
The God of Wealth!

Notice: Spelling Errors have been fixed for all chapters before chapter 20. If you find any, please feel free to send me a message so that i can fixed them. Orphan Michael Croft wakes up after an unfortunate beating, only to find that he has acquired The System. With the help of the System Michael's optimistic life turns for the better leading him not only into the world of the rich and powerful but also a world of martial arts,magic and God hood. [Writers note] I write for fun. The story will be updated every day 1-2 chapters minimum if we have a good week going I might update more. Happy reading!

Uriel_Oblea · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter:11 Mission Acomplished,Trouble

Chapter:11 Mission accomplished, Trouble

As Michael walked into the classroom he quickly spotted a secluded place and took a seat.

After waiting a couple of minutes, The classroom bell rang and all those who were still standing hurried to take a seat.

Not long after, an old man carrying an old school briefcase walked through the door.The old man had a scholarly Aurora around him, each step he took seemed feeble and slow yet the expression on his face said otherwise.

Arriving at his desk, the old man slammed his briefcase on the desk, raised his head to look around the class and began speaking.

"Alright! Seems like everyone is here! So, let's get on with today's lecture."

"The rise of the market is not based on numbers and symbols! It is based on greed and necessities. If you want to sell something to your customers and keep them buying more, sometimes you have to entice them with benefits. You can raise the price of a certain product or give a discount...this is a fair market! But as many of you have learned from the years prior, you can guide the customers to a certain outcome. does anyone know how?..."

As the only man asked his question he looked around the room only to see everyone keeping silent.seeing this he snorted and picked someone at random..and yet that someone happened to be Michael.

"You! You'd man hiding at the back of the class answered the question! How do you guide the customer to buy a specific product?."

Fuck! Wasn't I hiding at the back for a reason why did you pick me."

As he complained to himself in a low voice, Michael thought about the question before responding.

"Umm, uh, you sell the customers a product that come in pairs and increase the price of one so that they will buy more of that product.Such as Cereal and Milk or bacon and butter...if you raise the price of the milk and decrease or discount the price of the cereal customers will probably buy more cereal so that they can stock up on it just incase the price of the cereal goes up as well."

"Hahaha, Very good at least you know your stuff."

Seeing as his answer was alright,Michael breathed out a sigh of relief even though he had answered that question well he didn't know if he could keep answering any more questions if he kept asking for more.

After that the professor continued with his lecture and soon the bell calling for the end of class rang.


Mission completed!

The rewards have been given and are sitting on the systems notification page for you to receive them.

Listening to the system's prompt, Michael couldn't help but smile.

Then he quickly accepted both rewards from the system.

Soon an illusory Fogg drilled into Michael's head and he felt his head spin a little making him close his eyes then a slight pressure permeated his whole being before soon disappearing and when Michael finally opened his eyes, his world view had changed.

Everything seemed clearer all of a sudden he understood everything about economics,business management, accounting, and other business building related topics and thanks to his newly upgraded memory Michael could remember everything he had seen, touched or listened before and if it was happening in that moment the feeling was just nothing short of magical.

Just as Michael was getting accustomed to the new changes in his body he heard a disturbance behind him followed by the sound of a familiar laugh.

"Hahaha if it isn't Michael the Orphan!"

Turning Around to see who was the one that was calling him, he found that it was Richard and he was walking towards him with his arms wide open as if he was his old friend.

If it wasn't for the fact that Richard had beaten him up recently he would've thought they were friends as well by the way the other party was acting.

As he stood there staring at Richard approach him, Michael remained silent.

"Michael! Why the long face? Don't you recognize me anymore!

Or is it now that you're rich you can't even spare me a moment of your time!"

"Speak up! What do you want, Richard."

"Hehehe, you know me best, my, dear ,Michael!"

"I heard from a little bird out there. that you recently got a whole bunch of expensive clothes and accessories delivered! When I heard this I was deeply shocked. After all, why would you keep these things a secret from me! after all we've been friends, for a long ..long time..or is it, that you don't want to pay your dues..after all if you made some money, why would you go out to buy something nice before coming to me."

"Am i right! So what do you have to say.Michael! Will you be paying your dues, or do we have to go have a walk around school."

After Richard finished with his threat, twenty to thirty people appeared out of nowhere and surrounded Richard and him blocking any possible exit.

Seeing this Michael didn't have much to say he could only sigh.

"Sigh... you brought more people this time..."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Hahaha, My dear Michael, what are you talking about? My friends just want to come along with us for a walk."

"Sigh..alright, If trouble is what you want...."

sorry I'm late with the new episode this few days. Work has been busy this week and my vision hasn't been that good in the afternoon because of how tired I've been. I'll keep trying to keep up with he normal schedule.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Uriel_Obleacreators' thoughts