
The God of Ranker Academy

A Story of a war between Rankers, man born with unnatural abilities and the Fallen, beings born from the hate and pain brought by the last war. When the Fallen begin to over take humanity, who will take lead of the world?

PROJECT_Lilac · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Part 1 : Rin Hikari

"Bye Mom!" Rin said as she proceeded to sprint out the door.

Rin's mother had accidentally enrolled her into an all boy's school and somehow, she had gotten in.

"Damn it!" She said.

For she had slept over and now was most likely going to be late.

"Hello Rin!"

"Good morning Shizuki! ̈

Rin said as she turned around to wave.

"Better get running, now."

Her best friend had said bolting past her.

"I should have time."

She pulls out her phone, it read ̈7:09 AM ̈


As she turns the corner and sees the school

"Good... I made it."

As she had walked in however, everyone just stared at her, but then...

"Rin Hikari, please report to the Headmistress's office immediately." An Announcement said.


As she proceeded to. Rin had soon reached the door and knocked repeatedly.

"Come in."

Her hands shook as she nervously opened the large, old wooden door. Once she opened it, she saw the head-mistress, and they met eyes.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." The headmistress said.

She gestured for Rin to sit.

"I assume you're Rin Hikari, of the apprentice rank?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good, so you should know, this is an all boys school and before you ask, your entry was accidental."

"Oh ok, that explains a lot."

"Since we couldn't just expel you after we let you in... you're going to have to stay, that aside."

"Since you're new here, I've requested a guide for you, for your first week at least, he should be arriving any minute now."

"Thank you Madam, but..."

"Don't worry, i've specifically chosen someone who has never shown any interest in anything at al-."

She was cut short however when they heard the door creak open.

"You called?"


"Is something the matter?"

"It's nothing."

"Have you two perhaps met before?"


"Anyways... Yes, I did, this here is Rin , she's new around here, so I'd like you to give her a tour around the campus."

"Sure, it's not like I have anything better to do anyway."

"Rin, you should give him your schedule."

"Oh yeah, here."

She took out her schedule and handed it to him.

"I see..."

He quickly glances at her schedule and then neatly folds up her paper and puts it away.

"If you have nothing else to say, then we should go, Rin."

"Good idea."

"You two may go, have fun."

With that, Rin had left the Headmistress's office holding the hand of her guide.

"Hey umm, I was just wondering uhh, what was your name exactly?"


"What's your name? I never caught it."

"My name? I'll tell you eventually, just not now."

While they continued to wander the campus halls, Rin started to ask a couple of questions.

"Where are we heading to?"

"My first period."


"I should probably tell you, you're in all my classes, so you just have to follow me, and you should be fine."

Just as he had finished talking, both of them had just reached their classroom. They decided to walk in.

"How nice of you to finally join us."

"I have the new student with me, if nothing else i'll be going now."

He turned around and started to leave..

"You should probably introduce yourself." He whispers

"Oh yeah, good idea."

"I'll be back later to pick up the new student."

With a wave of his hand, he'd left the room.