finished dusting off my hoodie and replied, "Like I said, it's fine kid. I've got aura, so I'm better off taking that hit than someone else."

"Still…" Ruby trailed off, looking down sadly.

I mentally groaned at my misfortune, no one should have to see Ruby sad. And it's not helping to seal my criminal mastermind image I'm trying to build up when I really want to run up to her and hug her. Sighing lightly out loud I said, "Ok kid, you wanna make it up to me? Then how about you tell me why you were running around like that." While she was still looking down I discreetly pulled a cookie I bought from the cafeteria and waved it in front of her face, "Deal?"

The cookie was promptly gone from my hand with a flash of movement from the girl, she really is fast. "Deal!" she happily chirped. Once the cookie was successfully shoved down her throat she began walking down the mall's hallways, swiveling her head around as if trying to find something, me trailing along right next to her.

"So…" I prompted, trying to start the conversation.

She started, "Oh right! I'm trying to find my dad, he's a really strong hunter, and my big sis who just enrolled at Signal Academy! I lost them in the crowd a while ago after I… got distracted."

"I see," I replied, "So where did you last lose them at? This mall is pretty big, trying to find them at random will take a while."

She blushed and rubbed the back of her head bashfully, "Ahaha... I don't really remember. I wasn't paying attention to the stores."

Well, that made things more difficult than what was really needed. But I mean you have a loud, blonde sister and her big blonde father, I doubt things will be that difficult with those two frantically searching for Ruby. "Well kid, at least your family isn't trying to tear up the mall to find you."

Ruby paled as soon as I finished that sentence and held her head in her hands, "Oh my gosh! They would destroy the mall trying to find me! They get really overprotective sometimes!"

I could tell she was panicking if her unintelligible and quick babbling about nothing was any indication. It wasn't a hard guess to make and I didn't think most of those words she was speaking were in English. I should probably stop it before it gets any worse than it already was.

"Kid! Kid! Stop the panicking," I nearly shouted, taking out another cookie and shoving it in her mouth, effectively shutting her up.

Ruby chewed the treat post haste and upon swallowing she sheepishly looked up at me, "Sorry." After a few moments she tilted her head to the side, seeming to think of something for the first time, "By the way, where are you getting those cookies from?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. I waved my hands mysteriously in front of her face, making sure to keep her attention on the fancy tricks while keeping my inventory open. "Magic," I said just as one of my hands went right past her head pulled out another cookie with a flick of my wrist.

Ruby's eyes went completely bug-eyed, I could practically see stars sparkling around them as she nearly danced in place. "You're a wizard?! That's soo cool! How do you do it?!"

I smirked and gave her the cookie, which she now looked at much more reverently, "Come on kid, I gotta keep some secrets."

She pouted at me and looked about to say something else. Or she would have, at any rate, if she wasn't interrupted before she had the chance.

"Ruby!" came a sudden ecstatic voice as a small, blonde streak shot out of the crowd of people and that's when things got crazy as...



Edward P.O.V

'Shit. Of course there'd be a Huntsmen here is a Shopping mall I need to hurry and fast' I thought as this was my first time robbing a place and I'm slightly panicking.

Quickly getting the food and a handful of lien as everyone is starting to calm down which wouldn't be good as they'll soon realize that I was the cause of this.

In the corner of my eye I see Candle guarding a red dressed girl with silver eyes who also saw me and I payed that she hasn't gotten her semblance yet and of I was wrong since she burst into rose pestles and is chasing me down fast.

(Took ALLOT of inspiration from Playing Our Roles by The Grim Blade so pleas check out his's or her's work)