
The Great Evil Monster Accross Existences

I'm true evil, I enjoy the cries of pain and suffering. They are music to my ears, I just can't help it. I hate myself, I don't try and justify my actions. I know what I'm doing is wrong... but i can't help it

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Since I had split the classes into 3 parts, 7 per tower, and the 6 remaining in our class to hold back classes 1-C. I didn't fight this time and simply stood by, only acting when I had to, but it was only in self-defense

Alice luckily had another sword, She alone clashed with Kevin and 3 others from class 1-B students, she was of course fighting a losing battle, but she seemed more experienced, as if she fought through hundreds of batters

She fought to buy time, and I couldn't help but lose myself at the scene of her fighting. But I was soon forced to snap out of it as I stepped backward, dodging an ice spear. Calmly looking toward Emma, I saw her in the middle of a battle acting as if she didn't just launch an ice spear at me.

I ignored her, causing Emma's heart to drop. Why? Because her instincts were telling her that I already knew, it was this feeling she couldn't shake off no matter what. Taking a deep breath she signed toward Kevin, who smirked slightly

But just as Kevin was about to move, a rock shot forward, it was perfect timing, and the rock was like a bullet, which pierced into his eye and made a home for itself. Kevin's pained scream filled the battlefield, While everyone was left off guard by this, Alice moved, her sword cutting off Kevin's head

Alice through a thankful look towards me, before moving to fighting the rest. The battle quickly turned in our favor, after all, we had just taken down the other side's team leader

'he knew? Just when we signaled at each other he took that split window.' Emma thought through gritted teeth, If it was anyone else who did this she would have thought it was all luck, but it was Sora out of all people

She looked towards me, only to see me looking at her. She froze for a moment, only to be hit by an attack that sent her flying away, slamming through a few trees. I looked away, and just watched as we went on to win. the 7 at each tower only had to find a flag, which they needed to bring down and replace with a flag that said Flag 1-A. So we went on to win, all we had to do was buy time.

So with bright lights, we all began disappearing, only to open her eyes to the outside world. we appeared in the outside world, where we opened our eyes all at the same time. due to the differences in time in the outside world and inside, none of course could live in the VR world 1 by one, instead, we all left at the same time, even those who were the first to die.

Getting off my seat, I calmly looked towards Kevin who was throwing a death glare at me. he tried here he could go all out, It was truly something that annoyed him greatly, that sneak attack also hurt. having your eye hit by a rock and your neck being cut from your body was painful.

"Congratulations, class 1-A has won," Jules said calmly while looking at all of us, well mostly who just stood there without a care. I didn't bother to stay as I left, but before I could get far was called to go meet the president of the academy law enforcement, I already knew it was my sister wasn't shocked to enter the office to see her looking at me. She was an S-rank Swords Mage, and the look she gave me had the pressure to back it off. but I ignored it while waiting for her to speak, which shocked her slightly.

"Where did you learn Phoenix magic," She asked softly. Phoenix Magic was a rare form of magic that was unique to the Phoenix family. it was considered an SS tier magic, so powerful that only the head of the family can ever have it at a time, and only pass it down to the person who would take over their role as family head. So how could I have it?

So what if the past their father was planning on having me be the one who would use this magic, That didn't explain how he had it as he changed his mind upon seeing my talent.

"I taught it myself from seeing the phoenix family head use it," I said calmly, and my words caused Jean's heart to ace slightly. Why? I was speaking to our father as if he were someone else altogether,

"He is still your father." She said with a deep frown, to which I shook my head at her words, which caused her frown to deepen

"I lost my family when I was 8 years old, it just took some time for me to accept that reality... if this was all you wished to speak about law enforcement president, then I should be on my way," I said calmly, before turning to leave,

"Sora Phoenix, we are still family. Even with everything you have done, Father still allowed you to keep your name. Even with everything you have done, he still favored you above everyone else, What do you have to be so upset about? If any one of us were to have acted remotely as you did, we would have been disowned on the spot with our names and everything stripped from us." She yelled while standing up from her seat, I froze for a moment in my footsteps, something inside me burning... I was angry?

