
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


"Shisui... but why team up with him," Itachi asked as he looked at his good friend.

"this world needs changes, and I'm going to be the one to makes them," Shisui said calmly as he looked at Itachi.

"if it's about that night, Hyoketsu killed Danzo and stopped me in time," Itachi said seriously

"and what if he wasn't? that day, he ripped out my eyes and went on to poison me. That's when I gave you my remaining hope for peace in this world. this world will know a world where pain doesn't exist." Shisui said as the ten tails started moving.

"Madara, what did you do to the kid," Seth asked as he appeared next to Madara.

"it was all Zetsu planning, I would have with for obito, but this would do," Madara said with a smile

"it seems like I need to stop playing with these kids," Seth said as he turned into smoke. On the battlefield, there were to rinnegan.

One was on Shisui, and another was on Madara. Seth was going after the one Shisui had.

"And you think I'm just going to watch?" Madara asked as a limbo come rushed towards shisui, blocking Seth, who was about to take his eye out.

'another power genjutsu user.' Seth thought as he used yin release to protect his mind. Yin release was used spiritual energy, so it was possible if one had good control of it to make a wall around their mind.

"one rinnegan and an EMS... I should use the EMS. I only use so little of it." Seth said calmly as he jumped back from Madara limbo clone.

As he was floating backward, a tail came flying towards him, but Seth dodged as he continued going backward.

"3 world rasenshuriken." Minato, Naruto and, an old man said as three large rasenshuriken flew towards Shisui.

"did you forget I can absorb chakra?" Shisui said coldly as he held out his hand. But his eyes narrowed as he saw three kunai within the three rasenshuriken.

"all might push," Shisui said coldly. A shock wave destroyed the rasenshuriken, but at the same time, Minato appeared, catching the three kunai.

Quickly he threw all of them towards Shisui, who was standing on the ten tails

"I will help you out for now," Seth said with a smile as he appeared by Minato putting his yin chakra into his mind.

"if they were going to bring you back, shouldn't they bring back Mito," Minato said with a flash sigh as he disappeared with a Rasengan in hand.

In a flash, he appeared to the left of Shisui as he sent his Rasengan towards him.

Just as he was about to absorb the Rasengan, flames appeared out of no, shooting towards him.

At the same stand, Seth grabbed the limbo clone, making it so it wouldn't.

Shisui frowned slightly before green ribs appeared, blocking the attack.

"it's always the small thing someone forgets," Seth said as he looked up towards a giant rock that was falling towards them.

"Madara, are you trying to smash me," Seth asked as he controlled the rock to fly back into space.

"Haha, why are we still playing? come, use your full body Susanoo." Madara said as his body started to be covered by the large Susanoo.

"I don't understand. Are you trying to smash me or what?" Seth asked with a smile as he called out his own Susanoo.

"I forgot you don't have a full-body Susanoo yet," Madara said as he swung his sword towards Seth.

"and who said I need one," Seth asked as 50 black orbs appeared around him as they covered his armored Susanoo.

In no time, his Susanoo went from red to a black Susanoo, which was holding a large black staff.

"what!" Seth said in shock as he sensed Madara limbo clones using the Susanoo.

"haha, now with my rinnegan, I can make three limbo clones. And with two rinnegan's, I can make six clones. I have almost started my rinnegan. Come, Seth. Maybe in this fight, I could fully master it." Madara yelled as Seth was Sent flying back by a limbo clone.

'the limbo clone is to OP, should I use my eye's ability... no need.' Seth thought as the ground started shaking.

Behind Madara, a large arm slapped towards him, and at the same time, Lightning covered Seth as he disappeared.

"ALL MIGHTLY PUSH," Madara yelled as everything was blown away. The whole ground was destroyed with Madara looking at everything with a smile.

'... Susanoo is slowing me down unless I get the full-body Susanoo, this will just be useless. now then, let's go overboard with my power.' Seth thought as his Susanoo disappeared.

Seth started floating up into the sky with his eyes closed,

"special move, end of the world," Seth yelled. Thunder clouds filled the sky, the ground shook as a volcano grew from the ground.

From west, south, east, and north, tornado started appearing, reaching the clouds and fused with the thunder clouds.

The tornados in the west and south suddenly stopped moving as they started changing shape, as flames and lightning covered their bodies.

Slowly it turned into a large giant, much bigger than Madara Susanoo.

From the east and north, the same thing happened, but it was covered in ice.

"let it began," Seth yelled with his arms in the air as the volcanoes went off. Large amount of lava flew into the sky as they flew towards Madara.

The four giants held their hands out. Weapons appeared in their hands as they started running towards Madara.

Madara calmly looked at all of this before closing his eyes.

"you call this power. Let me show you power." Madara yelled as his Susanoo began taking on a new form.

(next chapter will explain why mc seems so weak)