
The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth

In the year 2050, a colossal object suddenly appeared above Earth. Governments worldwide panicked as they saw the technologically advanced marvel with many mystical patterns shining in a purple glow. No one knew what was happening till a humanoid alien emerged. "Humans, I am your ancestor." A voice appeared inside everyone's head. "We distributed our life code with an atmosphere-changing module device to many universes and galaxies, hoping to recover our numbers after the Universe War." "I will now awaken the earth's mana core and install a dimensional dungeon system, which will open many dungeons around the earth." A mystical Golden-Purple Aurora emerged and engulfed the sky; this phenomenon was visible everywhere on Earth. "I'm also leaving behind a System that will guide you to awaken faster and get strong enough to survive on your own. Gaia(system) will explain the rest," He disappeared, and so did his voice and spaceship; it was as if everything was an illusion and he was never present. [Hello Humans, I am Gaia. I will help you all to awaken and become strong] A woman's voice appeared inside everyone's head, which confused them even more. ... It took 300 years for Earth to fully transform; now, many powerful beasts roam all around the world. At the age of ten, everyone becomes eligible to challenge the beginner's trial. Everyone challenges, but not all pass. Those who pass it Awaken, unlocking the ability 'Book of Contracts' and walk on the path of Beast Tamer, but Rishi is someone who has already failed twice and has only one chance left. He wants to Awaken and become a Beast Tamer, but the fear of failing has shackled him, making him a societal failure and a disgrace to the clan. Will he be able to Awaken? Will he become a Beast Tamer? Read "The Greatest Beast Tamer of Earth" for answers.  ... #Few Important things to keep in mind before reading# a.) Here, the Beast Tamers make contracts to cultivate by using Beasts. b.) In it, the focus is also on Individual strength, not totally in Magic Beast, Power of a Beast Tamer= 60% Individual Strength+ 40% Beast. It can be different in certain situations, but generally, this is the case. c.) The story is medium-paced at the beginning but becomes slow-paced later. It shifts from one pace to another according to the plot. d.) The world-building is slightly different; you mostly explore the world through Main Character's POV. e.) The MC may feel more mature than his age but remember that people mature faster in Magic World. He is also ruthless and sly at times. f.) No Harem #Note# The story of Rishi starts from Chapter 2. Chapter 1 explains the incident with the alien in detail. Bonus Chapter Milestones "..." >075 Power Stones for 1 Bonus Chapter >125 Power Stones for 2 Bonus Chapters >160 Power Stones for 3 Bonus Chapters

One_Shot_MAN · Fantasy
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603 Chs

Asking second wish

Rishi was working out as usual when his phone rang. He picked it up and saw an incoming call from Ajit, who asked, "Rishi, where are you?"

"I'm in the training room; why did you ask?" he replied.

"It's a serious issue. I've scheduled a meeting with Vaibhav, but he wants to meet with you right now, "Ajit stated.

"Where? Don't tell me he wants to meet in the training hall, "Rishi stated.

"No, he's in the cafeteria and would like to meet you there," Ajit responded.

"Will you also be present there?" he inquired.

"Yeah, I'm almost there," Ajit replied.

"Wait for me; I'm coming," Rishi said. He began walking towards the cafeteria and soon arrived.

He noticed a tall boy sitting next to Ajit. Rishi approached their table and took a seat.

Ajit introduced Rishi. "You've arrived on time. Meet him, Vaibhav; he is our guild leader.

"Hello, my name is Rishab," Rishi introduced himself politely.

"Let's talk about important stuff; I don't have all day," Vaibhav replied arrogantly.

"We want you to join our guild," Rishi said with an expressionless face.

Vaibhav placed his hand on his chin and remained silent for a while. "I have a better idea," he said, looking at Ajit. "I recently joined a well-known guild; why don't you and the other members join mine?"

"Vaibhav, what are you on about? You can refuse to join our guild if you don't want to, but you're asking me to betray my guild. Have you gone insane?" Ajit asked. Rishi didn't say anything; he began drinking the coffee he had ordered as if the entire conversation had nothing to do with him.

"Ajit, are you sure you're serious?"

