
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Out Of Room


[1. Status Window

2. Abilities

3. Missions

4. Inventory (locked) (starter pack 1)

5. Store (locked) (starter pack 2)]

"Alright..." Andrew moved his mouth back to normal and tapped on the "Status Window" but nothing happened.

Not getting any result Andrew taped on it again and again but nothing happened "What should I do to open it huh? Open status window?"

As soon as Andrew said that another screen panel with the title "Status Window" appeared before him.


[Name: Andrew-Z-Caesar

Respect: -100% (Disrespect)

Fame: -25


Monarch Exp: 0/15

Sovereignty Point: 0


Monarch Rank: None

Magic Rank: [None]

Aura Rank: [None]


Physical Capability: 08

Physical Resistance: 05


Mental Capacity: 3 (+12) =15

Mental Resistance: 1 (+8) = 09


Mana Capacity: 30

Mana Resistance: 20


Aura Capacity: 00

Aura Resistance: 00


Stats Point: 00



Trash King (-10)

Loser Of Zion (-15)]

In the beginning, when Andrew looked at the new panel that had appeared before him he was confused by the contents on it, but the more he looked into the screen the clearer everything got. It was the doing of the system that directly transferred information to his mind.

"I am not sure how I should react to this all but- it feels amazing." Andrew smiled but just the next moment he shook his head "Nope, don't forget your main objective here. I must get out of this place... Well, at least this room."

"Alright then, close screeeenn...?" Andrew said awkwardly and he still hesitated to use the system with full confidence since he was yet to adapt to the system.

The status panel disappeared and Andrew returned to the "main screen" which gave him a clear direction about how the system works.

"So this is how it works," Andrew said softly and then cleared his voice before saying "Open abilities."

Like earlier, the main screen panel disappeared and a new panel appeared before him.



"I-" Andrew was left speechless for a moment "If there was nothing in this then why even bother forcing me to check it?!" Andrew said loudly but then a sigh followed and he closed the abilities panel.

"Alright so the last task for me is to check mission options. Open missions."

{Missions Panel]}

[1. Ongoing Mission(s)

2. Ask For Mission]

Andrew tapped on the options but there were no moments so he decided to use his voice like he did to interact with precious options in the system.

"Open ongoing mission."

As Andrew completed his sentence the "Missions Panel" disappeared and a new panel popped out.

{[Ongoing Mission]}

Title: Exploration

Rank: Tutorial


Description: The system has many features even when you are at the lowest level of the system. Please do the task to explore it.


Task: Say "Main Screen" And Explore Every Option There (2/3)


Success Rewards:

Getting Out Of the Room

10 Monarch Exp

10 Sovereignty Points

Starter Pack (1)


Failure Penalty: Stuck Here Forever]

Andrew was slowly getting annoyed by the thing he was doing. He was tired and just wanted to get out of the room he has been stuck inside for tens of hours.

Andrew started to talk aggressively in anger and closed the panel and returned back to the "missions panel" to check the last thing.

"Finally- last but not least, open ask for new mission."

{[Ask For Mission]}

[Finding a new message...


Already an ongoing mission.

Please complete the ongoing mission for a new mission.]

After that Andrew took a breath of relief and closed everything before saying "I am do-" Before he could finish his words a screen appeared in front of his face "Thank you." He added as he read the new screen.


[Task: Say "Main Screen" And Explore Every Option There (✓)


Congratulations on completing your first task. The host can claim your rewards by saying "Claim Rewards" in your mind or physically. Thank You.]

After reading the panel Andrew closed the panel and without wasting time he said "Claim rewards." In hopes of getting out of the room.

Andrew smiled brightly once he saw one of the rewards mentioned in the "Reward" panel was getting out of the room but as his eyes fell on the other reward, to be exact the starter pack he suddenly started to smile... excitedly.

Andrew did not understand the reason why he was smiling in such a way. He was not even sure what was the use of the thing he had gained from the starter pack but for some reason he could not help but keep smiling. It was a body's natural reaction.

"Why the hell am I getting so excited?" Andrew asked himself as he tried his best to stop his soft and cheerful giggles.

Once when Andrew managed to calm himself down he took deep breaths and closed all the panels still with a smile but the smile disappeared when a new panel appeared before him.


[Title: A Monarch Only Needs Real Subordinates

Rank: Tutorial


Description: There are countless leeches in your kingdom that suck the blood of your people and nutritious themselves. Kill them all and gain a soft spot in the heart of your people.


Task: Kill all court members and ministers (leeches) who are disloyal to the royal family and mistreat the peasants (0/22)


Success Rewards:

50 Monarch Exp

50 Sovereignty Points

Starter Pack (2)


Failure Penalties:

System Getting Removed

Extreme Weakness


{[Mission Boost]}

[As long as you are doing the mission your physical capability and resistance will be increased by 5 points. To get a permanent raise in your stats, complete the mission successfully.]

"You gotta be kidding me!" Andrew yelled angrily but then he just sighed shaking his head as he calmed down "Well, I guess this system is only helping me- I did say I will turn this kingdom into the strongest kingdom ever." He mumbled.

"Now," Andrew closed the panel and moved his head to the door that was still just slightly opened "Let's try to get out of here." Andrew had a serious face as he said that.

Andrew slowly started to walk towards the gate and the slow walk became a speed walk and that speed walk became a run.

A big smile appeared on Andrew's face and before he knew he was out of the room. He got on his knees and yelled "YES!"

Andrew's eyes filled with tears of happiness. He took deep breaths and enjoyed the clear sunlight that brightened up the hallways.

"I feel so good-" Andrew said with an even bigger smile but then his ears twitched when he heard some weird noises from a distance.

Andrew found the noises familiar thus he stood up and decided to walk toward the source of the noise. As he walked up there he let out a small sigh as he found the noises were sobbing noises of the maids which he met hours ago. They were crying while hugging each other.

Andrew flinched as he came to a realization 'They are crying for hours!?' He thought and quickly walked over to them. After getting close enough he hesitantly tried to pat one of them but the one who chose to pat was Amy.

Once Amy saw Andrew in front of her, she quickly tried to stop herself from crying more, and once she realized he was trying to pat her she quickly slapped his hand away by saying "Do not touch me!"

"A-Alright..." Andrew said awkwardly and moved his hand away from them "But calm down now. You've been crying for hours- you guys will get sick."

Once Amy heard Andrew say that she frowned angrily "You are now being sarcastic to me are you not?" She wiped her tears quickly "I hate you so much!"

Andrew was about to say something but paused when he was hit with a realization 'Time was stopped inside the room!?'

To be continued...

Thank You For Reading :>

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