
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

The Hurtful Truth

After climbing up to the throne Andrew turned around in a rather "stylish" way and sat down on the throne.

Andrew put his leg on a footstool and then put his forearm on his thighs before leaning forward with a big grin on his face "Let the court begin!"

A few moments ago...

Andrew somehow managed to hide and save himself from the people who walked through the hallways but while walking he was lost.

It was a very complex hallway with many turns thus being lost was extremely common in the hallways of the castle but it was nothing for anybody to worry about since many people are walking the same path but it was not the same for Andrew. Andrew must not be seen and thus could not ask for help from anybody.

"Who the hell created this castle? Why are the hallways so complex? Anybody could be lost here!" Andrew said loudly in anger.

Andrew sighed and looked around "I am lost... aren't I?" He felt his eyes getting watery but he bit his inner cheek lightly and calmed himself down. "No, No, No I shall not panic."

Andrew took a deep breath and finally calmed down "Alright so... which turn shall I-" Before he could complete his sentence he heard some footsteps across the hallways that made him panic.

Andrew shook his head and slapped his face to calm himself down "Calm down... I have faced this before." He said to himself and sighed before going to hide behind a yellow curtain that he saw in front of him from some distance.

*Tap Tap Tap*

Those heavy footsteps noises belonged to three girls, three maids to be exact. They walked over to the curtains and stopped just a few steps behind the curtain.

The two among them were quite normal looking but they both possessed quite a beauty and body shapes though they both were noticeably skinny.

Those two looked awfully similar as if they were twins or if not twins then siblings for sure. Same long brown hair formed into a ponytail, same brown eyes color, same light skin tone, and a skinny body with only differences in their curvy nature.

The third one however was the complete opposite of them. The third girl looked quite cute and was a beauty herself. She had a light fair skin tone, free green colored long hair reaching her waist, beautiful emerald green eyes, and a very curvy body with enough fat, unlike the other two maids.

"Ughhh I am so tired!" The first maid said tiredly as she leaned against the wall "I am so tired!" She cried out as she made a face.

The reason they all stopped was that the first maid was the one to stop and lean against the wall. The first girl (maid) started to gently stroke her leg.

"Addy- we all are tired but if Lord Victor comes to know that high highness is missing he will burn us alive-" The second maid said calmly.

"That fucking trash," Finally the third maid said angrily "If he is ill he should just stick to his bed and not move at all! Maddy, I told you we should have killed him when he was in the coma! No one would have suspected anything!" She said looking at the second girl.

"Amy, you cannot talk about such things in public! You are talking about assassinating the king! It is the same as treason!" Addy and Maddy said together.

"I am not saying anything wrong," Amy said angrily and continued to have their conversation. Amy was talking bad about the king while Addy and Maddy tried to calm her down.

Hearing all the rude and harsh words made Andrew feel like his chest and heart were pierced through by arrows.

He felt his chest getting a tighter and very sharp pain in the heart. He did not understand the emotion he was feeling and just grabbed his chest trying to calm himself down.

In the end, All three maids sighed together as they came to an agreement that they would first find Andrew and then do their conversation later.

They all nodded and started to walk again to go and find Andrew. Just after they took around thirteen steps from there they heard a familiar calling them from behind.


They all turned around towards the voice and saw Andrew walking out from behind the curtains which made their eyes widen and their body to shake uncontrollably in fear.

"S-Sire," Maddy said with a trembling voice in order to not get their head cut off "W-we could explain- trust me I will explain everything!"

Andrew subconsciously raised his hand that made them back off a little and tremble even more in fear thinking they might get slapped.

"P-please my lord don't kill us!" All three maids quickly got on their knees and pressed their hands together as they begged for their life.

Looking at them being so scared Andrew wondered just what kind of person he was for them to fear him so much "Shut up." He said coldly, caring not about their state as he put his hand down "Raise and then answer my question or be ready to be executed."

They whimpered and slowly got up trying to hold back their tears "S-Sire... we, no, I am sorry... I am the one who said all that please let go of others." Amy said sniffing.

"Shut up. I do not care about that. Such answers my damn question. Tell me what kind of man I am- or I was at least." Andrew cared not about their feelings and said that "Lie and you will be executed." He added.

Amy gulped and slowly clenched her fist. She was not sure what she should say. She felt like she was going to die no matter what she said and so she took a deep breath and glared at Andrew's eyes before letting everything out of her heart that she hid.

