
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

War: A Fight Of Monsters (I)

Andrew was pushed back more and more by the spear until he used his brain and applied all the force on the top of the spear metal part and jumped up on the spear's handle and then jumped forward to land on the ground.

After Andrew landed on the ground he heard the loud noise of the wall getting crushed. He slowly moved his head back and saw the spear stuck deep inside the wall with a giant hole in the wall.

"Andrew! I shall take revenge for my children!" William shouted from a distance as he had his forearms and hands covered in the red-colored aura.

Andrew was not a bit scared. Instead, he greeted William with a big smile on his face "I would like to see you try, father-in-law!"

"Don't call me that you bastard!"

William shouted from a distance and got up on the horse before jumping forward as he transferred his red aura from his hands to his lower legs. That way he could get to Andrew faster although it wasted his energy.

Andrew calmly waited for William as Andrew's soldiers came down to the ground from the wall and charged toward William's soldier.

Andrew and William stood in front of each other as their soldiers fought each other. Andrew was smiling while William was grinding his teeth in anger under his helmet.

Very surprisingly Andrew's soldiers were overpowering William's soldiers because of Daniel. He was the only one who could use the aura after all... however although he was just a beginner tier 1 aura user he was a monster in the eyes of normal soldiers.

If the commander of Kalyra was present there at that time the result would have been very different however William ordered the commander to take the normal civilians away and hide them somewhere.

William took his helmet off and glared at Andrew's red ruby-like eyes with his sapphire-like eyes full of hatred and anger. William wanted to crush Andrew's head as fast as he could.

"You bastard... I treated you as my own child before! but now you dare to kill my sons and ruin my daughter's life!?"

Andrew was looking up at William's face with a big smirk across his face. In the response to William's statement, Andrew just said "Meh." and pointed his sword at William.

"I am not here to talk. I am here to fight you old man so just stop the bullshit and let's just fight to the death!"

William got even angrier hearing Andrew's response. If Andrew had apologized and paid respect to the twins along with the soldiers of Kalyra he had killed William was ready to forgive him and stop the fight for sake of his daughter however it seemed like that was not possible.

"Then..." William gripped the handle of his long sword tightly with both of his hands before pointing its tip against Andrew as he did it to him; however, since William's sword was bigger it reached Andrew's throat.

"Ho..." Andrew smiled and took a step back before suddenly throwing a kick toward William's belly.

William subconsciously by his intuition jumped back instead of pushing his sword forward and cutting Andrew's throat. It was too sudden and got William off guard causing him to make such a foolish mistake.

Andrew followed his instinct and jumped forward at William and swung his sword toward William's neck to cut it off, but William raised his hand and blocked the attack using his forearm strengthened by his aura.

Andrew did not give William a chance to think much and attacked him once again. Andrew quickly threw a punch toward William's ribs with his fist covered in his golden aura.

William jumped back and avoided Andrew's attack but that time he was calm and put his sword forward towards Andrew's stomach when he saw Andrew jump at him once again.

Andrew was caught off guard because of his low experience in combat and ended up bumping into the tip of William's sword; however, thanks to his armor with a protective barrier around it, he did not receive any damage at all.

To actually hurt Andrew, William would have needed to swing his sword at him directly with full force however it was not the cause thus Andrew was completely unharmed.

Andrew did not stop when he realized William's sword did not do any damage to him and swung his sword left to right at William aiming for his ribs.

That was the first time William encountered a fight where the opponent acted so freely and brutally without any fear of pain. That was like he was fighting against a beast who only relied on his instincts and nothing more.

William was thrown to the right after getting hit by Andrew's attack. William's armor was cut like butter and if it was not for William's quick reaction time and covering his chest with his aura he would surely have gotten a serious injury by that attack.

William looked at Andrew who was giggling softly like a maniac as he walked forward towards him. Andrew surely can be considered a crazy man who loved fighting.

"Oi oi oi!" Andrew said loudly "If your spirit is broken so easily it won't be fun! I want a fight, you know!" Andrew raised his hand and swung his sword from up to down creating a wind blade, but William easily shook it off with his forearm which he quickly covered with his aura.

