
The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

In the year 2050, a colossal object suddenly appeared above Earth. Governments worldwide panicked as they saw the technologically advanced marvel with many mystical patterns shining in a purple glow. No one knew what was happening till a humanoid alien emerged. "Humans, I am your ancestor." A voice appeared inside everyone's head. "We distributed our life code with an atmosphere-changing module device to many universes and galaxies, hoping to recover our numbers after the Universe War." "I will now awaken the earth's mana core and install a dimensional dungeon system, which will open many dungeons around the earth." A mystical Golden-Purple Aurora emerged and engulfed the sky; this phenomenon was visible everywhere on Earth. "I'm also leaving behind a System that will guide you to awaken faster and get strong enough to survive on your own. Gaia(system) will explain the rest," He disappeared, and so did his voice and spaceship; it was as if everything was an illusion and he was never present. [Hello Humans, I am Gaia. I will help you all to awaken and become strong] A woman's voice appeared inside everyone's head, which confused them even more. ... It took 300 years for Earth to fully transform; now, many powerful beasts roam all around the world. At the age of ten, everyone becomes eligible to challenge the beginner's trial. Everyone challenges, but not all pass. Those who pass it Awaken, unlocking the ability 'Book of Contracts' and walk on the path of Beast Tamer, but Rishi is someone who has already failed twice and has only one chance left. He wants to Awaken and become a Beast Tamer, but the fear of failing has shackled him, making him a societal failure and a disgrace to the clan. Will he be able to Awaken? Will he become a Beast Tamer? Read "The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth" for answers.  ... #Few Important things to keep in mind before reading# a.) Here, the Beast Tamers make contracts to cultivate by using Beasts. b.) In it, the focus is also on Individual strength, not totally in Magic Beast, Power of a Beast Tamer= 60% Individual Strength+ 40% Beast. It can be different in certain situations, but generally, this is the case. c.) The story is medium-paced at the beginning but becomes slow-paced later. It shifts from one pace to another according to the plot. d.) The world-building is slightly different; you mostly explore the world through Main Character's POV. e.) The MC may feel more mature than his age but remember that people mature faster in Magic World. He is also ruthless and sly at times. f.) No Harem #Note# The story of Rishi starts from Chapter 2. Chapter 1 explains the incident with the alien in detail. Bonus Chapter Milestones "..." >075 Power Stones for 1 Bonus Chapter >125 Power Stones for 2 Bonus Chapters >160 Power Stones for 3 Bonus Chapters

One_Shot_MAN · Fantasy
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603 Chs

Dueling with a prodigy

"Oh, you've got a trick or two of your own," Rishi replied.

"Your swordsmanship is weird. Are you a swordsman? It looks like you are using a shield. Aren't sworders known for their offense? Why are you so good at defense" Jay commented.

"Isn't it great? I've prioritized learning defensive moves because I know archers will be challenging to deal with as a swordsman, "Rishi responded with a smile as he approached Jay, dodging and defending himself.

"You appear to be a difficult nut to crack. It looks like I can't hold back if I want to defeat you," Jay said as he began shooting three arrows at a time. Rishi's biggest challenge was that they were approaching on a curved path.

Rishi's passive 'enhanced focus' activated as he became serious and began fighting Jay with all his might. Fighting would be incorrect because he only defended and dodged Jay's attack. Jay was such an astute archer that he shot while moving backward to put distance between himself and Rishi.

His skill impressed Rishi even before he reached the advanced stage; he challenged Rishi, a level 7 advanced stage beast tamer. 'So this is what we call a prodigy,' Rishi thought to himself as he continued fighting; then he noticed an arrow coming at him. He tried to dodge it but found out that defending it would not be easy.

Rishi decided to end this fight and used his 'quick draw' skill to cut down the last arrow, after which he used 'Phantom steps' to reach Jay in a split second. Jay was taken aback by his speed, and a chill ran down his spine when he noticed a small cut on his neck.

