

It's dark in here; everything is broken and shattered beside me. I look for my friends, family and the ones I love, and their light from inside is turning grey. Where am I? What should I do?

I am in the real world, and it looks like I should surrender to darkness as everyone else around me. They are encouraging me to turn grey like them, because after all I am the only lighting spirit in front of them. I am the only different, I am the difference they should turn into, but instead, they treat me like a freak.

Every dark figure looks up in the air, which let me see the whole truth in their eyes, the ugly truth. They need lightness in their life, and if they don't have one as they were completely darkened, I should lead them to it.

Am I the only one? A question I always ask myself. I would like to meet the other darkness warriors, to fight with them. They are near; I am sure, only not near enough for me to see them. For now, I am my own army with my sword of spark I should fight. No one should stop me, after all isn't it for their own good?

I am beginning to shatter; I am letting my light go away, but only to shine brighter. I am shining brighter than ever, and it's enough for everyone around, for everyone and everything who accepts the light.

There are still people who run from the light and there are ones who never saw it. I can't help those who run, but I will reach who are far from me, waiting for their day to be woken up to be lightening again or for the first time.

I am shining, brighter than ever.