
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

War: Fights Of Monsters (II)

"This damn armor of yours!" William was about to swing his sword again however suddenly he backed off which made Andrew's eyebrow raise.

"Why did you suddenly ba-" Before Andrew could finish his sentence suddenly a spear came from the right and hit Andrew on the right shoulder.

Andrew's eyes widened in surprise as he was flown away with the spear and broke through the multiple walls before stopping.

Andrew felt his right shoulder was dislocated by the impact which made his eyes widen more in surprise since there was no way that attack could have completely broken the barrier and would have done such damage to Andrew's body.

"W-what in the world happened?" Andrew asked himself as he looked to his right trying to see just who threw this spear.

The spear fell on the ground and was not stuck in the armor since the barrier was still there. Andrew was even more confused, however, he did not show that instead, he glared at the man in the red full armor standing beside William.

They both fist bump before the red-colored armor man took off his helmet revealing a face completely burnt above the nose however because of his blue sapphire-like eyes, it was obvious he was blood-related to William.

"I was right huh?" The red armor man said grinning as he took out his claymore sword "Even though that armor could protect its wearer from any attack it couldn't protect its wearer from the side effects like shock waves and attack impact."

That was indeed a correct theory. Even though the golden armor could ignore every attack below its wearer realm it surely could protect from the attack's impact.

(A/N: Wind blades and attack impact/shockwaves are different things.)

Andrew could not stop but burst out into a loud laugh which suddenly made everyone turn around and look at him whether it was soldiers from Zion or Kalyra. A sudden pressure was created in the atmosphere by the laugh of his. No one was sure why but... it felt like everything would be over in just a second.

"Have you gone crazy, Andrew?" William asked slowly, walking closer to Andrew when he saw him getting up with the help of his sword.

"Who wouldn't go crazy if they were to face a third tier and peak second tier aura user at the same time?"

The red-colored armor man said with a grin as he stood there preparing his aura to send out another full power spear.

A normal attack of peak second tier could not have hurt Andrew a bit however since the red armor man charged his aura for a lot of time in his hand and then threw the spear with full force it hurt Andrew. Not to mention the fact Andrew was not covering his shoulder with his golden aura. If he was, the impact would have hardly given him any damage.

Andrew stopped laughing and said "Heal." softly. A golden light surrounded him and his dislocated shoulder was fixed which made the Kaylra brother's eyes widen.

(A/N: Yes William and the new guy are brothers.)

"What the..." William said in disbelief "Did you use magic!? That's impossible!" He could not believe his eyes at all. Mana and Aura are completely different forms of energy and they both could not be used together with each other no matter what. It was like mixing oil with water.

The red armor man stopped charging his aura and subconsciously had his hand loose and freed from his control. He suddenly felt tired as he wondered just how powerful Andrew might get if he used physical enchantment spells on himself.

"Is this... what they call genius?" Both brothers were suddenly in despair and William saw the giant mountain of talent once again however that time it was bigger than last time... he no longer could even see the legs of Andrew and the man in red armor first time in his whole life witnessed such talent making him fall deeper in the hole of despair.

"Already feeling like you couldn't beat me? I am just getting started!" Andrew smirked in his devilish way once again and everyone present there felt a cold shiver running through their backs from his mere presence.

Andrew strengthened his arms by covering them with his golden aura before saying multiple spells such as "strength", "swift", "shield", etc., and just like before he did not have to cast a spell to do it or even say those words to activate the spells however it made him look cooler thus he said the names of spells anyway.

Andrew disappeared and reappeared behind the man in red armor and swung his sword to cut off that man's head, however, he was punched away by William who somehow was able to get back into reality

"Weston! Focus on the battle!" William said loudly as he shook his brother furiously. Weston's eyes flinched, and he finally was able to return to reality after facing such talent.

Andrew's smirk grew bigger as he finally felt something interesting would happen. He was now in love with battles because that's the only thing he has experienced that made him feel butterflies "It's so unfair! one vs two!"

