
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Days Of Depression (III)

Andrew suddenly sat up on the bed and hugged her from behind tightly and rested his head on her shoulder.

"!?" Amy was caught completely off guard which made her a blushing mess suddenly "Y-Your Highness!" She said loudly.

Amy quickly shook her head once she saw Andrew do that so he could rest his chin on her shoulder and talk to her.

Andrew had no intention of doing anything wrong with Amy and neither did Amy have any feelings for Andrew. Amy simply was startled by Andrew's sudden action and that demonically handsome face.

"Hey... tell me... how would you react if you killed your lover who was bearing your child in her stomach..."

"Wha-" Amy at first did not get what Andrew meant, however just a moment later she understood the meaning of his words. Amy's eyes widened and she slowly moved her face to look at Andrew.

Amy no longer had a deep blush on her face and she went pale... the thought of what had happened would shake the entire kingdom.

"I..." Amy was not sure how she should react to the matter however she was sure she must comfort Andrew for the sake of Zion.

"I am not sure how I will react... however if I have to kill a loved one for sake of goodness I will not hesitate..."

Amy spoke calmly at which Andrew just scoffed and slowly got his grip tighter around her in anger.

"Easier said than done..."

Amy did not say anything and stayed quiet. Amy actually has gone through that and thus she understood Andrew feeling better than anyone in Zion at the moment. That was the reason she came there anyways.

Amy had killed his brother a few days ago when the soldiers created chaos. Her brother was one of the soldiers and when he was about to drag one of the maids to their house to assault the girl she stabbed him from behind.

If Amy desired she could explain she had gone through that situation as well however she stayed quiet and decided not to tell Andrew that. She knew she could not show her feelings very well and if Andrew misunderstood her words he might think she was lying.

"..." Amy stayed quiet for a second thinking about what she should say however she could think of anything so she hesitantly moved her hand to Andrew's head and started to pat him gently.

Andrew closed his eyes and let Amy run her fingers through his hair as it was weirdly calming him.

"Sire..." Amy said softly "I am sorry if this offends you however at least you do not remember lady Lucia... you will soon forget about this..."

Hearing that Andrew flinched a little and slowly opened his eyes and revealed his pairs of red ruby like eyes filled with tears.

"I wish... I wish I didn't remember her."


The moment Lucia died... something happened.

A few days ago... the moment Lucia died:

"Thank yo.....u." Lucia's grip around Andrew loosened and her arms dropped... she was dead, however, she was still smiling like an idiot because she got to die in the arms of her lover.

Andrew hugged Lucia's dead body tighter and tighter suddenly not knowing why, however, he wanted to hug her as hard as he possibly could.


[Recovering a portion of memory...

Main topic: Love]

{[Information Transfer]}

[Information sending into brains:

-The moments with Lucia


You might feel nauseous but the more this feature is used the fewer its side effects will become.]

The memories of Andrew with Lucia started to pour into his brain... the moment when they first met to the moment they met the last before he lost his memory... he slowly started to recover his memory about her.

Andrew remembered the first time they met... he remembered how scared he was but then how cheerfully Lucia talked to him and became his first friend.

Andrew remembered every good time he had with Lucia... how they walked while holding hands. He remembered how she taught him how to write properly. He remembered how many times she saved him in the royal gathering. He remembered everything...

Even their first time... Andrew remembered how Lucia said she trusted him and she was happy to give him her first time to her... he remembered how happy and cheerful she was... he remembered everything.

What seemed mere seconds for others was like years to Andrew.

Andrew somehow managed to hold back the tears because he did not want to show his weak side to his soldiers, however, anybody could see he was mentally sick at that moment.

Andrew wanted to scream however he could not. He wanted to cry loudly however he could not. He had many mixed emotions that he could have not described... however one thing was sure he must not show his weak side to his soldiers by crying.


"What do you mean...?" Lucia asked, confused at Andrew's word; however , the confused face slowly turned into a face of surprise when he saw tears falling from Andrew's eye.

"Why... Why did I get the memory of her after I killed her!? It hurts... it hurts my chest more than ever..."

Andrew started to cry quietly at which Amy hesitantly hugged him slowly, having tears in her eyes as well.

Neither Andrew nor Amy was sure how they should react to the situation however they could not stop themselves from just hugging each other.

Victor was standing outside the room against the door looking down at the floor with a frown and teary eyes. Victor was able to hear their conversation through magic he put on Amy before she entered the room.

'Oh lord...' Victor placed his face on his palm and tried to calm himself down so he could walk inside the room calmly and try to confront them somehow.

Victor forced himself to be calm by using the healing spell on himself and walked inside the room with a slight smile on his face.

Seeing Victor coming into the room Andrew parted away from Amy and quickly tried to wipe the tears off his cheeks and hide his weak side... It was a surprise he showed Amy, to begin with.

Victor quietly walked to Andrew and without saying anything just hugged him along with Amy. As Victor said before he was no good when it came to talking or comforting through words however he was very good at hugs and pats.

Andrew tried to resist the hug however just a moment later he was hypnotized by Victor's warmth. Andrew slowly wrapped his arms around Victor and continued to cry quietly while mumbling something.

"Why Victor... Why is this happening to me damn it... is this punishment of being quiet before I lose my memory...? why just why..."

Victor did not say anything and just gently patted Andrew's back trying to calm him down by saying "Sh... Everything is okay. This was just one of the dark days... to be a great king you will have to sacrifice many things now..."

"I don't want to... I..."

Before Andrew completed his statement Victor cast a spell and made Andrew fall asleep. Although it would only temporarily calm him down at least that way everyone would get a moment to think about what they must do.

Andrew felt his eyes getting heavy and the moment he felt like that he understood it was Victor using a sleeping spell on him however Andrew was too tired to resist and simply fell asleep like a baby.

Victor with the help of Amy laid Andrew on the bed before sitting on the bed himself and putting Andrew's head on his lap so he could pat him.

"Lord Victor... what should we do?" Amy asked, looking at Victor with a worried face because she was aware that if other kingdoms knew that Lucia was pregnant they would think Andrew started the war simply because he did not desire the responsibility of a child.

"..." Victor looked at Amy with a calm face and asked "We? It's I who will do anything about this... you forget everything." Since Victor was stressed he cared not about being rude.

Amy flinched hearing Victor speak in that voice and nodded looking away before saying "Yes... sorry."

Amy got up from the bed and started to walk away out of the room after she bowed to Victor and Andrew.

Victor sighed softly however he did not stop Amy from going. It was not like she was a very important person anyways.

Victor looked at Andrew who even after falling asleep had an uncomfortable face at which Victor could not help but sigh once again.

'How much will this poor child suffer more...?'

Victor asked himself in his mind as he closed his eyes and leaned against the wall of the bed thinking about what he should do.

"I am sorry Sire... to become normal again I must do this..."

Victor mumbled and stopped patting Andrew's head so he could mumble a spell under his breath and perform a complex spell.

A light emitted from Victor's palm and covered Andrew's body forming a layer of light on his body.

Nearly two seconds later after the light covered Andrew's body the uncomfortable face slowly changed into a normal peaceful face at which Victor smiled softly.

"Please forgive me for this, Sire..."

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! ^^

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