
The Heartless Heiress: Unveiling the Mystery

As the Heartless Heiress, I stand apart, shrouded in mystery. Malevolent forces seek to exploit my abilities, but as I uncover the truth, I find a potent prophecy linked to my heartless nature. The prophecy speaks of someone who possesses the power to either destroy or save the world by unlocking a mysterious force. I must navigate the treacherous world of magic and power, facing off against dark forces and making impossible choices. I must confront my fears and insecurities and trust in my own abilities. With the help of allies, I will unravel the mystery and discover the purpose of my powers. Follow me, Ylrza Ravenfolds as I embark on a journey like no other, in a world where anything is possible, and where even the impossible can come to life.

mtano92 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


A mysterious figure, a father, stood before his son, a mixture of excitement and threat in his voice. "Are you ready? You're about to meet her today."

The son replied emotionlessly, "Yes, I've been preparing for this for a long time."

The father's eyes gleamed with a dangerous light. "Good, because I expect obedience from you. Remember, I hold your life and your mother's life in my hands. Hahaha!" he laughed demonically.

The father's laughter echoed through the room, a cruel, maddening sound that threatened to drive the son to his knees. But he stood firm, his gaze fixed upon the man before him.

The son struggled with the overwhelming urge to lash out at the man before him, who he saw as a monster and a devil in disguise. He couldn't comprehend how someone so cruel and evil could exist in the world.

The son stood tall, his eyes meeting his father's with fierce determination. The father's eyes narrowed, sensing the defiance in his son's gaze. "Why do you look at me like that?" he growled, his voice filled with anger.

"Do not test me, my son," the father warned, his voice cold and menacing. "I have the power to take everything away from you, to strip you of your very essence, and leave you with nothing."

The son stood his ground, unafraid. He could feel his own aura starting to awaken, a power that he had kept dormant for so long. It was time to put an end to his father's reign of terror. "No, I don't have a problem. YOU are the problem," the son declared, trying to overwhelm his father's aura with his own.

The father's face contorted in fury, his eyes blazing with anger. "What did you say?" he roared, lunging forward with a raised hand. Just as he was about to unleash his wrath, a loud knock echoed through the room. The father paused, his hand still raised, as he turned to face the source of the disturbance.

His father's eyes narrowed in annoyance as he strode towards the door. With a rough yank, he threw it open, revealing a trembling servant on the other side. The servant's eyes were wide with fear as they fell upon the imposing figure of the father.

"What the hell do you want?" the father bellowed, his voice echoing through the halls of the mansion.

"Sir, Mr. Twistre is looking for you," the servant answered, his voice shaking with fear.

The father's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Why are you telling me this now?" he snapped, his voice sharp and unforgiving.

The servant stammered, "Well, sir, I was just informed by Mr. Twistre's messenger and I thought it best to inform you immediately."

The father sneered, his lip curling in disdain. "Get lost! You're useless," he spat, dismissing the servant with a flick of his wrist.

The servant scrambled away, his eyes downcast as he hurried down the hall, afraid to even look back at the wrathful figure of his master. The son watched the scene unfold, a mixture of anger and disgust churning in his gut. This was the kind of monster that he was dealing with, a cruel and heartless man who held the lives of those around him in his hands.

The son quickly glanced around, searching for a way out. He spotted the window and made a run for it. As he reached the window, he felt his father's aura stirring, sensing his escape. With a burst of adrenaline, the son leaped out of the window and onto the rooftop. He didn't look back, knowing that if he did, he would be lost to his father's power.

The father's cruel smirk faded as he watched his son flee, filled with anger and frustration. He had high expectations for his offspring, but it seemed that the boy was not as obedient as he had hoped.

He had put too much time and effort into his plan to let a rebellious son get in his way. He would have to take care of the problem himself.

With a sinister gleam in his eye, the father stood up and headed outside. It was time to teach his son a lesson he wouldn't soon forget.

The son ran as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel his father's aura closing in on him, trying to overwhelm him and bring him back under control. But the son was determined. He had to break free from his father's grasp and protect his mother from any further harm.

As he reached the edge of the rooftop, the son prepared to jump to the next building. But just as he was about to make the leap, he felt a sudden surge of power, stronger than anything he had ever felt before. It was like a blast of energy that coursed through his veins, giving him the strength and courage to face his father head-on.

With a fierce roar, the son unleashed his own aura, a brilliant light that surrounded him and pushed back against his father's power. The two auras clashed in a fierce battle, each trying to overpower the other. But the son's aura was fueled by his fierce determination, and it slowly began to gain the upper hand.

The son's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan to stop his father. He focused all of his energy, trying to unleash his own aura and overwhelm his father's dormant power.

But his father was too strong. His aura was no match for his father's overwhelming power. With a flick of his wrist, the father sent the son flying through the air, slamming into a nearby tree.

The son's body was wracked with pain as he tried to catch his breath. He looked up to see his father towering over him.

He was livid with anger, his eyes burning with cruelty. He stepped forward, the air around him crackling with overwhelming power.

The son felt his chest tighten as if a vice was being tightened around him. He struggled to breathe, feeling his father's aura suffocating him.

"You think you can defy me?" his father sneered. "I control everything, including your life and your mother's. Don't ever forget that." The son gasped for air, feeling the weight of his father's power crushing him. He couldn't move, couldn't speak, trapped by his father's aura.

"You will do as I say, or suffer the consequences," his father warned, his voice cold and menacing.

The son felt his will slowly being stripped away, his thoughts clouded by his father's power. He knew he had no choice but to obey, to do what his father wanted.

His mother watched from the sidelines, her eyes filled with fear and sadness. She had always known his father's cruelty, but she never imagined the extent of his power.

The son realized then that he was truly at the mercy of his father. He was trapped, controlled by his father's overwhelming power and his mother's fear. He was a prisoner, a puppet to be used as his father pleased.

He felt a surge of anger, of frustration, but it was quickly quashed by his father's aura. He was powerless, a mere pawn in his father's twisted game.


Ylrza shivers as she steps into the chilly water of the shower, the heater had broken down. She grumbles to herself, not used to cold showers, as she is easily prone to getting sick. She was weak and sensitive, which was why her family never let her go outside. She wondered why did they suddenly change their minds?

As she dries off and puts on her shorts and t-shirt, Ylrza takes a moment to examine her school uniform. It's simple yet stylish, a white long-sleeved blouse with two buttons at the neck, a light blue vest, and a white and blue checkered skirt that falls just above the knee. She tucks in her blouse and puts on the vest, adjusting the matching blue ribbon. The dark blue coat with the school logo on the left breast completes the outfit, along with a pair of black school shoes.

With a cold, unemotional demeanor, Ylrza descended the grand staircase of the Ravenfolds mansion, her thoughts turning towards the absent maid she had summoned earlier. Her mother was already busy in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

As Ylrza approached, her mother's gaze flicked up and she let out a surprised chuckle. But Ylrza remained impassive, her face a mask of indifference. She took her seat at the table, unfazed by her mother's outburst, and began to calmly consider her next move.

"What's so funny, Mom?" Ylrza asks, trying to keep a straight face.

Ylrza ignored her and sat down to eat, but her mother pulled her back up. "You're going to school like that? Pfft," she said, still trying to control her laughter.

Ylrza couldn't help but wonder when she would experience that kind of laughter. What did it feel like?

Her mother's expression suddenly changed and she looked at Ylrza as if she knew what she was thinking. Wait, was she hearing her thoughts again?