

justSen_thedreamer · Fantasy
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Dark fantasy Story


Let's start with that yeah... the protagonist - a normal boy who is quiet student but of course he has lot of secrets! Like that big island. Why is he there? What is going to happen when he will realize... Do you want to know what he will realize? Oh yeah he is a gay- I mean he is but that's not it- What he will realize?

Hello my Dreamers,

Before start of the book let me aware you of somethings:

1) My native language is not English. I'm just trying to improve my skills. So there will be lot of grammar mistakes - especially in the times because even I'm going to attend the exams for certificate from Cambridge, my grades are A's I speak really good, and actually my brain started thinking in English... I still don't get some times... like WHAT IS PRESENT PERFECT?? How come you guys decided 'Oh yeah let's have a time for a period when something was happening in past but is still happening in the present'


We don't have such thing in my language and that's why it is so difficult to understand it :(

So please be aware of this! I'm trying my best without any translations.

2) I don't know how to write book in English :)

I only read mangas in English but that's different so- uhum also I will try my best!

3) You should not read this story if you're under 15!!!

I'm not saying like there are gonna be so many "cruel words" or $3X scenes but you know I don't want to hurt anybody because everybody has different feelings about different things. Like bł00d- There won't be any trigger pictures though but remember this:


I thinks that's the biggest warning you need to know!

4) Also when I was writing on my old account I used brackets when I wanted to tell something as an author. They looked like this:

[• *text* •]

But I guess I will get rid of these and instead of that I will use this:

A/N = Author's notes

You can always text my on my Instagram, correct my mistakes and uhum I would be glad if you leave a comment♥︎

I have cover for this story which is uhum... let's say 'Do not judge the book of it's cover'

I was never good at graphic design :)

I'm going to introduce to my first proper male OC.

I put him in every story just like a secret character BUT NOW!


So here he is!

His name is Aura!

Just Aura he doesn't have surname (same as his creator - just Sen)

His profile is not that detailed since I'm not that good at describing persons in English as I'm in my native language.

• Name: Aura

• Occupation: Well... he is selling uhum magic mushrooms. But he's also DJ and uhum.... killer.

• Sexuality: When he was growing he didn't care so he was like uhum pansexual but then bisexual then gay then bisexual again. He even felt like a woman in one time... It was difficult to find his true sexuality but he feels amazing as gay! And he's prpud about  it ofc!

• Height: 177cm (5.8 feet)

• Weight: 71kg (156 pounds)

• Hair color: His natural color is black but he dyed them purple then blue then he went back to black but with pink highlights then pink all the way... and yeah uhum many many more- But right now he has black hair with dark blue highlights

• Hair style: He always had short hair but back when he dyed them white he let them grow... but then he cut them again so now his hair is short but not too much.

• Eye color: light purple

• Distinguishing features: Of course he has a scar on his chin and his right wrist when he is a killer- xD

• Tattoos: For your surprise he doesn't have them. He's scared of needles-

• Clothing style: Well well well... he's that type that looks like a bad boy: dark baggy clothes with chains, that fake leather jacket... but I swear he sometimes wears cute colored clothes~

• Accessories: He wears them a lot especially earrings.

• Birthday: 22.4. (but year works there differently, don't worry I will describe it in the story)

• Birthplace: small village called Ashtonfield

• Hometown: Ashtonfield Village

• Current Residence: suburbs of QuanMaBurgh (just Quan)

• Education: - He never studied at school - his parents taught him everyday.

• Childhood: mournful and strict

• Family: no one already

• Pet: little creature (like a slime), black with red eyes, cutie named Polly (nobody know it's gender... so it's just Polly)

• Best memory: with his little creature

• Worst memory: He killed his parents

• Rivals: The God of Darkness

• Fears: losing someone, darkness

• Secrets: His occupation and the fact he's gay

• Best character trait: kindness

• Worst character trait: sometimes he's just emotionless

• Hobbies: killing people, petting his little creature

• Habits: smoking, licking his lips too often

• Addictions: nikotin, wine

• Allergies: -

• Favorite food: sweets

• Favorite drink: red wine

• Favorite book: -

• Favorite sport: killing-?

• Favorite animal: Polly

• Favorite color: purple and black