
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

War: The Departure And Cry Of War

It was the peaceful noon of the spring. The bright sun was directly above the green forest. The sunlight was not too hard nor too soft making the sunlight perfect for people.

The animals roam around the forest peacefully enjoying the noon. The herbivores played with each other in groups while the carnivores hunted them for food.

Suddenly breaking the peaceful environment noises created by the footsteps of horses filled the path in the middle of the forest making normal animals get wary of the sound and hide.

There were a total of 26 horses and each of them was being ridden by a man who was wearing chain armor below a light iron armor with a crest of a golden lion on it along with a helmet and yellow color pants.

It was the army of Zion. The original strength of Zion's army was 151 however at that moment only 25 soldiers were left after the chaos that happened a few days ago in Zion.

Andrew was forward of those 25 soldiers also riding a horse like them however unlike them he was not riding a brown horse but a white horse.

Other than the horse the armor Andrew was wearing was also different. He was wearing heavy golden color full-body armor. He did not want to put that on however Victor and Oliver forcefully made him wear that.

Andrew sighed deeply as he felt exhausted wearing it, not because it was way too heavy, or at least it was not the only reason, the real reason was that Victor and Olivier treated him like a baby.

"Just a few attacks from me and they are done for..." Andrew mumbled.

Andrew was confident, no he was overconfident. He knew the king of Kalyra was higher in power than him in the aura, however, he also knew he had one advantage... he was stronger than any of the Kalyra in terms of magic.

Having absolute control over people or a kingdom so suddenly could make anybody go blind in power. Andrew was no different. When he noticed people feared and respected him so much he felt as if he was a God or something however in reality he was but a toad in well.

Andrew soon reached the boundary walls of the Kalyra kingdom along with his army which at that moment was just a small group of soldiers with the strength of 24 people other than Andrew.

Andrew was before the main gate of the Kalyra which was closed; however, there were no visible soldiers' guarding it.

Andrew smiled softly as he looked up at the border walls with no soldiers before turning to face Daniel "As I said the main gate would have the least security. Everyone must think we would try to invade the kingdom from the side of the broken wall."

(A/N: If you have forgotten Daniel is the soldier mentioned back in chapter 13. He is the only guy who could use Aura in the Zion kingdom other than Andrew)

Daniel nodded softly, admiring the intelligence of Andrew. He used to hate Andrew and corrupt people who abused their power however after seeing how Andrew was trying to become a good king and the way he killed every soldier who harmed commoners he became Andrew's fanboy and a loyal follower of his.

Andrew got off the horse and everyone followed his action and got off too. They all hide their horses somewhere close by to the border walls of Kaylra before standing just right in front of the entrance gate.

A few soldiers put wooden ladders on the wall before Daniel came to Andrew and gave him a blow horn "Please announce we are going to destroy their kingdom, your highness."

Andrew sighed and felt that blowing the horn and announcing one's presence was illogical before one invaded a kingdom however since it was a rule made by the Menvegr empire to blow a horn before invading he had no choice but to do it.

Andrew took a deep breath before blowing air into the blowing horn which created a sound so loud that everyone in the kingdom could hear it.

"Sire, you put too much air! We could have still invaded even after a small blow!" Daniel said loudly as everyone there grabbed their ears in pain. The sound was too loud.

When Andrew realized that he quickly put the horn away and even though he was embarrassed for not thinking that he acted calm "We don't need to hide... we will attack from the front and kill anyone who gets in the way." He tried to hide his mistake and also boost the morale of his army.

Everyone looked at Andrew amazed and impressed thinking that he was super cool and a true king for not only fighting with his soldiers but also because he fought head-on and not from behind.

Meanwhile, inside the walls of Kaylra, everyone was panicking. They expected Andrew to attack from the broken side since they knew Victor had a map of Kaylra... around 50 soldiers were guarding the broken wall and only 16 soldiers were here and there.

William, the king of kaylra, bit his lower lips from behind his helmet and quickly got on top of his horse with his army of 50 people to quickly go from the broken side to the main entrance after he shouted "GLORY WILL BE TO US! WE ARE RIGHTEOUS AND THEY ARE EVIL!" after he said that all of his soldiers also repeated the same line with full courage.

Andrew jumped up on the 8-meter wall from the bottom after strengthening his legs with the golden aura and his soldiers climbed the ladder they put earlier to get on top of the wall.

