
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


In a war that would decide the fate of this world's ninja, one human with red hair and a large ten tail could be seen playing catch with a large tail beast ball.

Everyone was speechless at this sight. The power to just catch the tail beast ball with it no exploding alone was amazing. But to keep doing it over and over?

"is that all you got," Seth yelled as he threw the tail beats ball back at Madara.

"hey," Itachi said, making Seth love over and into his eyes.

"the hell," Seth yelled as he found himself on the cross.

"even with the EMS, it's going to take a while to break out of this," Itachi said calmly

"haha, to think this worked on me for a second time. You are really a Genius." Seth yelled as he broke out of Tsukuyomi. As soon as he did, his face was covered in seals.

"See, I told you we could have beaten him," Hana said, an arrogant smile after sealing Seth away.

Suddenly, a red Susanoo arm came out the seal, breaking it as Seth came out with arms crossed.

"when you said it would take a while, you met in the outside world. You are able to control how long I stay within the Tsukuyomi world in both inside and outside. you are a it scary." Seth said calmly as he turned to look at Hana.

"go defeat Madara," Seth said as he used his Susanoo arms to threw her towards Madara. At the same time, Itachi ran towards Seth.

Seth calmly turned off his Susanoo to face him, but as soon as he did, Itachi exploded as more ninjas tried to seal Seth away.

"enough of these games," Seth yelled angrily as his body came back together. Never in his life has he eaten so many L's from one person.

"Is there something in my eyes?" Itachi asked as Seth looked into his eyes to check.

"..." Seth felt like hitting his head on the wall. Why in the first place would he care what's happening to his enemy's eyes.

This time Seth broke out of the Tsukuyomi in 2 seconds. Just when he broke himself out, he found himself just about to be frozen in an ice seal.

With a thought the I've disappeared as Seth closed his eyes.

"now then, it been a while since I used my other senses," Seth said as he looked to his side where space started twisting. Out of nowhere, a man with an arm covered in lightning, and a man with a damaged face came towards Seth.

'he should be Kakashi, right? It seems like he got the eye from this guy.' Seth thought as he dodged all of their attacks with his eyes still closed.

"Itachi, you go fight that masked man. We will seal him away." Obito said with a smile.

"then I will leave this to you. also, no jutsu, he will just control them, Kakashi." Itachi said as he ran towards the masked man who was fighting Sasuke and a few other Uchiha.

"a space ability... then come at me," Seth said as he opened his eyes.

"What is your goal? you are not working with Madara or us, so what do you want." Kakahi asked, trying to buy time.

"that is a good question, at first I was going to join you all, but then I asked myself a question. What if I stopped Madara well also beating the whole ninja world." Seth said with a smile

"... I told you to have them bring Mito back to deal with him," Obito said softly.

Seth seeing them talking to each other disappeared, the first person he attacked was Obito, but his hand went through him along with his whole body passing through obito.

"the hell, first That guy named Itachi then you, how come there wasn't much talent back in my day," Seth said slightly announced.

"so your ability allows you to teleport things. I'm guessing this goes for your body parts as well." Seth said calmly as he looked at the two.

"you two also have the same eyes, so I'm guessing there might be something similar about your two abilities," Seth said calmly

'he got all that just by seeing it once.' Kakashi thought in shock.

"now I really want to know your ability," Seth said as he looked towards Kakashi with a smile

Before Seth's body could move, his body started twisting, and soon his lower body was gone leaving his stomach, arms, and head.

Seth took a deep breath out of frustration.

"These abilities are a bit too overpowered. Just how is a normal ninja suppose to survive that?" Seth said as he looked at Kakashi.

(not believe with another EMS, one could cancel out another EMS ability, but there should be a limit. For example, Amaterasu. Just how would another EMS cancel that one? But ability like genjutsu, I think if used too many times on someone with an EMS, they would be able to break out of it if used on them too many times.)

"seal him," Kakashi said as a ninja quickly ran over.

"haha, you guys really think you won? let me show you why I have no match... oh the bet, almost forgot that." Seth said as a space hole opened up, as his lower body walked out.

Soon Seth's body returned back together.

"so your is an attack-type, and your is a moment and defense type," Seth said with a smile.

"It Can't be." Sasuke's yell was heard throughout the battlefield, drawing everyone's attention.

The masked man mask was removed by Hitachi, which made everyone take a step back.

"but he died long ago." obito said with wide eyes.

"it seems like you are popular," Madara who was toying with Hana, said as he looked at him.

"..." but he didn't reply as he coldly looked at everyone.

(who is that Pokemon,)