The Kalyra brothers looked at each other before turning back to Andrew in their fighting stance. They decided to ignore Andrew's words because they wanted to have a little pride.

Andrew opened the inventory and put his current sword inside before taking out a dual sword and closing the inventory "I meant..." Andrew once again disappeared and reappeared in front of them swinging his sword at them "It's unfair for you two!"

The Kalyra brothers blocked the swing and pushed Andrew away or at least they tried to. After getting enchanted by a strength spell his strength was unmatched nearly the middle of tier 3 aura user.

The brothers clenched their teeth together and tried to fight back, however it was useless. They both were getting pushed back and bent down. They wanted to kick him however they knew if they stopped focusing even for a bit Andrew would cut off their head.

Everyone thought that Andrew would easily be defeated when Weston joined the battle, however, the situation turned out to be something else. Maybe because Andrew was holding back so much earlier William alone would have had a little bit of a chance of winning however at that moment there was no way they would win from him.

Andrew started to swing his sword again in an unpredictable pattern and started to easily overpower the Kalyra brothers like nothing.

The Kalyra brothers bite their lower lips very hard and try their best to block Andrew's attacks however although they were blocking or dodging most attacks they could not avoid all of the attacks.

Andrew easily cut through their armor and even gave multiple injuries to them however not only that they both also got attack impact on their hands since they both were holding the sword Andrew was hitting so hard.

Soldiers no longer felt like fighting and slowly started to gather around the fighting scene while maintaining some proper distance with their jaws dropped.

A fight between the aura users and not only that but one aura user on the peak soldier rank and the other two on the intermediate soldier rank was just too amazing for normal people. They just could not resist... especially those from low-ranking kingdoms where hardly somebody could awaken with mana or aura.

(A/N: Depending on which tier or how many magic circles one has around their hearts they get a title. For those who use magic, it is Mage, Wizard, etc. and for those who use aura, it is Soldier, Knight, etc. depending on which level they are furthermore divided into beginner, intermediate, and peak.)

The Kalyra brother's aura around their forearms and hands started to get dimmer and dimmer meaning their aura was running out, but it was not only them whose aura was about to run out but Andrew's too but none of them stopped and kept fighting.

"Ho... seems like our aura is about to run out!" Andrew said excitedly as he wondered what would happen if they fight without any aura "I think it would be hilarious if we fight like a normal sword user!"

'Maniac...' That was the thought of the Kalyra brothers when they saw Andrew getting excited instead of getting scared of what would happen if he was to fight against someone bigger than him and not only one but two people who were bigger than him.

Just after a few seconds Andrew's and the Kalyra brother's aura became so thin and dim that it was pointless for them to even use it anymore.

The Kalyra brothers could finally jump back and get away from Andrew however that was only because he let them jump away.

The Kalyra brothers were panting heavily and so did Andrew, however it was not as much as them "That was fun~" Andrew said smiling.

"You are a crazy person..." William said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead "Truly crazy... a maniac who shouldn't exist."

Andrew just chuckled and wiped the sweat from his forehead too "But to think the righteous guy William would team up with his brother to fight against a boy who only awakened mana and aura a few days ago..."

The Kalyra brothers' eyes flinched with surprise at the statement from Andrew "W-wait... that's not true..." William was not sure how to react anymore.

Someone who has reached the peak of tier 2 and might even be at a peak of magic circle 2 in just a few days has never existed on the whole continent... no... there was no person with such talent in the whole history.

The Kalyra brothers shook their heads and decided to use this opportunity to maybe defeat Andrew if possible, and so they jumped at him; however, suddenly Weston was blown away by a fireball and was completely burnt.

William was completely shocked by the sudden attack. With a shaking body, he slowly turned his head around to look at Weston. Weston had his upper body completely burnt down into ashes by the earlier attack from Andrew.

Andrew looked at them with the widest smirk he could make and fireballs in his palms "You forgot I can use magic too?"

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! ^^

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