
Chapter 1| Elaria

"Ughh, stop that, stop it!" I said pushing the pillow harder to my head, trying to ignore that little bird, which can't stop squeaking on the top of my bed.

"If I wasn't the one who wake you up every morning, we weren't going to see you until night time, wake up, wake up darling." He said whistling a little song into my ear again; he had a very deep voice for a little, blue bird like him.

"Five more minutes!"

"It's already 6 am, get up and get some exercise, come on!" He said jumping over me.

"Plus, if you didn't get up early, Mrs. Foster is going to get really mad on you, and she'll take your job away, and she was the only one to hire you and...."

"And... I am up" I interrupted, removing the pillow from over my face and getting up.

I've been hearing the same words from him, since I got the job. It isn't like I can't do anything, but I always get fired for not sticking to the rules.

I stood in the middle of my small room yawning, I got some water to wash my face then I wore my working gown. It was kind of a brown dress, which you would simply know what I do for living.

I am a maid.

Very fun if you asked me; like the worst job in the world kind of fun, but it was my only option.

I opened the door and prepared some eggs for breakfast. I sat down eating, very fast, as I realized I was late, again.

I ran outside my small cottage in the forest, trying to beat time. I have to keep this job, it was the only job that accepted me. Thought, I worked at the palace, its better working as a maid in palace, more than working for an old mean lady, who treats you like nothing.

Anyway, I arrived there just in time, 6:30! It's sounds as a good day after all.

"Here is my favorite boy; don't you want a treat boy?" I said patting the farm dog, which was standing in front of the servants' door.

"You're in time! Well that's a record." He said, and I rolled my eyes smiling.

I pushed the door which led directly to kitchen. I found some biscuits in a box in the kitchen, I don't steal or anything, but those biscuits were rather cracked or burned, so it won't going to be served to the royal of course. I took a good piece from it, and fed it to Ted, the dog, before anybody notice. He was a white dog and tall like a horse, but he looked happy as little puppy, with this biscuit.

I went pretending I was busy working, as Mrs. Foster entered; searching for me I think.

"Well, that's the spirit I want!" She said smiling to me and patting my shoulder hard, I smiled back. "You will have to tide up this hair before going to your work!" She said holding up some of my hair.

My hair was black, long, and always untidy with its curls everywhere, I loved it that way, never liked to tie it up. I had to of course so I just grabbed an old strip that I found in my dress pocket and tied it up.

Everyone gathered around Mrs. Foster, to hear what their duties are today.

"BOB!" She shouted every name hard enough for your heart to skip a beat. "You clean the stable, JOE! You clean the outside windows."

I let my mind go for a moment, and I didn't expect that I went daydreaming for so long until I heard Mrs. Foster shouting my name.


"Here..!" I said awkwardly.

I realized I was standing with only one left, not called for her duty yet. That's means one thing, Mrs. Foster always send the last to be directly helping the queen or her daughters, in dressing, getting food, drinking whatever they want we should just obey. It also means that Mrs. Foster trusts me after all; she wouldn't send me on duty there unless she does.

Or she just hates me so much so she want to send me to the hardest job.

Because I can't also deny it was the last job for anyone to want to work, the king's two daughters are some crazy little ones.

"Millicent, Billie you two will help assisting me with the queen and her daughters today." We both nodded

"I don't want you to do anything stupid." She stopped glaring at me like she was interrupted by an invisible person.

"I won't do anything, I promise!"

"You better not."

And with Billie, who seemed to be a person with little words, we went after Mrs. Foster.

As we just got in front of the door that separates, the servants' area from the rest of the castle, the ring of the second room rang which was the queen and king's youngest daughter's, Elaria.

She is 18, same age as me. She is always screaming and yelling at everyone for no particular reason.

We went upstairs, and as just as we began to knock, the screaming started.

"That's mine, you hear me!!" She yelled at her older sister Veronica who was crazy herself, but not as Elaria.

"Okay then take it!" Veronica said calmly throwing a pink brush in her face.

"Why are you so late?" Elaria shouted at us, I was going to tell her that we weren't late at all and I was going to get a little bit angry on the way she talked to us, but I remembered that I promised, I won't do anything.

"We are very sorry for being late" Mrs. Foster said apologetically.

"Then hurry up, I don't want to wait for the rest of my life to get dressed up!"

We hurried up, not saying a single word. We put on her the dress she will wear for breakfast, Mrs. Foster tied up her hair.

Veronica on the other hand, did everything by herself; she also to my surprise was very polite to us, unlike Elaria.

I spent the rest of the day, picking up Elaria'a fork when she dropped "unintentionally". I had to clean her shoes whenever a piece of dirt came over it, in her walk in the garden.

I can't say it like the best day, of my life, but the best are yet to come.

I returned home, back to my small cottage. Seeing Alfred, the little blue bird, still singing, but this time he had his band with him.

"Hey, Al." I greeted exhaustedly.

"Hello, darling" he said with this suspicious accent of his, I smiled back and continued walking, hearing their little concert as I went in.

"Surprise!" Caroline shouted happily

"It really doesn't count as a surprise, if I see you in the 24 hours everyday in the week." I said smirking

Caroline wasn't just my best friend, we also grew up together, and we two grew up in the same circumstances.

"Hey! Al, thank you for not ruining the surprise!"

"No problem, dear."

"He so polite to be a bird." She whispered to me taking a muffin from the wooden table in the middle of the cottage, she was sitting on.

"How was your day?" She said slowly enough for me to get back through all the miserable moments.

"The queen's daughter, ELARIA!"

She understood all I had today, with just four words; I love her when she does that.

"Oooh, tell me, what she did! Was she so mean, Well her mother is, but is she?" She was always so excited for anything.

"She is like an evil baby! You can't leave her alone, or she will start to yell, scream and bite."

"You know what? We have to have fun tonight!"

"Have fun? What does this word even mean..." I said leaning on the wooden table.

"Come on don't be a fun sucker, come on, we can go around the village, we can take two horses from the stable! It was always a good idea to you."


"And we are going to play the one game you always liked!"

I looked into her eyes, so she dare not say the words.

"People hunting!"

"Okay, you said it." She looked really excited, and to be honest I didn't want to burst her bubble, it was the first fun we have from one or two years.  "I will go rest now, and tonight we are going to blast it." I smiled and entered my room.