"Like I will be defeated so easily!" William held his sword closer to his chest before he charged forward toward Andrew. He started to swing his sword and aimed at vital parts of Andrew, however, every single attack got blocked by Andrew it surely was not easy for him to block those attacks though.

Andrew was getting overwhelmed and pushed back by William's balanced and experienced swordsmanship which might seem illogical at first since Andrew was able to fight back very well before however, that was only because William underestimated Andrew.

Andrew smiled in the face of danger and struggled to fight back against William's swordsmanship without any care because he knew William would not be able to hurt him easily because of the barrier made by golden armor.

"That's what I am talking about!" Andrew smiled brightly and clashed his sword with William without any care. Anybody could notice how Andrew did not know how to use a sword at all thanks to the way he swung his sword so carelessly and even sometimes ended up losing the grip on the handle.

Andrew would have gotten hella injured and defeated already if it was not for the golden armor he was wearing. William was getting super annoyed by the armor, however, he did not stop fighting back. He kept swinging his sword and tried his best to find a weak point of the armor, however, he kept failing.

"Thanks for helping me grow!" Andrew said that as he saw many notifications from the system appearing in front of him. It was all about his physical power growing. They were all 0.01 increase however since it was flooding Andrew's vision it surely would have been 2 or 3 whole number increase.

William felt more and more annoyed and also humiliated by the way Andrew was treating this fight. He really wanted to kill Andrew.

They both exchanged swords for over two minutes by now however none of those monsters were tired at all despite using such strength. The surrounding ground started to crack by the impact of their swords, however, it didn't matter to them at that moment.

'This bastard...' William thought as he realized suddenly he was the one who was defending and Andrew was the one who was attacking 'Is that what they call... genius?'

William saw a large mountain before him and on that large mountain was sitting a giant man... a man he could not even see the face of because of the height, however, he knew who the man was. That man with his face above heaven's clouds was none other than Andrew!

William saw a level of talent he has never seen in his entire life until today. He could not help but admit... Andrew might be a genius once in a thousand years or something.

Andrew's strength increased dramatically the more he fought however not only that he was also getting better in swordsmanship. He no longer let go of his sword or swung it randomly instead he was now more stable with his sword

Andrew was also copying the moves of William and as well as memorizing the attack pattern of William. It was not done by the system but by Andrew himself... he really was a genius with or without the system.

"Oi!" Andrew was slowly getting bored with this fight "Like this, we will never get a result! How about we do something fun!?"

William knew this fight no longer could get a winner by just fighting techniques or strength. They were equally matched even though William was at the tier 3 beginner stage of aura using and Andrew was only peak tier 2 in aura using.

William ignored the words of Andrew and kicked Andrew away and that time he could not dodge or block the attack because he was focusing on talking.

Andrew was pushed back which made him have a serious expression on his face as he glared at William "You dare to kick while I am about to say something!? Are you an animal!?"

William did not stop to talk and swung his sword to hit Andrew with a wind blade created by the swing of his sword "You are an animal! Your family is an animal! Your kingdom is an animal!"

Andrew grinned and took the wind blade without any fear because he knew the armor would protect him, and it surely did. The max effect he got from the wind blade was that he was pushed back a few steps

"If you count dragons as an animal, sure! Wait... what exactly is a dragon again?" Andrew said "dragon" subconsciously even though he could not remember what it was.

"This damn armor of yours!" William was about to swing his sword again however suddenly he backed off which made Andrew's eyebrow raise.

"Why did you suddenly ba-" Before Andrew could finish his sentence suddenly a spear came from the right and hit Andrew on the right shoulder.

Andrew's eyes widened in surprise as he was flown away with the spear and broke through the multiple walls before stopping.

Andrew felt his right shoulder was dislocated by the impact which made his eyes widen more in surprise since there was no way that attack could have completely broken the barrier and would have done such damage to Andrew's body.

"W-what in the world happened?" Andrew asked himself as he looked to his right trying to see just who threw this spear.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! ^^

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