
The god of Chaos and Slaughter

As the war was about to begin, a young man prayed silently to his god. "I pray to the god worthy of heaven and earth, the chaos that disrupts reality, the slaughterer of life and death." A smile crept on his face because he knew, his lord would soon descend and slaughter humans and gods alike. . This tale started long ago, at the birth of this powerful god.

King_Solomon_II · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Find your self (II)

After hearing the words of Reichel, Raizel instantly calmed down. He let the spirituality run through his soul unhinged.

Soon, Raizel felt the energy permeate every nook and corner of his soul. This process caused him no pain, but brought a rather cool sensation, as if a never-satiating thirst had been clenched.

He let out a deep breath. He could feel the spirituality invade the deepest parts of his soul. This part was his godhood!

It gradually stimulated his godhood and Raizel could feel the sleeping power within it, wake up.

Minutes passed as the two old fellows observed Raizel's state, who had his eyes closed.

Slowly, the awakening godhood stimulated Raizel's soul. His outer body began to emit a deep blue— almost black— aura.

The godhood in him merged with his spirituality, making it more potent and giving it special characteristics.

Raizel allowed the change to continue, however during this process, he also noticed that there was still another part of his godhood that still slept in the deepest parts of his soul. It remained unbothered by the changes going in and out of his soul.

Raizel snapped his eyes open, the aura around his body had vanished and the 'sheet' of information had once again appeared infront of him.


-Name: Raizel Zabech Ozaris

-Race: God

-Domain: [Slaughter] [Unknown]

-Stage: 1st

-Divine fragments: 0


-Physique: Tier 1 (0/100)

-Spirit: Tier 2 (0/1000)


[Domain arts]

- Blade mastery [Tier 1]

- Slaughter aura [Tier 1]


He scanned through the sheet and found a lot of things had changed.

'So my domain is slaughter hmm... Why is there another 'unknown' written beside it? Could it be another domain? I have two domains? I did see another part of my godhood sealed in my soul, that could be my other domain.' Raizel thought to himself, not showing any signs of surprise or panic on the outside.

"It worked!" He said in an amazed tone to the two old people.

"What is your domain boy?" The old man asked, rubbing his beard.

"Slaughter..." Raizel honestly answered, but he hid all details regarding the second domain. He had no plans of revealing information about that. Previously, he had not been given any information about gods with two domains. Thus, he did not want to come out as an anomaly, it could be dangerous for him. So, Raizel just chose to hide the fact.

All the previous information he had revealed about himself was a necessity, in order to gain the old man's trust, he had to do it.

"Slaughter huh. That is an unusual authority." The old man commented.

"Well all domains are unusual until you make them usual." Reichel said while looking at Raizel.

"I have a question. What are divine fragments?" Raizel asked the old man.

"Divine fragments or divine power whatever you like to call it, is the power gods gain from exercising their authority or from faith of mortals. These fragments or power can be used to make oneself more powerful, it can improve a gods soul [spirit] and body [physique]." The old man explained fluently.

"I understand, thankyou." Raizel thanked, after having his godhood awakened, he felt a lot more confident. He had gained a massive boost in his thinking capacity.

'I became smarter, maybe because my spirit has gone from tier 1 to tier 2. I also feel much more self aware!' Raizel presumed.

"Ok then, we will take our leave now. Thankyou for your hospitality Reichel." The old man got up, he picked up his lantern from the table and gestured for Raizel to follow him.

"Hope you come around soon." Reichel smiled towards Raizel and then at the old man.

After a bit of a chat between Reichel and the old man, Raizel and him left the hut.

Raizel followed the old man's lead as they once more ventured through the forest.

"Old man, she is not a god is she?" Raizel suddenly asked.

"Hehe, so you sensed it. Indeed she is not. She is a witch. Long ago, she made a pact with gods, she had discovered means to help gods awaken their domains early. She demanded a place in the 'Realm of gods' and immortality in return for this knowledge.

"The gods had agreed to her demand. They offered her a place to live among us, they also provided her with the means to stay alive forever." The old man narrated while striding forward.

"How did she become immortal?" With his brow raised, Raizel asked the important question. All living beings feared death, Raizel was no exception. Even though having just been born, he had the instinct of fear towards death rooted in him.

"Don't worry boy, gods don't die. If you don't go looking for it, you will never die or grow old. Only mortals have to worry about such problems. As for your question, that glowing plant in Reichel's farm is what she consumes to stay alive.

"It is called the 'Night-slumber' plant, it only grows in 'forge of creation'."