
The God of Ranker Academy

A Story of a war between Rankers, man born with unnatural abilities and the Fallen, beings born from the hate and pain brought by the last war. When the Fallen begin to over take humanity, who will take lead of the world?

PROJECT_Lilac · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Part 0 : The World

2000 years ago, the world was at war, a war over Rankers , who were gifted with special abilities placing them far beyond the normal human. World powers who wanted this power had fought each other over them, while they fought, Rankers battled each other to raise their ranks and their own power. Many Rankers lost their lives during the war.

Soon however, the world had reached a stalemate in the war, not wishing to lose anymore Rankers, they had laid down their arms and signed a world peace treaty. However, the peace soon ended when the souls of the soldiers who lost their lives during war soon became Fallen, entities who are made from the hate, pain, and sorrow of mortals, beings who can only be defeated by the very thing they fought over for.

In this world, when someone is born they have a 5% chance in being given a rank and a special ability or a magic spell, which can be tested for through a blood test. That rank stays the same, unless you are able to defeat one with a higher rank than you, defeating a Fallen of equivalence or greater, or to transcend to the next rank through a process that only has a 1% chance of succeeding. As your Rank rises, your abilities and life-span increases accordingly.

Beginner < Apprentice < Intermediate < Master

< Expert < Grandmaster < Warlord < Demi-God

< Earthly < Heavenly < Zodiac < Ethereal

< God

Each rank increases your life-span 15 years more than what it would have been if you were a regular human. Each of the first four lower ranks adds an additional five years. Meanwhile, each of the middle four ranks adds an additional ten years, and the upper ranks add an extra 15 years for each rank.

The last rank, God, once achieving this goal, you become immortal.