
The god of Chaos and Slaughter

As the war was about to begin, a young man prayed silently to his god. "I pray to the god worthy of heaven and earth, the chaos that disrupts reality, the slaughterer of life and death." A smile crept on his face because he knew, his lord would soon descend and slaughter humans and gods alike. . This tale started long ago, at the birth of this powerful god.

King_Solomon_II · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Knowledge is key.

As Raizel absorbed all the information thrown at him, naturally, a few questions emerged in his young mind.

"False gods? Divine spirit? How are they different from gods?" He asked.

"I was about to get to that. False gods or Angels as their name suggests are gods that don't fully have the nature of gods. They are generally weaker and they are born as a result of a god's procreation." The old man explained as he continued:

"They usually don't have authorities but if they do, their domains will be very weak. Take for instance, the fire god, if he had a son, that son would be a false god. This son may or may not have a domain, if he does have it, it would be something weak like lava or something related to fire. This domain will be in a way, a sub-branch of the original god's domain. Hence it is weaker than the original domain.

"As for divine spirits, they are beings that were originally mortals and after enlightenment or pushing through adversities, gain some understanding of a domain. They have partial control over a said domain and wield some of its authority."

Raizel intently listened to the information and nodded his head. This information was critical for survival in the realm of gods. He did not want to miss even a single detail.

As a god, he had a superior memory and brain power that a normal mortal, thus listening to something once was enough for him to remember it fully.

"Ok that will be all for today. I will continue these lessons for a week. I have taught you the basic information of this realm, only some other miscellaneous information remains. You can now read these books here, they will help you understand the mortal worlds present all around the cosmos." The old man said as he got up. He quickly left the library without waiting for Raizel to say anything.

'Sigh~ This place is indeed complicated.' Raizel let out a sigh as he got up and brought a few books from the shelf near him.

They were titled "ancient mortal life", "medieval mortal life", "modern mortal life".

Starting from the "ancient mortal life" Raizel quickly flipped open the first page.

He could see various chapters listed on the index page.

"Nobles in ancient times. Life of peasants. Coin system..." Raizel skimmed through the index page and moved on to the first chapter.

He slowly read the text which was written in a language Raizel could understand. It was the same text his information 'sheet' was written in.

As Raizel read page after page, he instantly got hooked on the book. He found this mortal world more interesting the more he read.

He flipped through pages and read each one with interest, absorbing and analysing all the information with great detail.

In just half a day, he had finished the entire book. Without wasting any more time, he began to read the other book.

He absolutely enjoyed reading these books. It felt like a new world had opened upto him.


Days passed by, Raizel was given lectures by the old man in the morning and he read the books on the mortal plane all day and night.

As a god, Raizel had no need for sleep, no sleep did not bother him at all. His curiosity was far too great to let him sleep. He loved reading information on the mortal plane and mortals.

The more he read, the more he wanted to read. In this cycle, a week passed by.

The old man had already finished teaching Raizel all the basic stuff on the 'realm of gods', however on Raizel's request, the old man had allowed him to stay in the library to read the books.

Raizel did not go out of the library at all. He stayed there cooped up and consumed knowledge like a knowledge demon.

A month had passed and Raizel was still reading a book.

Suddenly, he placed the book on the table as he looked at the ceiling.

'Finished!' Raizel had read every single book in the library!

As he was done, he felt a little empty inside. It was a feeling he experienced for the first time. He had read every book, in the past month, reading had become a hobbie to him. Now that he had read everything, he knew he had to part with this hobbie for the time being. This made him a little sad.

'Now what? Where do I go?' Raizel thought as he continued to stare at the ceiling.

He knew he had passed the time he could stay with the old man. He had to move out of the his house and live independently from now on.

'I need to grow strong. This has got to be my first priority. The realm of gods is a dangerous place, only strength can help me. But where to start...'

Just as Raizel was thinking of this, an idea suddenly flashed thought his mind. A smile slowly crept on his face.

He knew exactly where he should go. It was the safest place for a god, and also the best place to nurture a newly born deity.

The mortal world!