" You want me to join this small guild and ruin my future while I'm under a junior? I've always thought you were a smart guy. What happened to your intellect?" Vaibhav asked, a disappointed expression on his face.

"Vaibhav, please leave right now," Ajit said coldly. Vaibhav stood up, paid his bill, and said, "Think about my offer, Ajit," before leaving.

Ajit was at a loss for words as he stared at Rishi's expressionless face. He had no idea Vaibhav had already joined a guild and he would react in this manner, or he had never invited him.

"I'm sorry, Rishi; I should have asked him if he has already joined a Guild," he apologized.

Rishi sipped his coffee and said, "I have faith in you. Next time, ensure the person we're inviting to join us hasn't joined a guild, and when does guild competition begin."

"It starts next week," Ajit replied.

"We don't have much time left; please arrange a meeting at Training Hall No. 85 at 6:00 p.m. today. Also, until the guild competition is over, we will not recruit any new members," he said.

"Find out which guild he joined as well. We'll say hello to him in the guild competition." An evil grin appeared on his face after he finished his sentence.

"I knew a vengeful fellow like you wouldn't let someone get away this easily," Ajit replied, smiling.

"I didn't invite him to come to insult me; it's his karma; he can't blame me," Rishi responded.

Rishi left the cafeteria after discussing some critical matters.

He quickly arrived at the training ground and began training more. He didn't show it to Ajit but was furious this time.

"It appears that hiding so much that even some nameless idiots might dare to offend you is not the best option. I also can't hide my identity indefinitely; being insulted so frequently is not worth it. I'll catch up to her in a week at most, but the real issue is that revealing my identity will also attract senior students. I cannot afford to fight everyone, which is why forming this guild is critical."

"I also require the support of my clan, but to obtain it, I must demonstrate to them that I have changed and am now worthy of their support. There's too much to do; let's start with the guild's needs."

"Oh right, Ajit asked me to arrange potions; they are essential when challenging a dungeon. Potions are very expensive; where can I get them cheaply?"

He pondered it for some time before coming up with an answer.

"From the Agastya Clan. However, I don't know anyone in the Agastya clan; they only know me through Kajal." He was deciding who to contact when he realized he still had two wishes to ask of her.

'Is there any guild leader as generous as me? Am I the only one wasting my valuable wish for my guild?' He was thinking in his head as he dialed Kajal's number.

After some time, she answered his call.

"Hello, Kajal," Rishi said.

"Who are you? And how did you get my phone number?" she inquired.

"You gave me yourself," Rishi replied.

She paused to think about it and remembered giving her phone number to a boy who assisted her in taming her second-contract beast. She expected him to call her to bother her, but he never did.

"What exactly do you want?" she asked.

"Is this how you communicate with your benefactor? I want my magic beast back as my second wish," Rishi said.

"No, I can't return it. I've already contracted it," she replied.

"You think I'm a fool. I know you don't have the contribution points to get it," Rishi replied.

"I'm ending the call if you keep talking nonsense," Kajal said.

"As my second wish, I'd like to receive a lifetime discount of 90% on potions purchased from you," Rishi said.

"No, you cannot wish for a discount from me; I will use one of my conditions," she replied.

"Do you want to squander your opportunities? I have many evil things in my mind; will it not be more useful to save them?" Rishi joked.

Rishi's remark made Kajal reconsider her decision.

"I can only give you a 10% discount at most," she said after some thought.

"Why are you so frugal? Think carefully; I will not repeat myself," Rishi said, " I am offering you some beneficial information in exchange for a 70% discount."

"First, tell me that useful information; if it is really that important, I will grant your wish," she responded.

"The useful information is that the baby magic beast I gave you is of epic grade," Rishi explained.

"Oh, really, I thought it was of legendary grade," Kajal retorted sarcastically.

"I'm not joking. It's a spark fox, not an electric fox; get it before others notice," Rishi advised.

"Next time, only call me when there's something important," she said as she hung up the phone.

"Hello, I'm not kidding; it's a spark fox. At least check it," Rishi said, but there was no response. He checked his phone and saw that she had hung up.

He sent her an email explaining that he was telling the truth.