"You are trash! You are worthless! You let us commoners suffer and ignore our cries for justice! We girls suffer even more because of you! W-we get used by ministers and s-soldiers and court members t-then thrown away... i-if we didn't have a family to take care of we would rather commit s-suicide..."

At first, Amy spoke out loud and clear but as more words came out of her mouth the more her eyes got teary and teary, making her sniff, and by the end of her sentence, she started to cry loudly.

Amy actually wanted to say those words to him for quite a long time but she had her thoughts buried deep into her heart but that day she decided to let go of everything since she had the chance given to her.

The two twins tried to calm her down but Andrew just looked down at her as he felt his chest getting tighter than ever, the pain in his heart even worse.

"Don't stop... you two tell me more about myself and the kingdom." Andrew was feeling like his heart was being pierced by big spears, but he still wanted to hear about it more for some reason.

Twins both looked at each other with doubtful faces before Maddy started to speak followed by a sigh.

"The Zion kingdom, despite having a big size equal to a middle-rank kingdom, is considered to be one of the lowest if not the lowest ranking kingdoms.

It is mostly because of the fact how poor it is overall.... while ministers, officials, and the royal family live a luxurious life, we commoners are poor and work for them.

Men are forced to work on farms and build buildings for hours and hours and if someone stops or gets sick and can't work anymore depending on how sick he is... the... *gulps* guards will take out their bones and then bury them on farms to make farms more fertile...

But in the end, men who work so hard on the farm are only paid with a few crops and two copper coins.

But things are wo-worse for us." Maddy started to tear up a little "We are forced to work as maids... a-and the officials and ministers... they... they touch us however they want... a-and if they like us, they even force us to bed... we become their plaything." She was holding back her tears and just sniffed since she was now just too used to it.

"If it wasn't for our family we would just commit suicide...". She smiled softly and gently hit Addy with her elbow giving her a signal she could no longer talk, and she must explain things about Andrew now.

Addy who was the youngest among them panicked and started to say some random letters "I-I a-a t-t" At which Amy, who was also the eldest among them, finally had calmed down and stopped sniffing by that moment got up and patted both Addy and Maddy.

"I will tell you about your deeds..." Amy glared into Andrew's eyes once again and started to speak confidently since she no longer fears death. She was so sure about the fact she would be executed she decided to let go of everything and feel that nice emotion once more.

"As I said... you are a trash and worthless person. You are the type of person who could even eat bugs if no one looks at you.

Despite showing great talent in learning things you could do nothing at all. You just act like a child and want everyone to praise you.

Your weak-ass personality also lets other people spit on your face! Just a glare from some ministers makes you shiver and hide behind lord Victor!

You let your minister do whatever they want and dare not to show any care! If it wasn't for Lord Victor and Lord Oliver this kingdom would have already been destroyed!

Every time a commoner raises their voice and tells you about the wrong deeds of ministers in the court you get overwhelmed by the minister and just leave saying the ministers will decide what to do!

You should have not woken up! You should be in a coma forever! Or even better you should have just been dead when you hit the ground! If only you had died... the holy church would have taken over and blessed this ruined land!"

Amy finished her sentence and once again started to cry because no matter how tough she acted outside she was the weakest among them from inside.

Seeing her cry so much the other two girls couldn't hold back either and started to cry out loudly giving her company.

"..." Andrew looked at them with a straight face and turned around walking away from them while holding his chest tightly.

Not sure where he was going Andrew decided to randomly get inside a room when he heard some footsteps again. He did not want to see anybody at the moment.

"W-what is this feeling..." Andrew asked himself as he slowly started to breathe heavily "Why is my chest hurting so much..." It was getting harder for him to breathe thus making him breathe heavier.

Andrew slowly got on his knees and started to gasp "W-what is this feeling? Why is my chest hurting so much!?"

Andrew had a sudden urge to hold onto something but there was nothing close by to grip into except for the yellow cloth he was able to see on his front a few steps away.

Andrew crawled towards the yellow cloth which was on top of a giant structure that he could not see since the cloth was completely covering it.

Ignoring everything Andrew grabbed the piece of cloth and started to pull it until he had everything in his grasp. He formed a ball using the yellow cloth and started to punch it while groaning softly and just screaming venting all of his discomfort and anger out of his heart on the cloth.

After calming down and feeling a lot better than he was earlier Andrew leaned against the structure feeling nuisance for some reason.

"What is happening to me...?" Andrew rested his face on his palm before tiredly getting up and turning around to face the structure.

Andrew's eyes widened and his mouth slowly opened as his eyes fell into the giant structure in front of him.

To be continued...

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