
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


"are you alright?" Mito, who was getting ready for bed, asked Seth he walked through the door.

"yeah, I just fell down some stairs," Seth said calmly

"How are those stairs? are they alright?" Mito asked

"I wouldn't be seeing them for a while," Seth said calmly as he got ready to take a shower

"... So it's only just us," Mito said softly

"Yeah, next is us. I just hope my hair doesn't turn white." Seth said with a smile.

"Go take a shower. You stink," Mito said with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm right here," Mayonaka said as she looked at seth, who was about to take off his clothes.

Seth who was about to take off his clothes, froze as he looked at her.

"Why are you in my room... no better question, why are you still living with your parents," Seth said as he looked at her.

"you two are getting old. How could I, as a loving daughter, leave my loving parents." She asked with a sweet smile.

"Just move in with your girlfriend. I said, I accept." Seth said helplessly

"We are still looking for a place to make our house," Mayonaka said as he jumped out the bed and went to her own room

"how long does one need to look," Seth said as he took off the clothes.

"you know she wants to stay with us before we leave this world. She found made the house long ago." Mito said calmly

"sigh, the only normal person in this family is Madara, but he is always teaching and trying to find the meaning of life," Seth said as he went to take a shower

"We got loving children, say something like that, and you are sleeping on the sofa," Mito said calmly

"they would be more loving if they would buy our food," Seth said from the shower.

"Stop eating everything we have, and maybe they would actually buy something for you. you are lucky you don't get fat." Mito said helplessly

"let me get fat in peace. It's not like there is a thing for me to train for," Seth said

"sigh, I'm little sister is coming to its visit. can you go pick her up?" Mito asked

"..." Seth acted as if he didn't hear a thing as he continued taking his shower.

"She said if you don't go pick her up, she will live with us for a year," Mito said calmly

"Your sister? You know how I missed her. I will go first thing in the morning." Seth said with a smile as he walked out of the shower.

"here is the note she sent," Mito said with a sigh as she gave a paper to Seth.

Seth looked at the note as his body froze.

"can a hand go that far up someone? I never knew words could go together this way." Seth said with wide eyes

"cough, after getting her, I will go stay with Hyoketsu for some time," Seth said as he burned the paper.

"he is coming to stay for the night, along with Madara," Mito said calmly.

"in 10 years, I'm going to look for the next host for the nine tails," Mito said out of nowhere.

"I could go at least 20 more years, even with this sickness," Seth said softly

"who said I'm reaching my limit? I'm going to at least outlive you. I'm going to remove the nine tails when I feel I'm getting the limits, and I say at least 23 years." Mito said as he looked at Seth.

"is that a challenge?" Seth asked as he looked at her

"Are you scared?" Mito asked with a smile

"I don't fear death," Seth said with a smile.

"I'm going to have nightmares," Hyoketsu said at the door as he looked at Seth and Mito.

"don't say that little brother. that old man might hear you," Madara said with a smile.

"I thought it was cute," Mayonaka said with a smile

Seth looked at them with an Annoyed look.

"30 seconds, after which I will give you all a beating," Seth said as he got out of bed.

The three smiled as they jumped outside, waiting for Seth.

"We are not kids anymore, old man. I think if we all work together, we can beat you." Hyoketsu said with his arms around Mayonaka and Madara shoulders.

"I'm only 53 years old. I still for years ahead of me." Seth said calmly as his chakra was let loose, making the air get heavy.

The three activated their sharing, and as they got serious, but their eyes widened when they saw the golden Lightning armor around Seth.

"you can run now," Seth said with a cold smile.

The three smiled at Seth as they used their full power.

The same golden lightning covered Madara as he covered the other in it as a well.

Mayonaka made three black orbs that covered the body of everyone like armor.

Hyoketsu went on to make see-through ice, which turned into three swords that he gave to the other.

"When did you three get some balls," Seth asked as he appeared behind the 3. Seth went on to touch them bit his hands went through them.

"When we became strong enough to defeat you," they said as they Surrounded Seth.

"they got skills, but they are still too weak," Seth said with a glass of wine in his hands as he watched them fight his clone.

"don't injure my kids," Mito said as she put things in her ears to block the noises.