
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Catching a ball

"I really underestimated him…" Isshiki Otsutsuki said with a deep drown as almost everyone who had his karma seal was gone.

"I should leave him them alone before I get killed. Once they leave, I will have enough time to return to my full power, and when I do, I believe I would be at least equal to him. With the speed he should before killing me last time, I would be able to fight him, but with the eyes, I will win." He said calmly as he closed his eyes.

"Found you," Seth said with a cold smile as he appeared before an old man floating in space.

Seth looked at the old man for a moment before turning to leave.

"Wait, you were able to arrive here. How?" The Sage Of Six Paths asked

"First, who are you," Seth asked calmly

"Who do you think I am." The sage asked

"You look like an old man floating in a pocket dimension," Seth said Calmly

"…" the sage went speechless for a moment.

"I'm The Sage Of Six Paths." The sage said Calmly

"I see… teach me the jutsu you used to create the tail beast," Seth said with a smile

"Are you able to doing anything with the seven-element? You should be able to do it." the sage asked

"Of course, but I most have a sense of it. I can just make ice that could freeze time. I must first have an idea of time." Seth said with a smile.

"I see, so long as you know it. Your ability would be able to affect it. Like your lightning, which can affect space and time to even your flames." The Sage Of Six Path said with a slight nod

"So tell me, how does your ability work," Seth asked with a smile

"First, why should I tell you." He asked

"I don't know, maybe an Isshiki Otsutsuki is running around the planet, and I'm the only thing strong enough to stop him," Seth said with a smile.

"that's a good reason." the sage of six paths said with a nod.

"First of you already know how to do it. You just have been doing it in the wrong way." The sage said calmly as he tapped the ground with his staff.

"You have been using Yin release to create things from nothingness. For example, those flying birds made out of life. The next step would be through the application of vitality and the physical energy, which forms the basis of Yang chakra. You could breathe life into those things which you created." The sage said calmly as the water on the ground should image of what he was saying.

"… I saw, so something like this." Seth asked as, in his right hand, a small bird made out of light appeared.

Put his left hand over the bird, the bird gained life as it started flying around Seth.

"It doesn't have intelligence and is weak. But it's much better than when I first tried it out." The sage of six paths said with a slight nod

"Thank you for the teaching. I will be leaving now." Seth said as he turned to leave.

The sage of six paths didn't stop Seth as he fell into deep thought.

'The young will surpass the old.' He thought with a slight smile

"Cool, now I can give life to my chakra," Seth said with a slight shrug.

"It seems like the real war as began. Everyone is gathering in one spot, and most of my grandchildren are there. They better, I will never have a horny child ever again… no better, yet I will never have children." Seth said as a large bird appeared under his feet.

"You go and be free or whatever," Seth said at the little bird that was following him.

The bird didn't give up as it continued following Seth even though it was slower.

'I'm I feeling moved by this.' Seth asked himself as his face turned black.

With a wave of his hand, more small birds made out of light were made, all with life. After which Seth flew off, leaving them to do whatever they want.

"I got soft. In the past, I would have killed it… I guess this is because I went ahead and got kids." Seth said as he looked ahead of him.

"That ball seems to be getting large," Seth said as he looked at a large black ball the size of a mountain flying towards him.

"I think I should keep my EMS on for now on." He said he jumped towards the ball.

Chakra covered his hands as he tried to catch the large tail beast ball.

"Damn some times I feel like I am stupid. I could have gone to the left, right, up, and even under it. But no, catch the large ball you don't know because it looks fun." Seth said as he was pushed sliding back backward, slowly he started slowing down as the large tail beast ball was caught.

"Just took me 2 minutes," Seth said with a smile as he looked at his right arm start heal, and his other metal arms fingers were almost completely gone.

"Now, who dares to through this large gift at me," Seth said as he started running towards the battlefield.

"He actually caught it." A man wearing a mask said as he looked towards where Seth is at.

"Like I said, I can read him like a book. Right now, he would run back here with that ball and threw it at us." Madara said with a smile.

"Don't ignore us. Get ready to feel the ultimate jutsu." Naruto, who was covered in yellow, said as he pointed at Madara.

"I think he said something. Did you hear him?" Madara asked

"I don't care to listen. My eyes are on him." The masked man said coldly as he looked towards itachi.

"Madara, you got balls." Everyone froze as they looked towards Seth, who had a large tail Beast ball in his hands.

"I thought you would love the gift," Madara said with a smile.

"Really? I must say I'm touched. I'm so touched. In fact, I will give it to you so you can feel as good as I do." Seth said with a smile.
