
The God of Wealth!

Notice: Spelling Errors have been fixed for all chapters before chapter 20. If you find any, please feel free to send me a message so that i can fixed them. Orphan Michael Croft wakes up after an unfortunate beating, only to find that he has acquired The System. With the help of the System Michael's optimistic life turns for the better leading him not only into the world of the rich and powerful but also a world of martial arts,magic and God hood. [Writers note] I write for fun. The story will be updated every day 1-2 chapters minimum if we have a good week going I might update more. Happy reading!

Uriel_Oblea · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter:13 A pair of twins

Chapter: 13 A pair of Twins

Outside the police station Michael laughed to himself, obviously feeling overjoyed.

Everything that happened while being detained was almost too coincidental.

Okay so this is what happened.

In the Interrogation room. After Michael asked Rose if she had a sister and going as far as to even mention her name, Rose's expression visibly changed, yet still maintained a calm and composed Demeanor.

"Why does it matter if I have one or not?"

"It doesn't. I just wanted to know because you look like someone I met recently."

"Also, I'm sure, she could be a good witness to my character and background, just in case it's useful for your report."

After saying all that, Michael leaned back even more on his chair looking very relaxed and remained silent after that.

As for Rose, multiple ideas were forming inside her head.She didn't know if to answer Michael's question or not. Or how her sister came to know him in the first place.But after thinking for a while as she stared at Michael in the eyes she finally thought it through and responded to Michael's questions.

"I do. And yes, her name is Cindy. And as for whether I'm looking to change jobs or not, that will have to be seen."

Listening to her reply, Michael knew it wouldn't take much to hire her. After all Michael had obtained the Professional Experience of a business man and knew that if he wasn't rejected from the very start, then there was still room for negotiations, it was just a matter of finding and meeting the necessary conditions.So he said.

"Great! Now I'm sure, you two must probably be sisters."

"I met your sister a few days ago. She's a ...very ..lovely person. How about this, come work for me, 200 thousand, Food and lodging included."

"Excuse me! I don't accept bribes."

"I didn't do anything! Just check Richard's background and his buddies. As well, he might have a clean background but his friends sure don't, I'm sure most of them have been caught in similar situations before.Im just another victim."

"Is your statement true? Were you attacked by Mr.Richard and his friends? Then why were they all sprawled on the ground?"

"Why? You'd prefer it was the other way around?"


"So, what do you think about my offer?"

"Sounds Tempting, but I think I'll have to pass..."

Just as Rose was about to refuse, Michael made an offer that made Rose stop herself from saying what she was about to say.

"MILITARY! ...Customized...Rolls-Royce Phantom. Only one in the world...and you get to drive it."


After waiting in silence for a while, after what Michael said, Rose Grinned from ear to ear and in a seductive way contrary to her previous behavior, she said only four words.

"When can I start!"

And the deal was closed. Not long after that, Rose helped Michael get his paperwork sorted out and he was free to go.

"Ohh, life is good."


It was dinner time when Michael finally got back to his dorm room. He would have taken longer to get home but he decided to run all the way in order to make sure he was on time to cook something for Ana.

After finishing all he had to do Michael was ready to go to bed, when all of a sudden he got a phone call from an unknown number.

He was about to hang up but for some reason he changed his mind and decided to answer anyway only to find that it was someone he knew.

"Hey! Michael? It's me Cindy."

"Hey! Cindy what's up? You miss me?"

"Hmm, I should be asking you that question."


"Okay!, what's the matter? Why are you calling me so late at night? Do you want me to come and pay you a visit?."

"Ahm, cough, no, I just heard you met my sister today, and offered her a job."

"Oh! So that's what this is about..are you jealous and checking up on me and whatever intentions I have." Michael asked in a mischievous tone.

In truth Cindy was a little worried. After all, Rose was her sister and happened to be her twin, so she knew Michael might be attracted to her given their similar appearances. But what worried her more was Rose, she knew Rose and her personality, contrary to her, Rose was more outgoing and strong willed, she was worried that if she didn't pay any importance to this matter her man would be snatched away from her by her sister.

"Hahaha." Michael naturally understood her concerns and quickly said something to calm her.

"Cindy! Listen to me closely, Because I'll only say this once. Since the day I made you ...a real woman...you became mine, no one else's, so you don't have to worry about anything else, I'm not going anywhere. Do you understand. "

" Besides, wouldn't it be fun to have a pair of sisters as my lovers?"


Listening to Michael's words Cindy's heart began to beat rapidly and butterflies were flying around in her stomach. She only wanted to know what Michael was thinking after hiring her sister but she never expected him to say those words to her, everything was happening too fast, they had just met a few days ago and now this ...she was speechless for a while but at the same time she was very happy. So happy that she conveniently omitted the part about her sister also being his future lover.

And as his words settled in and calmed the ripples in her heart she said to Michael in a low and soft tone.

"Okay...do you want me to pick you up or should I send you my address."

And with a smile filling pretty much the entirety of his face Michael said.

"I'm heading over there right now." Before taking off in a hurry.


After an hour or so Michael finally made it to Cindy's house, only to find a surprise awaiting him.

After knocking on the door Michael waited for a while before the door opened and was greeted by Both Cindy and Rose . Both of them wearing a pair of see through nightgowns making it a sight to behold. Both sisters were the exact mirror image of each other, Their legs there breast there curvaceous figures, it was almost too much to take in.

"Ahm! I thought you lived alone." Michael said while trying to maintain his composure.

"Nope, I live with my sister ...good thing for you I must say."


Leaving no room for questions to be asked he was quickly dragged into the room by the pair of sisters.

And as pairs of lips met and clothes were taken off, all three were soon sharing a bed.

Groans and moans were the only sounds coming out of the bedroom at this point.

And as Michael trusted himself into one of the sisters, the other one help herself to the other sisters mouth helping each other obtain pleasure and when there positions switched they would do the same not letting themselves ever have a moment where they felt like they were being ignored or as if they were being payed any less attention to than one another during their love making session, this continued until morning and the pair of sisters and Michael still had no desire of stopping and so the act was further extended until noon. Only then did they stop. Michel still wanted to continue,if it wasn't for the fact that Cindy had already passed out from the pleasure and that Rose was trailing closely behind, it was time to stop.But thinking it threw, there will always be time for more days like this one, now the only thing left to do was rest.

And as Michael's eyes closed, ready to catch up on some sleep a familiar ring sounded inside his mind.


Mission completed!

The mission to Hire and Conquer Rose Anderson was completed successfully.

Reward: Training Hall has been successfully stored in the systems storage for the host to retrieve later.

"Hehehe, what a mission,for some reason, I feel like I'm playing on easy mode."