
The Great Evil Monster Accross Existences

I'm true evil, I enjoy the cries of pain and suffering. They are music to my ears, I just can't help it. I hate myself, I don't try and justify my actions. I know what I'm doing is wrong... but i can't help it

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Tommy was a skilled hunter, although a noble he and his father enjoyed camping, and trying to survive without the need for tech. because of this, Tommy became sub leader who led everyone, helping Alice who only knew the basics.

After hunting down some animals, and getting some fresh water, we all got ready to face off against the monster within the cave. this VR world had more than simply a desert, this base was within a forest surrounded by tall-thick trees.

all but me who just stood at the side watching everything. something which displeased a few of them, Sure my stats were all at the C tier, but they would still be useful. thats even more so with my combat capability.

"So you just sit back and drag us behind? you refuse to help out in any way shape and form, the least you could do is at least fight." Eric said with a deep frown,

"Sora he is right. If you don't want to lead or don't want to take any role, you could at least do your job as a member of our class." Emma said calmly, to which everyone nodded. I calmly looked around and saw that Alice was about to stand up to him. being the good wonderful friend I was, I stopped her

"Sigh, it's a diamond ape bear. A good amount of you would die if you faced it as you are." I said calmly before going quiet, leaving everyone speechless, but this time even Alice couldn't be quiet

"What do you mean?" Alice asked with a deep frown. A Diamond Ape Bear. it was a powerful monster, with almost no weakness. its speed was unmatched, its attack power was unmatched, its defense was unmatched, its senses were unmatched, and so on.

"Diamond Ape Bear live within caves surrounded by diamond-like plants, Look on the ground and you will see those plants just yet to grow. although a recent study says that a Diamond Ape bear causes these rare plants to grow wherever they go. if you were to look above you at the bark of the trees, you would see some huge beast walk here, its sides which came into contact with the trees caused such damage. but something so huge should cause some imprint on the ground, yet there is nothing... that is until you hit the ground and you would realize it's just compressed, making this whole era flat." I said calmly leaving everyone quiet for some time as they looked around

a few kicked the ground, and yes it was harder than rocks. everyone was quiet, chills running down their spins. they were about to jump into death doors.

"Y-you were not going to say anything?" Lisa asked in shock, to which I simply nodded

"A few losses and setbacks would do you all some good. don't depend on someone who could care less." I said calmly, making everyone throw some displeased looks toward me, which I ignored taking a deep breath Alice thought for a moment before nodding. but before she could speak, I spoke ahead of her

"This is my guess on its stats," I said as a hologram appeared in the sky, leading everyone to look at it and for their pupils to shrink.

[Attack Potency: Mid B tier

Speed: Mid B tier

Durability: Mid B tier

Stamina: Low B tier

Accuracy: High C tier

Intelligence: Mid-C tier

Charm: High S tier]

"... why is its charm so high?" Alice asked with a confused look,

"Bears are cute," I said calmly, making everyone speechless. they looked at me for some time before ignoring me and looking at the stats listed.

"With how hard the ground is, its steps are unmatched, judging by the gaps between each footstep, it should be fast as well. The durability part needs no explanations and the same for Stamina and the rest." I said calmly, to which everyone looked at each other with an uneasy look

"... then I fight it head-on, everyone else supports me from behind." Alice took a deep breath, ready for battle, but I stopped her.

"Just work together," and so I told everyone my plan, which they all nodded to, so everyone got into position, and we all looked at the huge cave within the mountains. after some time, countless fireballs were fired into the cave, hitting the sealing of the cave and causing the cave to shake before it all began to cave in.

Above the cave, II pointed out the weak points into the cave, where the students used the spell, [Earthquake] causing the earth to shake and for the mountains to quickly cave in upon themselves while we got away and to safety.

a huge dust cloud was created, and the sound of an enraged bear filled the air. everyone got ready, and they watched the bear slowly crawl out of all of the dust. to say the least, it was badly injured, luckily the mountain hallow so it survived. but it was because of this that we could have this mountain cave it.

Peter, the fastest person in our class appeared before the bear. the bear seeing Peter instantly grew bloodshot seeing the smug look Peter had. Peter quickly turned around while casting the spell [Wind Speed], and as if he were the wind he disappeared, leading the bear seeing this quickly rush after Peter

but with its injuries, it was going to be hard for it. but Peter gave it the illusion that it was going to catch it, where was Peter heading you may ask. well, up head was class 1-C. class 1-C was far, so although they heard the sound of the mountain falling in upon itself, they were too far to react instantly.

"How did you know where they were at?" Alice asked, to which I simply had a hologram of a map appear.

