
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


With a desert, a coffin slowly came out of the ground. With a boom, its door was sent flying.

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked open.

"That, Seth! Why him out of all people." Onoki said as he took a step backward.

"it seems like I came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." Seth said as he walked out of the coffin.

"Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body.

"Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away.

"to think next summon was you." a mummy said as he looked at Seth.

"It's you, mummy guy," Seth said calmly.

"It's Mu," Mu said with narrowed eyes.

"grandpa." a woman yelled as she jumped towards Seth.

"It's you... were you J or R." Seth asked

"grandma said don't call us by the alphabet," she said angrily.

"G?" Seth asked

"I'm Hana." She yelled as five other adults jumped to her side.

"so you are G?" Seth asked.

"damn it, old man, you remember your enemy but not your own grandchildren." a red-haired boy yelled as he pointed at Seth.

"you are all Hyoketsu kids? did madara have kids," Seth asked.

"He died alone. father passed away a few years back." Hana said in a low voice.

"how about Mayonaka," Seth asked.

"she and her girlfriend got married, she is still alive. but as to where she is, we don't know." Hana said calmly

Seth nodded as he looked down at the seals that were wrapping around his feet.

"This is a strong seal. I'm actually not able to move my leg." Seth with a nod

"We were hoping you would just sit and watch us seal you away," they said with a shrug

"what can I say? I love destroying hopes," Seth said with a shrug

"It can't be helped." They said with a shrug…


Seth sent them all flying as he broke out the seal. Like a war God, he jumped into the army of ninjas and with through with ease.

"Damn, he is not even using his elements to fight. This is grandpa back in his golden age." Hana said in shock.

"I missed his body," Seth yelled as he sent everyone flying. He had a massive grin on his face, shocking just how much fun he was having.

"At least he is not killing them." One of them said helplessly

"As my grandchildren's and to be so weak. Today I will start your train." Seth yelled as he fell in front of them.

Before they could react, one of them was slammed into the ground, and another sent flying into a large rock.

"Damn, why did we come to the Desert when our ability is water," Hana yelled as he made ice to block her self.

"Yeah, we would win if we were fighting on water." They said in agreement.

"Is that so?" Seth said as he held his finger up to the sky. Water appeared out of nowhere, and to everyone's shock, the whole desert looked like an Ocean.

"Come, let's me see what this body can do," Seth yelled as he floated up into the sky.

"But first, I need to do something," Seth said as his hand was covered in lightning. A space hole was opened before him as it entered it.

"He better run," Hana said softly

"We could have taken him on. We just didn't want to." A red-haired body said with a shrug.

"Yeah, as his grandchildren, it would be bad to hit someone that old," Hana said in agreement…

"you dare to take over my daughter's body," Seth said coldly as he walked to Mayonaka, who was sitting on a chair.

"... I didn't think I would be meeting you after 30 or so years again. But do you dare to injure your own daughter," Mayonaka asked calmly.

"What do you think," Seth said with a smile as flames started surrounding him

"And don't think this will be like last time where I was too old to even control my flames perfectly. This is my body and mind at its golden age." Seth said coldly as his hair turned white. A white rob appeared on his body along with a black staff.

"Although I don't like this form as it takes away my fantastic hair. I will put that aside just to kill you," Seth said with a frown as he looked at his white hair.

"Father, please don't hurt me," Mayonaka said in fear.

"You know Mayonaka was the most caring out of my children. Choosing to stay with us and helping around the house. And I got to say, seeing her like this makes me angry. And I can't remember the last time I was mad." Seth said as the heat started increasing. It got to a level at which the dimension begun breaking down.

"I will give her back the body, calm down." He said as he began to feel slight fear.

"Worry not, after I kill you. I will bring them all back to life. And I also what your rinnegan." Seth said as the flames disappeared as he claimed down slightly.

"I don't have a rinnegan," Mayonaka said in confusion.

"You absorbed my flames last time. At least come up with a good life." Seth said coldly

"No, I can absorb chakra." She said, making Seth freeze for a moment.

'Damn, now I have no choice but to take Madara's." Seth said as his body started to be covered in lightning, and at speed even his body couldn't handle, he killed Mayonaka.

Seth looked at his body that turned into a dust-like thing, slowly putting itself back together.

"To force me to kill you, you are a bit too much, don't you think?" Seth said as he closed her eyes.

"A seal?" Seth said in confusion as a diamond-like thing appeared on his left palm.

"... I lost this hand in the past. Do you think I still need it. Try all you want to take over my body, but you will be left disappointed," Seth said as a black orb appeared in his right palm, which turned into a sword.

'Is this fate giving me a massage?' Seth thought as he cut off his arm.

"Sorry, but I'm not going to give you a grave since you are going to come back soon," Seth said as he threw a smile flame at her body, which burned away her body.

With a wave, the dust flew out of the dimension, flying around the world.

"Kids are just troublesome." Seth said softly as he left the dimension.