"What do I have to be upset about? Who knows, maybe is because my parents ignored my very existence because I was talentless. maybe it was because my own siblings were making my life a living hell. maybe it was because the only way I could ever feel some warmth in my life was to hang out with the wrong crowd, drown myself in alcohol to lessen the hurt, and do drugs to help me enjoy living... yet it was all a call for attention to my parents which just ignored my existences. I got to keep my name... what's a stupid name worth?" I asked calmly without turning around, I was most distracted as this was the first time I ever felt anger. but weirdly I was just curious about these new emotions,

"..." Jean was quiet unable to speak, As the elder sister she saw everything as a cry for attention, and she never did anything.

"I don't care anymore, I understand you were all happy I was just trash. you were the happiest, standing out in your father's eyes by staying away from me and studying hard. Now you're next in the role to become the family head. You're mostly worried I will return to take that position away from you like I would want to be considered related to any of you." I said softly, before leaving, leaving Jean to stay there with a blink look.

She was unable to think for some time, but in the end, she looked at her watch where her beautiful red-haired woman was, frozen at the words she heard. to say the least, this was their mother, Tanya Phoenix,

"Is what he said true?" She was in a cold and chilling voice, which made Jean unable to look her in the eyes.

"Look me in the eyes when I'm speaking to you." She yelled in rage, causing Jean to jump slightly, but she looked her in the eyes before speaking. Why was she so mad you may ask?

She was normally on the battlefield, unlike her husband who would stay home as he was the family head. that day when Sora awkaneed his talent, she was there Yes she was disappointed that he had poor talent, but she didn't care much as with Sora's bright mind he would still do great things. but she couldn't stay for long and left for the battlefield, where Sora's life became hell

Every time she called to check up on the family, all she heard was about how Sora had become this bad kid, getting tattoos and hanging out with the wrong crowd. she didn't believe it until she saw some drugs in Sora's room. she hurt seeing this, but she did nothing and helped her husband cover things up. she could never bring to see Sora with her own eyes, not wanting to see the disappointment he had become. Instead, she rather hold on to the image she had of him in her heart,

yet now, she was hearing the reason behind everything. and she realized she was one of the people Sora was calling out to. the drug was out in the opening, he wanted it to be seen knowing she was coming, yet she did nothing. Did all of her children scheme against Sora, bring his image down, and drive him into such a path? Did her husband do nothing?

Now for the first time, she was getting the truth. Jean spilled the beans, her husband had put his hopes and dreams on Sora from a young age. Sora was bright, kind, cheerful, and showed an unmatched level of intelligence and potential. but when Sora was revealed to be trash, his warmth towards Sora just dropped.

He was the main reason why Sora's life began hell, Imagine training, and with every mistake you make you are compared to Sora. this caused all of them to grow resentful towards Sora, even as trash he was still a huge pain in the ass.

Jean on the other hand never did much to Sora, she just distanced herself from Sora and her father, making a name for herself. She saw an opportunity and took it, she was only 14 years old when she enrolled in the academy. it was early for her age but she just wanted to be far away from the toxic environment.

Tanya glared at Jean, but she hung up before she could say anything I might end up regretting. Jean rubbed her forehead, memories of Sora as a kid flashing through her head, She loved Sora, and saw him as her favorite young sibling, spoiling all the time. but at some point, she began to envy him. he was just too smart,

But now as she thought back, with all that intelligence, he had always just wanted to be loved. resting her head on the desk, an image of Alice appeared before her. She looked at Alice, getting lost in her pure blue eyes. those eyes, reminded her so much of Sora, yet she and the others turning killed such a look in Sora's eyes.

"I'm a shitty sister..." She said softly, accepting the reality placed before her. frowning, she touched her face as she felt something wet. She was blank for some time, before realized she was crying, She was stunned for some time before she smiled with a mocking smile. it seemed she still loved Sora... no a part of her fault like it was all her fault, If only she stood by Sora's side, then Sora would be the same. she had seen it, yet she turned the other eye. She was really a shitty sister