
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


"This is Power," Madara yelled as blue flames started coming from the joints of his Susanoo. Soon that mask of the susanoo was off, showing a blue face.

Madara looking at Seth before disappearing. Seth, not able to keep up with Madara, started looming around. But only to find chins wrapping around him.

'damn, I can't move.' Seth thought as he turned around to look at Madara. He threw a black rid into Seth's back, sending him flying to the ground. At the same time, everything Seth madara, from the fire giants to the volcano, disappeared.

"what power is this" Seth asked

"with the rinnegan, I'm able to make these black rid, which would make your chakra go chaotic," Madara said as he threw ten more rid into Seth.

"no wonder I can't use chakra... I call cheat." Seth said calmly

"I don't remember this being apart of the runs," Madara said with a slight smile as his Susanoo disappeared.

Calmly walking in from of Seth, he looked at Seth with a smile.

"now then, who wins," Madara asked as he began sealing Seth away.

"you win," Seth said helplessly

Madara smile grew, but it suddenly disappeared as an arm went through his cheat. Madara with shock, turned around to look at Isshiki, who had a cold smile.

"to think you will go out and take out the only thing I was worried off," Isshiki said as he watched Seth get sealed away.

Madara coughed up blood before saying something.

"you actually fell for it," Madara said as he turned into wood.

'a clone?' Isshiki thought in shock as he turned around, looking at Madara and Seth that were slowly walking towards him.

"So how does it feel to get played," Seth asked with a smile.

"how? you two had no time to come up with a plan." Isshiki said with a frown.

"Madara, you want to tell him?" Seth asked with a calm smile.

"sure," Madara said with a smile.

"it's simple, really. When Seth's clone came to my side, that was when he first asked for my help. the key world was serious." Madara said with a smile

"at first, I didn't catch on, but I sent a limbo clone just to protect shisui," Madara said

"It was then I knew Madara didn't catch on to what I meant, so I helped Minato out. With that action, Madara was able to tell I need help of some kind." Seth said

"after getting at information, I summon an asteroid, and when Seth sent it back into space, I knew it was something big. which could only mean you," Madara said calmly

"but of course, we had to make a way to get you out, so I asked Madara if he wanted to smash me. That was me tell him I would lose, and he will win. Of course, this could have gone wrong in many ways. So I just asked him if he wanted to smash me again. That time he caught on." Seth said with a smoke.

"haha, you two killed the whole army just to get me out?"

Isshiki asked with a laugh.

"I protected them, although troublesome. they are right over there." Seth said as he pointed towards the ten tails, which was turning into a tree, but under them were a ground of knocked out ninjas.

"... so what if you kill me? I will just keep coming over and over," Isshiki said calmly

Seth shook his head as he looked at Isshiki.

"do you think I went through all this if I didn't think of a way to kill you? There is something I noticed after killing someone people with your karma seal. They all have a part of you within them. so if I could make a lightning chin that would wrap around everyone with that soul, then would I win?" Seth asked as lightning covered Isshiki making him not able to move.

"impossible. I don't believe your control over lightning is that strong. I will just absorb it." Isshiki yelled as he tried to absorb the lightning.

But he started screaming in pain as soon as he did so.

"why is the chakra so hot," he asked as he rolled around.

"let's just say I'm the god of flames," Seth said coldly as the lightning chin around Isshiki started opening space holes and sending apart of themself into a dimension.

With 1 minute, every Isshiki was on the ground in front of Seth.

"no, I refuse to die by ants like you," Isshiki yelled as the earth started shaking.

"trying to destroy the earth? Go ahead. I have strengthened it. If you could, then I will let you off." Seth said with a smile.

"then die." all Isshiki of the Isshiki yelled at once as they threw a punch towards the ground, but they all stopped as flames appeared on their stomach. With a few minutes, their body disappeared from this world.

"haha, they almost destroyed the planet," Seth said as he whipped the clone sweat off his forehead.

"If I remember correctly, you said you lost," Madara said with a smile.

"I don't want your eyes anymore. Go absorb the ten tails or whatever." Seth said as he left.

"where are you going," Madara asked

"to make something. I will be back in a few days." Seth said as he disappeared