
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

War: The End

The Kalyra brothers shook their heads and decided to use this opportunity to maybe defeat Andrew if possible, and so they jumped at him; however, suddenly Weston was blown away by a fireball and was completely burnt.

William was completely shocked by the sudden attack. With a shaking body, he slowly turned his head around to look at Weston. Weston had his upper body completely burnt down into ashes by the earlier attack from Andrew.

Andrew looked at them with the widest smirk he could make and fireballs in his palms "You forgot I can use magic too?"


[You have killed a peak tier 1 (soon to be tier 2) aura user easily. You have done something which is very hard to do. You have gained 8 free stats points and a [title].


Would you like to check it now? Yes/No]

Andrew clicked on "No" and closed the panel before moving his eyes back to William who was shaking uncontrollably. Not in fear but in anger. He saw his brother get killed before his eyes so brutally... something in his mind just snapped.

"Ho..." Andrew moved his hand forward to throw out another fireball "To think you would shake so much in fear- It weirdly gives me butterflies!" Not being aware of why William was shaking Andrew mocked him.

The dim red-colored aura appeared around William's arm again at which Andrew just sighed thinking William wanted to continue fighting even though there was no way he could win now after getting his aura completely drained, however suddenly... the red color of the aura started to get deeper and deeper.

"!?" Andrew looked at William in complete surprise "We can do this!?" Andrew was not surprised that William had the strength left or something, however, he was just excited about the fact he could still somehow use aura even after completely draining himself.

William looked back at Andrew with blood in his eyes. He was completely lost in rage. He just wanted to kill Andrew and nothing else and that was why he was burning his life span to get the aura "You must die today!"

William's aura was deeper than it was before, and it was also violent, unlike the balanced and stable one. William swung his sword creating a wind blade however as expected Andrew's armor did not let him get any damage. If only William had his sword touched Andrew's body then it would have been over for Andrew however with only the wind blade it was not possible.

However... that time something different happened. Andrew flew away and broke through multiple walls before he stopped himself by creating a magic barrier behind him.

Andrew was not getting such an impact before because he was using aura to protect him however since he no longer had aura... he was completely helpless. He did not receive any main damage from the wind blade, however, the attack impact still made him feel like some bones were broken in his chest area.

"Okay... this is no fun..." Andrew crawled his way inside the barrier to be protected for some time and healed his injuries "I should end this quickly."

William dashed forward and with every ounce of strength and hit the magic barrier which made it shatter into pieces.

Andrew's eyes widened as he saw death in front of him in the form of William's sword however even in that situation Andrew could not help but smile cheerfully in excitement.

Andrew rolled to his right and the sword hit the ground *boom* a loud explosion-like effect occurred by the mere hit of William's sword!

Andrew was thrown away from the right to the kingdom's walls. He luckily did not suffer a lot of attack impact damage, however, he still got little hurt.

That was a very sudden change of scenario however although Andrew was losing... he could not stop smiling at all for some reason.

Andrew felt his blood getting hotter and with blood, his body was getting warmer too. He felt butterflies in his stomach as he used his sword to somehow get up.

"Ha... ha hahaha!" Andrew started to laugh loudly again and a small blush appeared on his face as felt super excited about that fight however that only made William angrier.


[Calculation completed...

You have encountered a special technique called "Life For Power". Would you like to learn it? Yes/No


Description: A technique that lets you gain energy in exchange for your own life span but the side effects after using this technique would be really bad.]

Andrew was about to click "yes" after reading it quickly however just at that moment William raised his sword and focused his aura on his forearms and hands that made Andrew instinctively jump away to his right which made him accidentally choose "No" however Andrew cared not about that at that moment.

*Boom* The ground ahead of William tore into two parts and the wall which Andrew was standing against also broke into parts.

Andrew wondered if he would have not jumped away could he have survived even with the golden armor's barrier on? Andrew could not help but gulp before looking up at William again.

William still had the deep red aura around his arms, however, his body was getting thinner and thinner with each second, and with that, he also started to get wrinkles and age spots on his face. It was showing he was getting closer to his death.

Andrew could not help but sigh "Just be killed by me... if you die by getting your life energy drained it will be called suicide... you want to be remembered as cowar-"

Before Andrew could finish what he was saying William dashed at Andrew with full speed however... since he had nearly become like an old man at the age of 70s he was obviously super slow. Although he was granted enormous strength by the deep red aura his actions were limited because he could not transfer the aura from his arms to his legs. William's body could no longer handle the aura.

Andrew looked at William running towards him, but he did not move at all; however, stood there silently until he was super close to him.

Before William was about to cut Andrew in the half Andrew simply kicked him in the stomach which made him fly away.

Luckily the enchantments from before still were working on Andrew, or it would have been very embarrassing if William would have not flown away.

William hit the ground and coughed loudly as the aura just disappeared from his arms. Despite being exhausted he somehow looked up and saw Andrew standing in front of him.

Andrew looked down upon William with his usual calm and cold face which made him look like a psychopath because just a moment ago Andrew was smiling and grinning like a crazy person, however at that moment he was acting so calm and cold.

"This technique or power or whatever it is seemed strong at first but just in a minute all the scenes of supremacy will disappear." Andrew felt relieved that he did not learn that technique.

"Ahh...". William groaned in pain and grabbed Andrew's leg trying to get up "I won't give up you bastard..." His strong and deep voice became weak and thin like an old man. He at that moment at least had the physical characteristics of an 80-year-old normal human.

The soldiers of Kaylra trembled in fear and dropped their swords before getting down on their knees and falling into the hole of despair. They no longer had the will to fight after seeing their all-powerful king in such a state.

Andrew kicked William in the face and threw him away easily without even trying "Yeah yeah... Whatever. Now my soldiers kill everyone in the kingdom of Kaylra." Andrew said without looking at his soldiers and walking to William.

Andrew's soldiers looked at each other and wondered if they must kill everyone... they were just not wicked enough to do such things, however, they all could not ignore Andrew's word either.

They bite their lower lips and unwillingly started to kill the left soldiers of Kaylra after they bowed down to Andrew and begged for mercy "As you command my lord!"

William struggled to get up, however, Andrew crushed his face on the ground with his feet coldly without any emotions "Don't try to fight back and just accept death. I might give you a painless death if you do so."

William vomited a little blood from his mouth however he still did not give up. He opened his mouth and bit Andrew's booth with his teeth which could fall any moment, however his mouth was blocked by the barrier from the golden armor.

"Ho... I don't dislike seeing you like this though. You look just like a dying dog who is struggling to survive by biting." Andrew once again mocked William before kicking him away.

William felt humiliated and tired. He could feel his body getting colder and colder as each second passed which made him sure he would die no matter what so why not die with pride?

Andrew created a fireball just above him and aimed it at William "Goodbye worthless king of Kaylra... William."

Although Andrew did not need to do a forward finger gesture to make the fireball go and hit William, he still did that to look cool.

Andrew smiled as he looked down at William who closed his eyes and waited for his death hoping it would at least be instant and painless.

William saw a flashback of his life as he closed his eyes. He saw how proud his father was when he first hunted, how his father died so early and left with so much responsibility, he saw how his mother supported him, he saw how he managed to conquer this empire and turn this hell into a living place, he saw how much he was loved by his people, he saw how he met his love, he saw his mother died, he saw how happy he was to marry his love and have kids with her, he saw how happy he was to hold his children in his arms, he saw every single moment of his life in a flash.

William waited for seconds, however, the fireball did not hit him which made him open his eyes in curiosity and look at what was the matter. What he saw made his eyes widen.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! ^^

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