
The God of Wealth!

Notice: Spelling Errors have been fixed for all chapters before chapter 20. If you find any, please feel free to send me a message so that i can fixed them. Orphan Michael Croft wakes up after an unfortunate beating, only to find that he has acquired The System. With the help of the System Michael's optimistic life turns for the better leading him not only into the world of the rich and powerful but also a world of martial arts,magic and God hood. [Writers note] I write for fun. The story will be updated every day 1-2 chapters minimum if we have a good week going I might update more. Happy reading!

Uriel_Oblea · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter:12 Beating, A Choice From The System

Chapter:12 Beating, A Choice From The System

Walking out from school. Michael kept getting sympathetic games from the passers-by.

Everyone knew Michael and Richard had history together, but this was the first time Richard and his crew had ever taken the initiative to look for Michael.

It was always coincidental when they met. Either Michael was running errands downtown or he was boarding off the bus where Richard's men were stationed, but looking at today's event Richard seemed to be really mad to come and look for Michael out of his own initiative.

As Michael walked side by side with Richard,He kept thinking of ways to get out of his predicament, but he couldn't think of any and there was no time left for him to think of something since they had already reached the school gate.

Michael wasn't scared, afterall, he had grown up dealing with these types of situations.What made Michael uneasy was that he was probably gonna lose again.

In his mind he kept thinking " it doesn't matter how many come at me. But at least, come at me one or Two at a time. Why bring so many people? If not, how could you win?" But no matter what things had gotten to this point and there was no backing out.

"Alright! Michael, how do I deal with you today."

"How about this! Work for me for a year and clean my shoes with your tongue and will call it even and better yet, no one other than my gang is here, so you don't have to worry about anyone else looking! Hahaha."

As Richard finished speaking all of Richard's henchmen started laughing at Richard's taunts as if they were following a script. Any way you looked at it the scene was rather creepy.

On the other hand, Michael was quiet, his expressions indifferent. It wasn't Michael trying to act cool it was just that he was busy talking to the system to pay attention to anything at the moment.

"Hey! System what do you mean threat lvl 0!

I'm clearly in a pickle here! What use are you if you aren't of any use."


Host! You are being over dramatic. It's only 30 people. I recommend you toughen up and get punching.

"Hey you Fucker! I'm talking to you."

As Michael was getting frustrated from the system's refusal to help an angry voice snapped Michael back to reality and just as he was going to take a look at who was screaming at him the image of a fist headed towards him suddenly caught his eye.

With nowhere to hide Michael decided to fight head on with his opponent who was none other than Richard.

Michael also threw his fist towards his opponents punch and as they collided a cracking sound was heard. It was none other than the sounds of Bones breaking but I wasn't Michael's but Richard's fist that was injured.

At a Glance you could see Richard's fingers were bent in all directions as blood started to cover his fist, it was a very scary sight to see.

And as Richard noticed his predicament he couldn't help but get scared, and soon after. panicked kicked in.

"Ahhh! No! No! How did you break my hand! No! You should be fighting back you fucking orphan!"

"Men! Teach him a lesson! Either he dies today, or none of you get to live past tonight."

Right after the words Were spoken, Richard henchman throttled over towards Michael with the intention of beating him into a pulp.

But none of the scenes that were supposed to happen played out that day. One by one, punch after punch were blocked,countered or just plainly dodged by Michael and in a matter of a few minutes all of Richard's men were sprawled on the ground floor.

Richard was so dumbfounded he forgot all about the pain from his hand. Hell,Even Michael was dumbfounded. He never thought he'd get out of this predicament on his own, especially in such a way.

But before Michael could feel any kind of emotion a siren could be heard followed by two police cars, and the cars came to a stop, two police officers got out of the car.

"Hehehe, what luck! I finally got some pay back and now I'm probably heading into the can."

"Alright! You two, hands up where I can see them."

That being said, Michael raised his hands up high not forgetting to throw a prideful smile towards Richard only to be met with eyes full of hatred and as they were cuffed and taken into the car a few words from Richard could be heard as they locked the car door behind him.

"I'll remember today! Just you wait, I'll return today to you a hundred fold!."

Hearing Richard's promise Michael could help but laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, I've endured today's treatment since the day I was born. Now, you can't even handle one day...if that's the case, what do I have to fear from you. Hahaha, hahaha."


At the police station, Michael was sitting on a chair waiting to be interrogated when the door finally opened and in came an attractive female cop in civilian clothes.

Michael couldn't help but swallow his saliva because not only was the female cop extremely attractive but because she was the spitting image of Cindy Anderson the woman she met at Williams Home's.But why would she be here? Or was it that she was going through a hard time and decided to get a second job?

Okay! Mr.Croft! Please give me your statement about today's events and everything that occurred before the incident near the school took place.

Just as Michael was deep in thought his thought process was cut off by the questioning of the female cop but instead of answering Michael asked a question instead.

"Good to know you know my name. What's yours?"

Stunned, the female officer took a long hard look at Michael, before reaching for her badge that was hanging around her Neck before showing it to Michael.

Fourth precinct Captain Anderson! Anything else you want to ask before we continue the interrogation.

Listening to her answer, Michael was half sure about his conjecture, and couldn't help but smile at the female cop, making her feel a little strange for a moment.

And at that moment he received a message from the system.


Double the pleasure, double the fun!

Mission! Conquer Rose Anderson! You have two routes to proceed on.

Route 1. Charm your way into Rose Andersons good grace and eventually bed her.

Route 2. Hire Rose Anderson to be a full time bodyguard. After all, time makes the heart grow fonder and direct contact makes it grow harder lol.

Time limit N/a

Reward: Training Hall

"Great! Yes, I do! Two actually. Do you happen to have a sister by the name of Cindy? And are you perhaps interested in a new job?."