"The Ape Bear was like some boss. so let for a moment guess that they wanted us to face it, The fact we went this way means class 1-A should be up ahead. see, thats the tower. The other one should be over there." I said calmly while pointing towards a tower to our far left which could barely be seen through the trees, before pointing toward the right

to say the least, everyone was shocked once more by this, but they had to turn their attention back to the bear they were following from afar, as Peter had run into a few students from class 1-C, before casting the spell [Fleeing Wind] which was a spell which allowed him to flee

the bear seeing its target disappearing, was enraged, so it turned its rage towards class 1-C. seeing this, and they were slaughtered. the Daimond Earth Bear had an ability called [Loved By Earth] which allowed it to heal so long as its feet touched the ground, so it had been healing all this time.

this ability also helps it restore its energy, this is what made those who study Earth magic such a path troublesome. so long as they are touching the ground, they can't be killed unless you kill them in one shot, or cause injuries to them faster than they could recover.

the screams of the students filled the forest, which caused those who were following the bear to freeze as they saw the bloody scene. the organs of the student, flesh, and their cries of pain as they tried to put back their organs into their stomach. It caused a few of them to throw up... all but a few, among them was Alice who frowned unable to catch such a scene.

and to the shock of everyone, she shot forward to stop the bear. my eyes glowed seeing such a scene, What a hero to protect the enemy, even though it was all a VR world. Alice let out a cry, catching the bear's attention, so she and the bear clashed, and she was quickly sent flying backward.

the Diamond Ape Bear roars, its palms slapping its bear before the diamonds which were on each joint on its body suddenly glow. Alice's pupils shrank as she saw countless diamond rocks appearing in the sky, which were as big as a house.

but they were shot forward with enough power to level a town. Alice being in mid-air couldn't react, she gritted her teeth, She didn't want to use any powerful magic, but it seemed like she had no choice but to do so right now. but just as her sword began to glow, I appeared, pulling her to the side, and doing the diamond balls, which slammed into the ground, creating powerful shock waves which sent us flying into the sky.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a confused look, Alice looked at me for a moment with a stunned look, before sighing

"I know it's stupid... but I can't turn my head away from those in need, even if it's a VR world. No one should endure such pain." She said softly, making my heart melt. she was truly a good person,

"You're right, it's stupid... but you're my friend. May I see your sword?" I asked calmly, to which Alice looked at me in shock, but she gave me the sword

"Friends support each other, and if your dream is to become a hero, I will help you become the best. It's going to be fun..." I said with a gentle smile, which stunned Alice. but her attention was caught by the sword which was covered in a layer of flames. she looked down and saw that we were falling towards the bear, which was looking at us, while forming more diamond balls, which shot towards us.

I moved, cutting through each diamond ball, Everyone watched in shock, as a scene that could only be said to have come out of a fairy tale played out. my sword exploded with a huge amount of flames, which formed the image of a large phoenix above us. falling with the sword, the phoenix shot down, and with a flash, the phoenix flew through the bear and continued flying into the ground

everyone was frozen in horror seeing the aftermath of the attack, half of the bear's body had disappeared, and a huge pit was left behind. we landed on the ground, looking at the pit with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I guess my control wasn't on point. my emotions were not stable." I said softly while looking at Alice's sword which was turning to dust. yet Alice could only look at me with widened eyes, That attack was at the A tier,

"How?" She asked while looking at me in shock,

"Everything has a rhythm, be one with the world, be one with the sword, and anything could be cut. Sense that rhythm and things above your pay grade could be cut, allowing you to show strength far above your attack potency. add a high control of magical energy and a perfect sword. your strength would be unmatched." I said calmly, to which Alice nodded in slight understanding,

"..." Outside the VR world, everyone was quiet. Many had come to watch this battle, many were listening, and many were paying attention to Sora. yet what the fuck did they just see? Someone at the C tier managed to cut through Diamond balls with the durability at the High B tier, Diamonds that could withstand the atomic bomb made hundreds of years ago in the 1,900s... sure these diamonds would be injured, but a good amount of it would remain

So how could Sora cut through so many of them, and unleash such a powerful attack? that attack is what people would call a city-level attack.

"Akane what is the level of that attack?" Jean asked calmly, stunning everyone who didn't notice as she was there. this was Sora's elder sister, president of the academy law enforcer council, In the whole academy she was equal to a few people and lower than the academy president.

"It was only High C tier... but as he said, the rhythm. even a weak attack at the C tier could show power at the low A tier. This is shocking, such a level of control over his energy, body, and even the sword. It was like he had become his sword. I want to scene this attack down to every last detail, but that would cause everything to shut down." Akena said while breathing deeply, her eyes glaring at Sora through the screen

"I see..." Jean said softly, She thought for some time before she left. sooner or later, this match would go viral and the whole world would see it. but it was best she was the first one to let her parents know. Sora just used a secret technique of the Phoenix family, a technique that only their father knew. A technique they saw a small handful of times, so how did Sora not only get his hands on that spell and infuse it with his sword so well?