
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Statue And Status

Andrew's eyes widened and his mouth slowly opened as his eyes fell into the giant structure in front of him.

The structure was an indescribably beautiful statue made up of pure gold and different gems that made Andrew a 5'7 feet tall man nothing but an insect in front of it.

The statue consisted of different parts but the first and largest part of the statue was the multi-headed snake in the coiled position.

The multi-headed snake had clear details on it such as scales and lines on its front body. It almost looked real and its eyes were made up of red gems.

On top of the collided snake statue, there was another statue of a man... a man with a face so beautiful that it could steal anybody's heart. If it was to be a real person then there would have been no girl or boy that did not want to be under him as his lover or just a follower.

But the statue of the man was not normal. Instead of having two arms the statue actually had four arms and each hand of his held into a different item except for one.

The statue's two raised arms held a mace or club and a discus. His lower hands held a conch shell and seed; his lower right hand is in the gift-giving gesture.

The details on the four-armed man's statue were as real as the snake. To be exact it was even more realistic mostly because of the face he had and the attractive naked muscular upper body which although did not have abs still had clear features such as a navel.

Talking about the navel... there was a long lotus stem coming out of the four-armed man's navel. Its petals were wide open and in the wide open lotus, there was the statue of another man who was even more "unique" than the four-armed man because not only does that man with a long beard have four arms as well as four heads that point in four cardinal directions.

All of the four heads of the statue had a gentle smile on their faces and had their eyes closed

Just like the four-armed man the four-headed man also was holding different items in each of his hands.

His raised arms held a lotus and a book (sacred scripture) while his lower arms held a rosary and a water pot.

If one was to get their eyes off the four-headed man then the next thing one was to notice was a statue of a lady... the statue of the lady near the legs of the four-armed man.

The statue of the lady was beautiful but the "beauty" she had was different from most "beauties". The lady did not have a romantic or sexual attraction instead she had a motherly face and aura around her.

The statue of the lady was well-dressed wearing a clothing piece that was wrapped around her body nicely covering every feature.

The statue of the lady was not just sitting there doing nothing. She had her hands on the four-armed man's leg and likely was giving the four-armed man a leg massage.

Everything... was beautiful. Beauty beyond a proper description and in front of the beauty was Andrew with his jaw dropped and mouth opened.

Andrew looked at the beautiful statue in awe and forgot about everything negative. His mind and heart felt light and he felt extreme happiness.

"Woah..." That's the thing that left Andrew's mouth first followed by a compliment "This is so beautiful..." Without even realizing Andrew was smiling peacefully.

Andrew could not help but look at the statue more still with his mouth opened because the more he explored the statue the better it looked.

Suddenly while exploring the statue his eyes fell into a black stone that was switched in the middle of the statue and if looked carefully every other statue's face was turned towards it. Except for the four-headed man's statue but even so, its front face was facing the same direction as the black stone.

The stone was a black-colored smooth and short cylindrical pillar-like stone that rests in the center of a lipped, disk-shaped object.

While it looked small compared to the statue it was nearly the same size as Andrew.

One might think that the black stone might be unfit to be part of this golden statue but for some reason, Andrew felt like it made the statue even more beautiful.

Suddenly a mosquito flew into Andrew's mouth which made him quickly come back to reality and cough the mosquito out.

"Okay... this is beautiful... but now I should head out..." Andrew sighed as he said that because he suddenly felt way too attached to this statue and did not want to actually leave it, but he must escape this place for his safety.

Andrew slowly turned around towards the open gate but before walking he looked at the statue with a small sigh "If I was to return to this place- which I hope I never do I would surely visit this room."

With that line, Andrew started to walk looking down at the ground. The moment he had his eyes off the statue many thoughts started to flood his mind.

"But... I wonder what I felt a few moments ago?" Andrew asked himself.

"According to them... I lost my memory so was I really that kind of person? And even if I was... why should I care now? I don't know them anymore... So why?"

Andrew started to bite his nail "Should I... pretend to be king again but this time fix the mistakes I made before-?"

Andrew quickly shook his head and let out a small sigh while smiling "Nah... why should I? It's not like they are close to me- they were not even close to me when I had my memories!"

