
The godly system

DISCONTINUED!!!!!!!! When Quinn (20) dies from getting hit by a truck he finds himself reincarnated as a baby from a rich and powerful family But there’s a twist he has a Goldy system to help him through his times in his new life. Follow Quinn aka Alexander though his journey to become the richest in the world and the most powerful (( A/N: his family might be rich and powerful but he’s gonna be way more rich and powerful))

TheRandomFemaleFan · Others
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Chapter 1 ( the death)

In a city called moon star you can see an ordinary 20 year old boy whose about to cross the street. This is our MC Quinn . He's a very smart boy who graduated college at the age of 15 but sadly he couldn't find a job because he offended a powerful businessman.

Quinn's POV~

"Life's been hard luckily I can buy some food" as I walk on the sidewalk I hear a man scream "hey watch out!!" But I was too late as a I turn and look I see a truck and all I can think is { wow this is how I really end? I'm still a virgin!!}

(A/N: that's all you can think about -_-).

I died. But I don't feel any type of way. My parents disowned me because I couldn't get a job with my smartness and because I offended a powerful businessman.

"Sigh" but I started to wonder where am I? I can't move And I'm floating. Quinn starts to panic but as soon as he does he's all of a suddenly a white room. Quinn looks around to see anything.

All he can see is a man whose in a White robe . The man in the white robe says "my boy Quinn....you've died sadly but I can give you another chance at life " the old man says with a smile.

Quinn is very confused and asks "who are you? Where am I?" The old man laughs " I am god Quinn and you are floating in the reincarnation of time" says God

"I really died?....well you said you'll give me another chance right?" Says Quinn. God smiles and nods. " I will give you 5 wishes Quinn" says god .

Quinn is very excited so he says his wishes

1) I want a system like in those novels

2) I want to stay on earth and not go other planets or dimensions

3) make me very handsome and strong

4) I want to be born in a very powerful family and they love me

5) last but not least I want you to make the system a MAX stat system

God listens and nods " ok Quinn I will accept you wishes are you ready?"

All Quinn can feel is hope in his sad life

" yes God I'm ready"

" ok bye Quinn see you soon"

Next Quinn in sucked into a portal..