
Chapter 2| People Hunting

I felt a heavy thing getting thrown on me, so I just started pushing and punishing the thing.

"Millicent...stop!" I heard Caroline screaming as I realized that she was the bean bag I have been punching.

"Sorry, you know how the way I feel when someone wakes me." I said giving her a hand to get up.

"It's okay, jeez Millicent, have you been training or what?" She said sarcastically taking my hand.

"Al, thinks I need some exercise." I smirked

"Okay then I got the horses!"

We went outside and found two brown horses, I got on one, so did she, and we headed to the forest.

Let me just explain the game, it's called "people hunting", it's all about riding on anything like a horse or a carriage, then we go to the forest collecting sticks, and stones or whatever we find, and hide, until somebody cross the forest road, and we just say creepy things with a change in our voice maybe throw some sticks or something, you can say we pretend to be ghosts.

It's childish I know, but we enjoy our time playing it.

"Hey, race you at the big rock?"

"You are on!"

The big is where we had most of our time as kids, playing there or hiding from our parents, her parents.

"I win!" I screamed getting off the horse and trying to find her.

"Ahhhhhhhh" I got paralyzed hearing the voice come over me, when someone attacked me.

"It's not funny." I said looking at Carolina who was dead laughing and I am barely holding my lips down from a smile.

The big rock was in the middle flood the forest, and a small lake beside it with a bunch of old trees gathered around it.

"Okay, take some sticks hurry."

We had our sticks in a bag and rode again on our horses. As usual, we stood in a point in the forest where we can see the village market from the backside.

"So, um...I was thinking...maybe after the game, we could go meet some people, you know"

"Like...what exactly kind of people?" Caroline was always keen on meeting new people and she was so friendly, I don't even try to know the name of my neighbor.

Like I have any...

"Please Millicent, I would love so much to meet new people and I would like if you do too."

"Well yes sure, at the time we have a chance to meet new ones we will." I tried to end the discussion.

"Well, I kind of met some." She slowly enough "Their names are Tommy and Helena and Keith who by the way is really cute." She said quickly while looking at me and made her best puppy face.


"Yay" she cheered clapping her hands "We can go meet them after the hunt" she said making an evil funny face at the last word.

We waited for like fifteen minutes and after we got bored we started making up our minds to leave and play it in day which someone could finally pass this freaking road.

"No wait" Caroline said to me putting her hands on my face, there was somebody crossing the road.

I had a big stick ready in my hand, and raised my hand with it waiting for the right time to strike.

"Wait!" I heard Caroline interrupting me again as I watched her get out from behind the bush we were hiding behind, and going giggling to the unknown stranger I was just going to hit with my stick.

"What the- Caroline!" I too got from behind the bush angry

I heard her having a conversation with the stranger though I couldn't realize any words from behind my anger.

"Yes, I know!" I heard her telling the stranger as I stood right beside her facing her.

"Hey, this Millicent I told you guys about." She smiling, turning eyes from me to him.

"Millicent meet Tommy, Tommy, Millicent." She said cheerful enough

"Hello, Millicent nice to meet you." Said the boy with dark hair, and brown eyes, named Tommy.

"Hey guys, over here!" He said and I just realized his British accent he spoke with

Two other human beings showed up as Tommy shouted. The first was a girl with long blonde hair and pair of green eyes, the second was a boy with brown, short hair and brown eyes. I guessed that those three were at least the same age as me and Caroline.

"Hey" Both of them said slowly looking to Caroline and Tommy and then me.

"Hi guys, meet Millicent, Caroline'a friend."

"Hey, Millicent!" The both of them said to me with a strange friendly act, I didn't expect people to be friendly in this village!

"Hello" I said awkwardly

"So, what are you guys up to?" Caroline probed

"We were just heading to the center of the forest." Tommy answered with a shake of his shoulders.

"Would you guys like to come?" Helena begged

"Could we?" Caroline begged with best puppy face she mastered lately

"Fine..." I finally said

We walked with them after we leashed our horses to a tree nearby, no one said a word but the walk was filled with laughing, as they made stupid stuff as they walked. Keith jumped on tree trunk thinking it was strong enough to hold up his weight, Tommy went after him, but in the moment Tommy stood under Keith to get up with him, the tree trunk broke making Keith fall on Tommy and over them both the large tree trunk.

"Stupid humans!" We heard a Chipmunk say angrily which made the laughing burst out louder.

"A little help?" Keith frowned

Helena and I got away the trunk, and they got up, being attacked by a chipmunk with his nuts.

They went on running and laughing, until we couldn't find any nuts tracing them again. We continued walking.

Me and Caroline were surprised as we found ourselves at the big rock, it's seems like we weren't the only ones to spend our time here.

"So, what do we do?" Caroline asked excitedly.

"We can camp her tonight, what do you guys say?" Keith wondered

"It's a good idea to me" Tommy agreed, settling himself between two large tree roots.

I took some time to think it over, but it was okay to hang out with some friends, right? After all, tomorrow was my day off work so I my free to have some fun.

"Yeah, why not." I finally spoke.

"She talks!" Keith happily noted

I rolled my eyes "Of course I talk, sorry if I disappointed you thinking I was mute." They giggled

"We have enough food, so..." he began thinking "We can sit around and tell scary stories tell we fall asleep." He said cheerfully

We all settled ourselves around Tommy who was still sitting between the tree roots, Helena sat beside Tommy, Keith sat beside her and then Me and Caroline.

We sat in silence in a moment, apparently they were trying to remember any story to tell but they failed.

"Mhmm." Keith's voice broke the silence "I remembered a story I was told by my mother when I was younger." We all leaned forward to listen

"You guys of course know the witches that lived in the other side of the village?" He began, we nodded "Okay then, um... long ago, like more than a 100 years or something, there was a witch that lived there." He paused for a second.

"She hated the village she lived in so much so she went away, when she arrived here, she found us, normal people." I had to bit my lip to hold up my laughing about how serious he looked while he was storytelling

"She lived here for a while then she discovered that she hated this part of the village too." Some of them giggled, he rolled his eyes

"Anyways, she knew she would hate the next village she was going to go and the next one, and the next one, so an idea blast out to her! Maybe there was another world she could go to." He narrowed his eyes, which made Helena imitate him with a rather funny expression on her face causing us to laugh.

He rolled his eyes again and continued "So, she made a gate with her magic and spells, the end." He ended boringly.

"A gate to what?" I questioned

"A gate to another world." He said simply