
The godly system

DISCONTINUED!!!!!!!! When Quinn (20) dies from getting hit by a truck he finds himself reincarnated as a baby from a rich and powerful family But there’s a twist he has a Goldy system to help him through his times in his new life. Follow Quinn aka Alexander though his journey to become the richest in the world and the most powerful (( A/N: his family might be rich and powerful but he’s gonna be way more rich and powerful))

TheRandomFemaleFan · Others
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Chapter 2



Moon star~

In a hospital in moon star called Moon star ER there's a incredibly beautiful woman who is in her 20's giving birth. The woman has long dark black hair that stops at her waist and bright beautiful blue eyes, she has very red plump lips, long eyelashes. The woman name is Lillian Cross and beside her holding her hand also let's not forget he's about to pass out but his name is Liam cross (Authors note : he's the MC's dad) Liam and Lillian are happily married and is giving birth to their first child together.

"Are you ready Mrs.Cross" Said the best doctor in the city

"Y-yes" Lillian said with difficulty

"Breath Lilly" said Liam

"Ok I will try" Lillian said.

"Ok now on the count of 3 we're gonna have you push" said the doctor




2 hours later~~~~~~

"Ok Mr and Mrs.Cross here's your baby boy"

The doctor handed the baby to Lillian who look very tired but excited. "Liam look he's so Handsome" Lillian said. "My son took after me" Liam said proudly. "You wish" Lillian said as she laughed. "What should name him Liam?" Lillian asked Liam. "We should name him Alexander" said Liam.

"I like it" said Lillian as she smiled at her new born son.

3 hours before~~~

Our MC is currently in his mother's womb.

Quinn aka Alexander woke up finally after talking to god.

"Where am I?....am I a baby?" Alexander asked Then he remembered everything that happened "It's real!!!" He says excitedly

All of a sudden he feels the most terrible pain he's even felt in his whole entire life "ughhhhh that feels terrible" the pain was too much for him apparently because he goes unconscious from it.

Cross Mansion

In the mansion ( authors note: it's basically a palace lol) there's a new born baby about 2 months old sitting with his mother outside on a patio. "Alexander when you get older you must be a very good boy ok?" Lillian asked very warmly and her eyes are filled with love.

"System?" Alexander said in his heart...but there's no response

'Is there something wrong with the system' Alexander says in his mind. Then it hit him he's only a baby -_- . So fast forward 5 years

Alexander is currently 5 years old and He's gonna try to call the system again. He's been doing it everyday for the last 5 years.

"System" said Alexander

[ hello host! I'm the Godly-system] a very cheerful child like voice said. "Yesssss" Alexander said happy. "Ok so system tell what can you do"

[ ding! Ok host I can help you achieve greatness in anything like business,singing,acting,strength,etc]

"Yesss ok" Alexander was so happy because that's what he wanted in his past life.

Then a list or title like list popped up in front of him there was:





Alexander clicked STATUS and this is what showed:

Name: Alexander Cross








Mana control—-level 1

Cultivation: nothing, hasn't even started anything yet.

Alexander looked at the stats kind of agitated, he felt like his "Profile" was skimp and there was almost nothing on there..

"Well..that sucks, wait! What am I talking about? I have the godly system" Alexander said laughing at himself.

Next, Alexander went to the shop because he felt like he could buy a cultivation technique even though he was still on earth, he could be the strongest and most talented!


{Weapons} {Skills} {cultivation related}

(Ding! the more host upgrades the more things he can buy)

Alexander didn't even look at the first two and clicked on the cultivation related tab,

[Supreme-Ancient dragon technique][price:free]

- This is the technique the system, itself, chose for the host. Host should be very proud.

- I believe the title says enough for you to know how powerful it is!

'Hmm…I mean it is the only one on there, welp! Seems like we are getting that one'

Alexander bought the technique and rushed to his room, running pass his mother who was in the kitchen( don't ask okay idk where he was).

Once he got in his room he instantly sat in the lotus position. He struggled for a couple of seconds;can't blame him though he's never cultivated before. Luckily the system helped him and he started cultivating.

This is the first step towards becoming the emperor of the world.