Andrew tried to defend his actions "Yeah... yeah… That's right… I shouldn't care about them." He bit his lower lips and then finally raised his head to look at the door which made his eyes squint in confusion.

"What...?" Andrew walked for nearly a minute now, so he should be at the gate but when he looked at his front the distance of the gate did not decrease at all.

Andrew then looked behind and saw that he was standing in the same place he was before walking.

"What-?" Andrew was super confused about this, but he decided to ignore it and once again started to walk looking straight at the door but the more he walked the further the gate went.

Andrew at the beginning slowly walked but as time passed by he started to walk faster and faster and then started running when he could not reach the door no matter how fast he walked.

After running for nearly five minutes Andrew gave up and got on his knees panting heavily "What is happening!?"

Andrew rested there for a few minutes and then got up running again to get out of this place.

But… no matter how much he ran, the result was unchanged. After getting so tired that he could no longer even move and lost his hope of getting out of the room he laid down on the ground panting heavily.

Before Andrew knew he had been stuck in the room for tens of minutes and tens of minutes turned into an hour and an hour turned into tens of hours.

The whole time all Andrew did was either try to escape this room or think about what was going on and questioned his life.

"Is this my punishment...?" Andrew asked as he once again laid down on the ground and a few drops of tears fell from his eyes "But I don't even remember my wrong deeds..."

Andrew wiped his tears "I am sorry... I understand I was wrong! I promise I will fix everything I did before I lost my memory! Not only that, but I will make this kingdom the strongest! the greatest! so please let me out of here!" Andrew begged.

*Ding* Suddenly a sharp and high-pitched sound rang in his ears which made him grab his ears and have his eyes shut because it hurt his ears so bad that it felt like even blood might come out from his ears any moment.

After a couple of seconds, the sound finally disappeared and Andrew opened his eyes panting.

As Andrew opened his eyes he saw a black colored panel before him with golden text on it which kept changing.


[The God "Who Sleeps For Four Months" smiles at your promise and nods looking at his fellows.]


[All the conditions to activate the system have been met...

Truth About Past (✓)

Unbearable Guilt (✓)

Promise To Fix The Past (✓)]

[System Activating... Successful.

Combining with user existence... Successful.

Congratulations, you are now the host of the "True Monarch System".]


[Most of the functions in the system are locked. As you level up and climb up in rank you will be able to unlock them.]

Andrew looked at the panel confused and was not sure about exactly how he should react to the situation thus he just rubbed his eyes.

Andrew opened his eyes and looked at the place where the panel was, but it had already disappeared.

"I must have gone crazy…" Andrew shook his head and let out a small laugh "Yep I am crazy for sure."

Andrew rubbed his eyes again and slowly got up to try and escape the room but when he got up appeared before him once again but with a different text.


Title: Exploration

Rank: Tutorial


Description: The system has many features even when you are at the lowest level of the system. Please do the task to explore it.


Task: Say "Main Screen" And Explore Every Option There (0/3)


Success Rewards:

Getting Out Of the Room

10 Monarch Exp

10 Sovereignty Points

Starter Pack (1)


Failure Penalty: Stuck Here Forever]

Andrew squinted his eyes and read everything carefully "Have I really gone crazy-?" Andrew moved his hands towards the panel and touched it but when he touched that he felt like... well... he was not sure what he felt in the touch. He knew it was solid but at the same time, it felt like there was nothing.

"Um-" Andrew moved his hand all around it to feel this weird feeling more, but he sighed in the end calming down "Alright... So how should I close it-?" The panel disappeared as he thought about it.

"Okay... then..." Andrew moved his mouth to the right and scratched his cheek "Alright... should I actually try it out?" Curiously he decided to try this system out "Main screeennn-?" He said hesitantly.


[1. Status Window

2. Abilities

3. Missions

4. Inventory (locked) (starter pack 1)

5. Store (locked) (starter pack 2)]

"Alright..." Andrew moved his mouth back to normal and tapped on the "Status Window" but nothing happened.

Not getting any result Andrew taped on it again and again but nothing happened "What should I do to open it huh? Open status window?"

As soon as Andrew said that another screen panel with the title "Status Window" appeared before him.

To be continued...

Thank You For Reading :>

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