
Chapter 3| Sparkling Bubble?

I woke up, finding myself rolled in a ball beside Caroline, we all fell asleep directly after the story and of course after having some snacks.

They are nice and kind people, I am just kind of still not used to the whole 'meeting new people' thing.

I got up, and went to the lake to wash my face with some of its water. Apparently, I am the only one who woke up so early.

I rolled my eyes remembering the whole story details, he was so convincing, though of course the story was not true, it wasn't even scary.

Don't ask me how I'm sure it wasn't real, I guess I am not a believer of some myths that went around. I mean another world? Please...it's the only cliché story that he could make up at that moment.

I was sitting on the edge of the lake, while thinking and looking at my reflection in the cold water, and just then I saw a little garden fairy waving her little hands to me, I waved and smiled back.

I love those little creatures; they are pretty small and colorful, I focused a little to find her signing to me so I go to her, so I went to the tree she was standing on.

"What is it?" I asked in a whisper, when I remembered, nobody understands fairy language

She kept talking with her unknowable language, and signing with her hands, thought the only thing I heard was squeaking voices.

She stopped talking when she found out there is no hope.

Sorry little fairy.

She went hopping from a tree branch to another, waiting for me to follow her, I did.

I went after her running; I didn't know how fast those creatures can go.

After a lot of running and trying to focus on her so she doesn't get lost from me, I stopped when she did and leaned to my knees to catch my breath.

I looked around me slowly, and it happened to be, I am standing in the most beautiful place ever, how come I never saw that place?

I was standing on green grass and in front of me was a very big waterfall, with trees and...I can't believe it! There were a lot of fairies; there were fairies everywhere I looked at. The little fairy lead me to her home, but why?

As I know, nobody had known where do the fairies lived and lived.

They might be cute little things yes, but you don't want to get in their way when they get mad.

Gosh, I'm going to die...

I looked down my shoulder to find the little fairy smiling to me, and pointing towards the waterfall, I noticed that there is some space for me to get behind it, and between it and the wall of the mountain; the waterfall was falling from. I went to take a closer look.

The little fairy hopped off my shoulder and entered behind the water fall and disappeared, I went running after her, and apparently there was a cave, where the little fairy entered and where I went, after her.

I barely stepped two steps to find myself standing in front of what seemed like, um, a huge bubble?

"You got me all the way here, so you can show me your huge bubble?" I growled, rolling my eyes at her who made her way back on my shoulder and snap my ear.

"Why was that for?!" I frowned

She took my hand and stood on it, which I got that she wants me to raise my hands forward; she too raised her hand to make me stop moving. She took her little hand a placed it on the face of the bubble which made her hand disappears and I saw the bubble sparkling. She looked at me and smirked.

"So you want me to put my hand in your sparkling bubble?" I confusedly wondered.

She kept pointing her hands to her whole, tiny body.

"You want me to throw you inside of the bubble?"

She sighed,starting to lose her temper, then pointed at me.

"You want me to go inside the bubble!" I smiled with victory as finally I understood her.

"Wait, WHAT? Where does this even lead to?" I demanded and as I just finished my words I found an army of fairies running and flying towards me, to make me trip over a stone that, this evil little fairy put under me.

I saw myself falling into the blue bubble, hearing squeaking voices of victory over me as I apparently not falling down? I just tripped...

I was currently in blue path, standing in front of the entrance I just passed through.

I looked behind me to find that there was another end of the bubble I was in; I felt curiosity fly through me, wanting to know, what's in the other side of the bubble.

I am already half the way through, right? A little peak won't harm.

I looked back at my end of the bubble "It won't take long, I won't be late." I mumbled calming down myself as I walked right towards the other end.

I will come back for Caroline later, she is going to get crazy.

If she isn't already.

I put my hand through it then my head, then my whole body.