Andrew looked disappointed when he saw there were no soldiers on top of the wall 'This is their main entrance they should have at least guarded it with 10 soldiers...' He thought with a sigh.

"Sire, don't worry! I am sure there will be many soldiers for us to kill! just don't lose your interest!" Daniel tried to boost Andrew's mood which seemed to work since he actually smiled and patted his head.

"Don't worry I am very well aware of the fact we will get to kill a lot of them... but isn't it illogical for them to not guard this place at all?" Andrew asked with a voice full of curiosity.

"Um..." Daniel rubbed his chin thinking something before he answered Andrew's question "It is maybe because they lost most of their strength when you killed their 75 soldiers, sire."

"Is that so... but if their strength was so weak why did the king let his two fool sons take most of the army with them?" Andrew asked, getting more curious.

"I am not sure... but I heard the King of Kalyra loves his children too much... at the point where despite being a very righteous man he could even ignore his children's evil deeds." Daniel answered Andrew's question once again.

"I see..." Andrew opened his mouth to ask one more question but his ears suddenly twitched when he heard some horse's heavy steps coming from the front. He estimated there are around 15 people.

"I will ask the question later. They have arrived." Andrew used his aura to cover his lower legs once again with golden energy before he jumped down from the wall to the ground with a grin across his face "Finally I can have some fun!"

Andrew's soldiers also started to get down from the walls but they did not jump down like Andrew instead they used the stairs which were close by.

"Open inventory." Andrew mumbled to himself and suddenly a small golden color portal-like hole was created in the space just right next to him. It was one of the system's main functions "inventory".

Inventory was a small pocket dimension created by the system of the size of 5x5 Square meters. It could store any kind of object (non-living) as long as it could fit inside the limitation.

Andrew puts his hand inside the small portal and takes out a spear "Let's see if you are even worthy of fighting me or not!"

Andrew tossed the spear up in the air and shifted his golden-colored aura from his lower legs to his upper body (forearm and hands) before he grabbed the spear in the middle of the air.

Andrew could not cover the spear with his aura but he surely can use the aura to strengthen his arms. He pulled his arm back before throwing the spear forward with all of his strength in a rotating motion.

The spear slashed through the air creating small but powerful winds to form around it as it went forward towards the group of the soldiers of Kaylra.

The spear did not slow down at all despite the friction on it by the wind because of how much force it was thrown with by Andrew.

Unaware of their fate, the normal soldiers of Kaylra charged forward in their horses full of courage and spirit until they saw the spear coming towards them... they all saw the face of death in the spear.

It had no aura attached to it however because of the rotation, a small tornado-like structure was forming around it.

*Slash* The spear cut through the soldier in the middle of the front lines however the ones who were next to him were not saved either. They were killed by the sharp wind blade around the spear.

The spear killed everyone in its path and everything around it easily... it was too disappointing for Andrew "They all died too easily..." He sighed disappointed however as he thought there would be no fun he saw his spear returning to him with even more force than he sent the spear.

Andrew's eyes widened not in fear or surprise but in excitement and happiness. He quickly took out his sword by putting his hand inside the inventory which still was not closed.

Andrew took out an arming sword with a golden lion head handle and quickly put it in front of him to block the spear.

*Cleng* a loud sound was created when two metals met. Andrew grinded his teeth as he was pushed away by the force however he clearly was not unhappy. He felt existed... super excited!

"I should have taken out my shield!" Andrew said loudly as he felt the wind blades around the spear trying to cut his body. If it was not for the armor he was wearing he surely would have gotten serious injuries from the beginning of the fight.

That showed that the golden armor was not normal. It was a magic item and one of the lost treasures of Zion that had only been founded by Victor recently. It had the power to create a barrier around its wearer giving 100% resistance to the opponents lower in the realm than the wearer's realm, 75% resistance to the same realm, and 50% resistance to one realm above. After that, it was useless, just like normal armor.

Andrew was pushed back further and further until he used his brain and applied all the force on the top of the spear metal part and jumped up on the spear's handle and then jumped forward to land on the ground.

After Andrew landed on the ground he heard the loud noise of the wall getting crushed. He slowly moved his head back and saw the spear stuck deep inside the wall with a giant hole in the wall.

"Andrew! I shall take revenge for my children!" William shouted from a distance as he had his forearms and arms covered in the red-colored aura.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! ^^

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