
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


Ten years went by, with Seth leaving a somewhat peaceful life. Every now and then, he does think that his children would give him a hate attack from anger, but other than that, it was peaceful.

"honey!" Mito yelled

"I'm old, not deaf," Seth yelled back.

"I'm leaving. Meno said that there is a girl named Kushina, who is born with a strong Physique. I'm going to take her in as my child." Mito said softly

"it's already been ten years? no wonder I keep forgetting where I put my ice cream." Seth said helplessly

"that was yours? sorry, dad." Mayonaka said from her room.

"Why are you still in my house," Seth yelled

"I lost my way to my house, so I will stay here," Mayonaka said sweetly

"I will be gone for a few months. Please don't fight." Mito said helplessly

"take her with you," Seth said calmly

"Alright," Mayonaka said

"Will you be alright?" Mito asked

"Yeah, I'm only 63. I can take care of myself." Seth said lazily

"and your hair is still red. What's your secret." Mayonaka asked

"I told my hair to try red, and it stayed red," Seth said calmly

Mayonaka rolled her eyes as she went on to pack and left with Mito. Mito's hair is slowly turning white, and as for Seth, he just went on paint his hair red...

Year 50- Mito stayed in Uzushiogakure for one whole year before returning with a 3-year-old Kushina.

Year 53- Kushina entered the Academy, where she would go on to meet Minato and fall in love.

Ichiraku Ramen opens also opened up this year, and since it was in the anime, Seth started eating there.

Year 57- Kushina and her newfound boyfriend graduates.

"surprise." Everyone said as Seth walked through the drop.

"You guy," Seth said with a smile

"not you, old man. This is for Kushina," Hyoketsu said with a roll of my eyes.

"oh... I'm going to sleep." Seth said with a shrug

"Keep that up, and you might just die in your sleep," Madara said calmly

"haha, how could I go down like that? I will not die unless I eat myself to death." Seth said with a smile

Year 58- the second Shinobi war began.

Year 59-...

"mother." Seth's Children said with tears in their eyes as he looked at Mito, who just Sealed the nine tails into Kushina.

"it's just death, and I dont believe that someone would let me rest in peace," Mito said with a smile as she looked towards Seth.

"..." Seth had nothing to say as he just sat by her side.

"where is the man that always makes bad jokes at the worst moment," Mito said as she held Seth's hand

"I guess I started acting my age," Seth said softly

"Yeah, right," Mito said as she closed her eyes

"Mother." Mayonaka, Hyoketsu, and Madara said in tears.

After a moment, they gave Mito a funeral before burying her where Hashirmana and the other were.

That night Seth didn't return home. With 4 cups in hand, he filled a cup of wine for them.

"I guess I'm next... although I bring you back. The strange thing is that it hurts knowing all that..." Seth said as he looked at the full moon

"father," Madara said as he walked towards Seth.

"what," Seth asked

"you should at least take care of your health. Let's go home. I promised mother that to watch over you." Madara said softly

"that you can't do, I'm going to Uzushiogakure. There I will wait for some people to attack." Seth said as he got up and left

"I'm coming with you," Madara said seriously.

"I plan to go down with a boom, so I dont need you to follow me," Seth said calmly

"what do you mean?" Madara asked

"I'm planning on destroying my body. With everyone eyeing my blood, I have to destroy it." Seth said as he disappeared

"you took your time." Zetsu said as he looked at Seth, who appeared before him.

"shut up," Seth said coldly.

"who is madara plans coming around," Seth asked coldly

"everything is in play, wait the toys madara left me. I will be able to take an Uchiha to be under my control." Zetsu said

"stay away from my kids," Seth said coldly as he left. If that thing wasn't so important for Seth and madara plans, Seth would destroy it completely.

A few months later, Seth who was in Uzushiogakure, looked at an army that was making their way towards it.

"so the Hidden cloud village and the village hidden in the stones," Seth said calmly as he stood before the army.

"Onoki, just a few years have passed, and you want to face me again," Seth said as he looked at Onoki

"Who are you," Onoki asked, as Seth really did look old.

Seth's body changed as he looked as if into a 30-year-old.

"how about now," Seth said with a smile

"you are already so old; I dont believe that we can't defeat you," Onoki said as he put his hands together.

Seth calmly closed his eyes as the sky went dark. Onoki suddenly stopped in his actions as he looked at Seth in fear. Without a second thought, he turned around to run.


Lightning started falling from the sky, destroying the lands and mountains. Tornados started appearing as they went through the armies. The ground was covered in ice. Going as far as one could see, whoever touched the ice would be completely frozen.

Flames fell from the sky, everything looked like god was angry. The flames ranged as the whole world started shaking.

'I overdid it. If I'm not careful, I could destroy this planet.' Seth thought with a smile,

"you guys finally came out of hiding. is it so you can control my body." Seth said with a smile as he looked at the people with black hoodies.

"get him before his body reaches its limits." one of them said as everyone jumped towards Seth.

"to think there are people still looking at my body with such eyes," Seth said with a smile as his skin body started enlarging.

"let me use 20% of my power before I die," Seth said, work a smile. Under his feet, small flames started appearing and slowly turned into a large.

All of them turned to dust. Seth didn't stop there as he his seemed to see through space, looking at a man sitting on a chair.

"You are able to see me." The man sitting on the chair asked.

"Nope, but I can sense you," Seth said with a smile as he punched the space. Flames suddenly appeared on the man, but they were all absorbed.

'rinnegan... I should at least injure him.' Seth thought as golden lightning covered his body, his arm turned onto a sword which he used to cut space.

"it would be impossible for me to do this, but I have full control over lightning. so when I make lightning that is of a higher level than space, this happens." Seth said calmly as he stepped through the space hole.

He arrived world that had a large wall with every so often red line would run through. Sitting in front of the wall. A man was sitting on a chair.

"I underestimated you. I should have waited for you to die first." He said as he looked at Seth.

"die," Seth said calmly as the man's body started to turn cold. As black ice-covered his body.

"Hell's ice," Seth said coldly as the man's skin started burning from how cold the ice was.

The man roared as he broke out the ice. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

"Burn," Seth said as everything, including him, started burning away.

"Impossible." the man yelled, but the heat suddenly disappeared as Seth's body disappeared

"... I need to go find a new host." He said as he disappeared