
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

War: King Of Kalyra and Announcements

The King, the ministers, the advisory, and the commander of Kalyra sat together in the council room around the wooden table with serious expressions on their faces.

"Your highness... are you sure we should use the barbarian path in this war?" Asked one of the advisors looking at the king.

The King was tall and a very muscular man. He had a fair skin tone and short blueish-white hair similar to that of his children. He was covered in scars that were clearly visible through the green loosened robe he was wearing.

He was a handsome man that was undeniable however his handsomeness was mostly coming from the buffed muscles and the weird charisma of manliness he had around him thanks to all those scars on his body and one big scar on his face.

The King shifted his blue sapphire-like eyes towards the advisor and nodded before explaining his intentions.

"If... they do what they promise in the letter then we will definitely win. If Victor was on the battlefield then we would have zero percent of winning."

"But Sire," said the commander calmly "We will be risking our civilian life then. Please think again."

The King looked down at the Parchment and read it again thinking about what he should do. He was mad... although there was no anger outside he was burning in rage from inside. He did not want to let go of the chance to kill Andrew because after all, that man hurt all of his children.

"Hey dear father-in-law, oh wait, hey a guy who might have become my father-in-law. So I am not going to write this letter properly but if you're offended then do what you can! I don't give a shit!

Anyways, so, I wrote this letter to tell you we have sent it to the church already and the date is... well you will know soon enough.

As you already know we got Victor so there ain't no way you can ever win or even fight back. He can wipe out your kingdom with closed eyes but... it won't be fun now will it be?

And so I will give you a chance to fight back and survive. If you fulfill the requirements I wrote below then I promise to not bring Victor into this war.


1. Request the church to allow this war to be fought in a barbaric way.

2. Choose the point of the war in your kingdom.

Not many requirements right? So just accept them and Zion will give you a chance to survive.

-The King Of Zion, Andrew-Z-Caesar."

The King clenched his fist and in anger crumbled the letter. He could feel the arrogance of the person who wrote the letter by just reading it. Especially when Andrew wrote it informally.

"It is decided. We will fight using the barbaric path and win the war. As for the civilians, we will temporarily hide them somewhere else."

The council members looked at each other and nodded while sighing in their minds before saying "We will follow your command sire."

While the Kalyra was mourning because of so many deaths, Zion was cheering and hailing their king because of the announcement and decisions he made publicly.

Victor and Oliver gathered the commoners with the help of soldiers on the middle level of the Zion where normal houses of previous soldiers were located.

There were a total of 4301 people gathered in the middle level below the stairs of the level crossing including the maids and the soldiers.

The original population of Zion that year exceeded 6500 people however many died at the hands of ministers and even more died of the chaos that soldiers created not too many days ago.

The people were muttering to each other in confusion and asked what that was about. Since Victor was very friendly to the civilians without any fear many commoners talked to Victor however not even Victor knew the reason why Andrew asked to gather everyone there.

Andrew appeared on the lower stairs with his arms behind his back and wearing a calm expression on his face. He looked down upon them and waited for Victor or someone to announce his presence; however, everyone was too busy muttering to each other and thus no one noticed him.

Seeing how no one looked at him Andrew decided to do a fake cough to gain their attention "*Ahem*" however it was not loud enough so annoyed he did it even louder "*Ahem!*"

Victor hearing the cough quickly looked at

the direction of the sound and seeing Andrew there he cleared his throat himself before announcing Andrew's presence.

"His highness has arrived! kneel and show respect to the sun of the Zion!"

Everyone kneeled down in the direction of the stairs where Andrew was standing and started to hail his name half-heartedly. Most if not all of them had no respect for Andrew however since it was Victor who told them to do so they just kneeled down.

"Hail the king! Hail the sun of Zion!" They said together.

"You may raise." Andrew said calmly, looking down upon them. Hearing that they all started to slowly get up and after standing they looked up at Andrew.

Andrew was wearing a gentle expression on his face as he kept looking down at them while standing straight there with his arms behind his back.

Everyone could not help but notice how handsome that man really was. Since Andrew hardly got out of the kingdom it was obvious except for the maids hardly any other commoner would have seen Andrew ever.

Especially while wearing the white robe embroidered with golden thread that exposed most of Andrew's upper body. Andrew's shoulders, chest, and abs were completely visible.

"I am here to make very important announcements today and I don't want to be interrupted by anybody so maintain silence."

They looked at each and just nodded before one of them said "As you command, your highness." with a bit of hesitation and confusion.

"I as the king of Zion decrease the taxes from ninety percent to forty percent."


There was silence. A complete silence.

Everyone took a solid ten seconds before they realized what Andrew said. Their eyes widened in surprise and confusion but before they had a chance to completely comprehend the situation Andrew made another announcement.

"I as the king of Andrew give each one of you a proper house in the middle level of the zion and those who could not get it here will be transferred down to the lower level; however, the houses will be ruined but a proper well-built house. Oliver is responsible for this task."

Hearing that everyone got even more amazed. They were not even sure how they should react to the situation or Andrew anymore.

"As for the last announcement, I will be going to war. If I had Victor with me then I would surely win with my eyes closed but to gain gold from the treasury of Kalyra I promise them to not bring Victor with me if they choose the barbarian way of war... I am risking my life to get enough money to fix those houses. I know it's not something enough for your suffering and the death of your family but... that's all I can give you. I promise... to make his kingdom paradise for you and your future descendants so... please forgive me for all the wrongdoings of the past."

After giving the lecture Andrew slowly started to bow, however before he could bow Victor quickly ran up towards him and stopped as the civilian started to say "No! No!"

Zion people were simple, innocent, and naive... just by some nice and smooth talking they melt and fall for the smooth talker. Andrew was very well aware of that fact after he witnessed how easily the soldiers take an oath of loyalty by just some nice words coming from Andrew's mouth.

"Sire..." Victor said looking at Andrew as Victor held Andrew's shoulder to stop him from bowing "Please do not."

"Sire please do not! We understand your feelings!"

The civilians said together trying to stop Andrew from bowing. In the history of Zion, no ruler has ever kneeled in front of civilians.

Andrew was calmed down by them and then Andrew confronted his civilians explaining his plans for them such as how they should claim their house and such.

The two kingdoms in the war had two completely different environments... It was almost unreal.

To be continued...


(A/N: For those who have not noticed; This world has two different ways of speaking. Formal and informal similar to the Korean language.

Example of the formal way: Sire, I beg you... please do not make this decision.

Example of the informal way: Sire, please don't make this decision.

Yes, I was not making Andrew say "don't" and Victor "do not" to gain more word count. I did that to make things more realistic.


Thank you for reading! ^^

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