

justSen_thedreamer · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1. Thoughts about Him

Aura's pov:

  Beautiful day - best for go to the port and sell some magic mushrooms! So I grabbed my black leather bag but unfortunately there weren't left any of my products.

  'Shit.' I whispered for my myself and then I slammed my fist into the table. Not gonna lie it hurt but this is not the moment for being crying child. I need to go to my base for drugs. I ran downstairs and unlocked the heavy metal door. I remember when I was young, parents always told me to never open them especially in night. Now I know why but it's not big deal thou- Just monster are appearing there, nothing that I - Aura - can't handle it! One of them actually became my own pet. It name is Polly.


  'Hi Polly!' I said excitedly like I saw it many weeks ago. It didn't answer to me. Of course it can't speak what did you think? Stupid humans-

  'I just need somethings.' I explained to it when it looked angrily to me.

  'I'll be back home soon today and then I'll be only with you, okay? I swear!' I smiled at Polly and it smiled at me. What a sudden change of emotions. Like me- It jumped into my arms and I hugged it.

  'Okay but if you want me to come back home soon, you will need to let me go.' I warned it and hoped it will understand me. Of course it did, Polly is the best!

  'See you later,' I said and smiled again. Then I went deep into this room-? Actually it's not a room. I would describe this as a cave which leads to an island? Yeah sounds right. Now time for taking my supplies. I rushed from cave to that island and started looking for my speciality! Thanks god there's still few of them! This customer is super crazy rich so I'm glad I don't have to make new ones since I'm kinda busy these days. Although I like being this busy I would love to just rest and cuddle with Polly! Hope it will happen tonight!

  I grabbed the product and then I went back to my bedroom. Time for finding the best outfit! Hmm... I was wondering a while and then I chose just a shirt with long sleeves, leather jacket and tight jeans - all in black of course.

  'Damn, I look so good! Hopefully a sexy boy will notice me!" I said to myself while I was looking at the mirror.

I smiled but then I just sighed. It doesn't matter how much I will try, they won't date me. I just wonder it is because of me or- or... Fuck I don't know- I just want to feel loved and be with a boy who cares about and many more, like going out with him, cuddles and kisses, of course that I want sex with him! But also feel comfortable around so I won't need to put make-up on like right now!

I always imagine my prince as a blondie sexy boy with athletic body who seems like a serious man but actually is a kitty inside. I'm not sure if he should be top or bottom - I like both sides. I hope my prince will appear one day!

  Okay I have perfect ourfit and perfect make-up! Ready to go! Oh wait wait wait- not ready yet! I need to take some thing with me! The drugs especially. But also phone, keys, condom and tissues (you never know, right?), bottle of water because I'm always thirsty (and not in the way ur thinking, perverted human) and some uhum... knives ('cause you also never know). So now I'm definitely ready!