
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


"Madara, why did you suddenly call," Seth said as he appeared before Madara. But he froze as he looked at the guy in front of Madara.

"F*** didn't I just kill you," Seth yelled as he pointed his finger at him.

"My name is Isshiki Otsutsuki. I wasn't planning on making my move so soon. But you kept getting in the way." He said calmly

"Madara move so I can kill this Otsutsuki or whatever every," Seth said coldly.

"Remember the bet." Madara, who was back to life, said with a smile.

"Damn the bet," Seth said as he sat down with his arms crossed.

"What do you want," Seth asked

"I heard your little goal about leaving and going up there; let's have a deal. I get the ten tails, and I will not bother the two of you." Isshiki Otsutsuki said calmly

"…" both Madara and Seth looked at each other before laughing.

" so what if you bother us? If how weak you are, can you even held one of us?" Seth asked disdainfully

"you can kill me, but I gave many people my karma mark. I will continue to come back over and over unless you kill all of them. And you can't go all out to kill me because this planet isn't able to handle all of that power." Isshiki Otsutsuki said calmly

"On top of that, you are not the only one who can destroy a planet. If pushed, I will destroy this whole planet." He said, making Madara and Seth's smile slowly disappear.

"This could be troublesome... But so what? I can strengthen this whole death. With my infinite amount of chakra, I can keep it up all day." Seth said with a cold smile.

"… so you are saying you can kill me without killing all of those ninjas that are in one place." Isshiki Otsutsuki asked

"This is war. People die." Madara said calmly

"Even your grandchildren's?" He asked

Seth went quiet for a moment before he shrugged.

"I can bring them back to life," Seth said calmly

"is that what you believe? What will happen if I destroy or seal their souls away?" Isshiki Otsutsuki said as he stood up and left.

"…" Seth had a deep frown as he looked towards Madara.

"Yeah, I have a plan," Madara said with a nod

"What is it," Seth asked

"There is someone with a pocket dimension. We can use him to hid them there until we catch him. For now, you should make clones to go around searching for everyone with whatever that karma mark thing is. I will go get my rinnegan back." Madara said as he jumped on ran off.

"I got infinite chakra so I can make an endless amount of clones," Seth said with a smile as thousands of clones were made, which then went to make a bird of light and ran off.

One of those clones stayed back as they started putting their chakra into the earth to strengthen it.

"Now I will go play with the grandchildren," Seth said as he made a bird made of light as he flew off.

(Mc can use any jutsu there is by fusing different elements together. So in the past, when he controlled the dust release, which is a combination of fire, earth, and wind, he could use it. This goes for wood release as well.)

'i should start trying to find a way to get a real body and still keep the infinite amount of chakra. I can train like this. My body will stay this strong forever if I don't get a real one.' Seth thought as he looked down.

"9 tails fox? It seems to be an Uzumaki who is the host… Naruto?" Seth said with wide eyes

'Wasn't this the Mc? But with all the things that happened, how could things still play out as the anime. It would be like someone was too lazy to think of what could have happened with things being changed.' Seth thought As he jumped off the bird.

(A/N: Cough Cough.)

"Watch out," Naruto said As he grabbed a black-haired teen who was by his kind. Behind him was a dark skin man.

The black-haired teen was none other than Sasuke Uchiha.


Something Fell from the sky, landing in front of them. With crossed arms, Seth looked at 3.

"You are the first Hokage," Naruto said in shock.

"I'm I that famous," Seth asked with a slight smile. He could help, but I enjoy hearing people say something like this.

"How couldn't we know you. You are the strongest of the 7 Hokage, said to be able to take on both Madara and Hashirama simultaneously. Your war stories have been spread across the whole ninja's world." Sasuke said seriously

"Is that so," Seth said with a slight smile.

'haha, tell me more.' Seth thought, deep down.

"Yeah, like of the time just you and Madara rushed into the land of lightning or of the time you Traumatise a whole army of ninjas. You are a Legend… Fools, ya fools." Killer b said

"I didn't know my name would be spread out so far," Seth said softly, trying to be humble,

"You said 7 Hokages who are the two knew one's," Seth asked

"My father Minato became the 7th Hokage, followed by Itachi," Naruto said with a smile.

"I see… wait Minato, that kid Minato became Hokage? Well, good for him, I did Torture I mean train him for nothing." Seth said with a nod as he turned towards Sasuke.

"An Uchiha? To think they are still around, I thought you would be destroyed by now." Seth said calmly

"Because of the children you left behind, no one dared to touch us," Sasuke said with a slight bow.

"Well, what can I say? When I get to work, amazing things are made." Seth said with a smile.

"Someone is coming," Seth said as he looked behind naruto, where a blonde-haired man appeared.

"Lord first, I came as soon as I heard you were back," Minato said with a smile

"You know I'm the bad guy. I came to take the nine tails." Seth said with a smile.

"I know," Minato said with a smile as everyone touched him. With that they disappeared, leaving Seth standing there all by himself.

"I think that was the flying thunder God… but it's better to the creator." Seth said as he jumped into the sky, landing on a bird made out of light.