"I'm sorry, I got a little carried away," Rishi apologized as he put his sword back into its sheath.

"You don't need to apologize; it appears I went a little overboard, but look at the tip of my last arrow; it was blunt," Jay responded.

Rishi investigated and discovered that Jay was correct. This soothed him and increased his faith in Jay a little. The last attack was a nasty one it could have been dangerous if he didn't used his skills

"Looks like you're hiding a lot," Rishi observed, still stunned by what he had witnessed.

"You are concealing far more than me; I know about all the talented students of our batch, but I've never heard of you," Jay said.

"It's because I can't show my abilities openly because they will attract unnecessary attention, which I want to avoid as much as possible right now," Rishi replied and sighed when he thought about what he needed to hide.

"Welcome to my guild," Rishi said, reaching out his hand to Jay.

They exchanged handshakes before Rishi decided to return to his room.

He called Ajit and told him that Ajit had agreed to join their guild and asked him to devise a strategy for recruiting more members. He returned to his room and decided to inform his roommates about his guild and ask them to join it.

When he entered his room, he noticed his roommates were engaged in their game. He waited for them to finish their game before saying, "Guys, I want to tell you something important."

"Manu, I told you the first day that he likes Nina. Now he will say she is your sister-in-law. Don't hit on her," said Lalit.

"Now he'll ask us to stop pursuing her," Lalit predicted. Manu looked at Rishi with a puzzled expression.

"No, I want to talk about something else," Rishi replied, which calmed Lalit down a little.

"I'd like to inform you that I've formed a guild and would like to invite you to join," Rishi said.

Manu and Lalit paused for a moment to think about it. Lalit was the first to respond, "If it's your guild, why not? I only have one request: add some beautiful girls to our guild to add some glamour. Trust me when I say that many simps will join the guild."

Rishi pondered the idea and replied, "Your idea isn't so bad, but it doesn't align with our guild. I want to make my guild only of elite students. Why would I invite cannon folders to my guild? I want my guild members to be the best with a lot of skill and potential."

"What will my responsibilities be if I join our guild, Risab? You know I'm swamped and won't always be able to be there," Manu asked.

"Don't worry about it; you'll only need to attend guild meetings, dungeon raids, and guild competitions," Rishi replied.

"What will the advantages I will be given?" Manu was curious.

"We will grant you dungeon access until you reach the advanced stage. We could also assist you in evolving your contract beast if you want," Rishi replied.

"You could also request for a custom made weapon but I don't recommend it as your level is very low and you will not be able to use that weapon for long or you could also ask for rare potions. Your first wish will be granted immediately, but you must earn contribution points to get your other things. Don't worry; even if you don't do anything, you'll get some contribution points every week," he added.

"Risab, it appears too good to be true; what are your conditions?" Manu inquired.

"You are correct, Manu; I am not a Santa Claus who will give everyone gifts. There is no such thing as free food in this world. You'll have to sign an agreement not to reveal anything about the guild to an outsider, and you won't be able to leave the guild for two years," Rishi responded.

"I know it's harsh, but believe me, it's worth it." He finished with a warm smile.

"I trust you, Risab, and I don't think these conditions are bad compared to other guilds," Manu replied.

"Don't worry; you guys can have your trust in me. I promise it will be the best decision of your life," said Rishi in a confident tone.

"Risab, I think this occasion needs a party," said Lalit.

"You are right. Let's have a party today. I should also invite other guild members," said Rishi.

He booked a hotel room to celebrate it with his guild members. They all get ready and meet at the hotel nearby their academy.

Jay also came, and Rishi introduced him to other guild members. They all met outside the hotel and decided to enter after grouping up.

Rishi and his friends entered the hotel and went to the room they have booked to celebrate. The room was decorated very well anf their was a dance floor their too, they all enjoyed many different types of tasty dishes.

After it, they all danced to different songs and enjoyed their time. Rishi also enjoyed being with his friends as he was also in a good mood.