
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Let The Court Begin!

Everyone in the room trembled in fear and looked away from the man who was helplessly crawling around grabbing their feet and asking for help but no one came out to help that man.


That was because... it was the doing of a grand wizard... the grand wizard Victor!

"You dare to talk about such things!? Especially around me!?"

Victor yelled in anger as he stood up and looked down upon the man who was gasping for air and slamming his hands and legs around.

"You deserve the death sentence! How dare you say such things in front of me!?"

With those words coming from the mouth of Victor the purple light around the man's neck shrieked and with that, the man passed away.

Finally, after the death of that court member, Victor calmed down a little. He was still furious but maintained a level of dignity.

"Let's go to the courtroom. We will discuss this there." Victor said to the men/court members present there "And guards send the dead body to the family." He added while looking at the guards at the door.

Everyone followed the command of Victor. Victor was the first one to walk out and following him everyone inside the room left.

After the room got empty the guards came and lifted the body to throw it out of the royal palace as they were ordered.

Once the guard left in a quick moment Andrew sat up on the bed with a shaking body 'Did I just... witness a person's death!?' He thought.

Andrew gently stroked his chest trying to calm his heart down which was beating at an abnormal rate because of what he had seen.

"What is going on... who the hell are these people... who the hell am I?"

Andrew's voice was trembling and he sounded as if he may cry any moment. His red ruby-like eyes were filled with tears that were just threatening to fall.

Andrew was confused, terrified, scared, and disgusted at the same time. He had no idea where he was or who these people were but he was sure of one thing... he must leave.

Andrew sniffed and quickly rubbed his eyes before getting out of the bed as he had the only thing on his mind:

'I must get out of here!'

Andrew carefully walked towards the door and first peek out of the room to check if there was someone in the hallways before he walked out into the endless looking paths of hallways.

Complete memory loss was very rare. In that state, the one suffering from the disease understands and does things that do not even remember doing. Those suffering from it act like little kids, and so was Andrew.

Andrew walked through the complex path of hallways and just took turns that he felt most comfortable and familiar with.

Whenever Andrew heard footsteps or saw someone he hid behind something. He hid behind a curtain or stool and only came out once they left.

Andrew was not even sure why he was hiding from them but his body moved on its own. Andrew was a complete mess. He had no idea what he was doing but he continued to do what he felt was right.

Meanwhile, at the same time in the royal court of the kingdom of Zion.

The courtroom was large and magnificent. The roof that had many beautiful paintings carved into it was held by large pillars of gold with a bit of its piece missing from it at the bottom. Red ribbons were wrapped around the pillar to hide the missing parts making it look even more beautiful.

On the four corners of the courtroom, there were large candle holders with burning candles on them that made the whole room more visible. Sunlight was surely coming inside the room through the window above the roof but it was being filtered so in summer the room does not become too hot making the room not fully visible by sunlight alone.

There were two stairs at the entrance of the gate that goes up to the balcony-like structure that was made for commoners to watch the court trials though at the moment they were no longer used since no commoners even came to court to seek Justice.

Starting from the entrance gate there was a large red carpet that led to the front towards the most important place of any kingdom, the throne of the king.

At the edges of the carpet, there were 12 more thrones in the courtroom that belonged to ministers and court members. Depending on how close was the throne to the king's throne the quality of the throne differed which also showed how important the person sitting on it was.

The two thrones on each side that was closest to the entrance gate were made up of bronze with soft cushions attached to them. The ones sitting on these thrones were the least important people in the court.

The two thrones after the bronze ones were made up of silver with very soft cushions attached to them. The ones sitting on these thrones were far more important people than the ones in the bronze.

Finally, after the silver thrones, there were golden thrones just next to the king's throne. They had cushions softer than any cushions in the kingdom other than the king's throne cushion and they were the most important people of Zion having authority just below the king.

The main throne, the king's throne was adorned with pure gold and embellished with interlinking circles that formed miniature stars, it was the giant throne of the king of Zion. Behind it, an engraving of topaz and ruby revealed the magnificent glory of the dawning sun; to each side, lions guarded, their mouths agape, as if ancient savagery remained hidden in those silvery statues.

Every single throne there was a masterpiece but no one was there to discuss that matter. Every court member was busy chatting with each other about the emergency.

Even Victor was muttering to the man beside him. The man was the head advisor Olivier and they were talking about how to calm everyone down. The court seemed like a fish market at that point.

Oliver the head advisor of the court was a man in his middle thirties, and he was one of his loyal subordinates of Victor. He does not like Andrew at all because of his poor personality, but he admires Victor a lot because of his kind heart.

Olivier was not originally a minister or anything, but he was just a mere commoner at first. He came to this position after Victor noticed how good of an advisor and strategist he was when Victor saw him solving a problem for local people.

Oliver let out a sigh and leaned his thin and tall body against the back of the throne with a disappointed look on his average-looking face.

Oliver ruffles his short blue hair before looking back at Victor with his green cat-like eyes "Sir this is getting worse and worse with time..."

"I know... I am well aware of that." Victor looked calm outside despite the fact he was the most worried person present there. He was not worried about his position or about the kingdom anymore, he only cared about Andrew at the moment.

"Then what shall we do? This cannot be continued like this. Even though I do not like Andr- *sigh* I mean his highness, Andrew, he is still the best person among the ministers. If only I was born in a higher caste family I would have been allowed to be king in this situation but since I am not I cannot become one... and I know you well. You would not become the king even if they beg you to become the king right?"

Victor let Oliver complete his statement before he answered "You are right. I won't become the king even if high highness Andrew asks me to."

Oliver sighed in disappointment "So what shall we do? Killing them all will make our kingdom worse than it already is..."

"That's why I am holding my anger... if only Lord Andrew regains his memory we could calm everyone down."

"He is trash... and you know it, Sire... even if he gains memory nothing will change. After your death, he will be kicked from his position as the king."

"..." Victor stayed silent since he knew very well what Olivier said was all true. After his death, Andrew will surely fall from his mighty position as the king.

"Attention!" A loud voice suddenly pierced through the noisy fish market-like court and made it silent.

Everyone turned around their faces at the source of the voice and the source were the two guards that guarded the entrance of the courtroom "His royal highness Andrew is entering the court!"


Everyone was surprised by this. According to the doctor, Andrew should have completely lost his memory and shouldn't remember the way to here so how did he come to court?

Dressed in a simple white robe that revealed most of his upper body including his chest Andrew walked inside the court with a calm yet strong expression.

Andrew's body looked extremely different. Unlike in the bedroom for some reason, he was no longer a thin and small man. He was taller and had a noticeable amount of muscles and even had abs though they were only four abs.

Even in simple clothes, no one in the court could have said Andrew was not good-looking. Due to his pretty face, his charisma was hard to resist making him look good in anything.

Andrew walked to the middle of the court and looked at each side of the court with his shining red pupils before saying "Is this how you show respect to your king?"

In a cold voice, Andrew broke the silence of the court and closed the open mouth of most people there.

Everyone quickly stood up and started to hail his name to show respect to Andrew, but he just let out a snicker and walked to the king's throne.

After climbing up to the throne Andrew turned around in a quite "stylish" way and sat down on the throne.

Andrew put his leg on a footstool and then put his forearm on his thighs before leaning forward with a big grin on his face "Let the court begin!"

To be continued...

Thank You For Reading! :>

Fun Fact (Which I know no one will read...):

In reality, even after waking up one day from the coma, the person would not talk, not to mention walk. That factor is the same in this world too but Andrew manages to walk and talk so easily because he was being healed by the court priest as well as Victor.

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