
The god of Chaos and Slaughter

As the war was about to begin, a young man prayed silently to his god. "I pray to the god worthy of heaven and earth, the chaos that disrupts reality, the slaughterer of life and death." A smile crept on his face because he knew, his lord would soon descend and slaughter humans and gods alike. . This tale started long ago, at the birth of this powerful god.

King_Solomon_II · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Find your self (I)

"Beautiful, isn't it? Let's go inside." The old man said as he moved forward with Raizel following closely behind.

Both of them strolled through the grassy plain and arrived before the huge, wooden hut.

Knock! Knock!

The old man knocked on the wooden door of the hut a couple of times. Raizel and him stood silently for a couple of seconds before they heard footsteps approach from the inside.


With a creaking sound, the door was pulled open, revealing the person inside.

It was a woman, she looked to be in her late 40's. She wore a triangular hat and long purple robes, she had an air of mystery to her.

Her face was pale white just like the 'old man' beside Raizel. The old woman had a few wrinkles around her eyes but not too many.

Upon seeing the duo, she smiled slightly and then bowed before the old man.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" She spoke in a pleasant voice.

"Reichel, how have you been? Long time no see." The old man said rather casually, in a friendly tone, while Raizel remained quiet.

"I am fine," the woman said with a smile then she turned to look at Raizel. "I see you have brought a guest."

"This is Raizel, he was just born. I am here to help him find his domain." The old man replied as he pointed towards Raizel.

"Just born?...He is a god!? I thought you had brought him from the mortal plane!" A surprise flashed through the Reichel's eyes, but she quickly calmed herself down.

"I understand. Come inside." She gestured them to come inside.

All three of them walked into the huge wooden hut. Raizel observed his surroundings with eyes full of curiosity.

He looked at the walls that had various carvings, making them appear especially beautiful.

As the three entered a room, Raizel could see various artefacts placed on shelves. There were golden, silver amulets. Orbs of glass and many vials filled with colourful liquids.

Reichel quickly brought a huge crystal ball from a closet in the room and placed it on the table infront of the three couches.

Following the old man's lead, Raizel took a seat on one of the couches as he awaited what was next to come.

Reichel also took a seat on one of the three couches as she spoke unhurriedly:

"Ahem! So Raizel, place your hand on this crystal orb and inject your spirituality into it."

Raizel heard the instructions and was instantly confused.

"Spirituality?" He asked hesitantly.

The room turned silent all of a sudden. Then the 'old man' let out a loud laugh.

"My apologies, I have yet to tell him about that. This old man has forgotten a lot of stuff in the past 500 years." Without pausing, he continued. "Spirituality is the power deep within your soul, it is the basic power used by gods. You must feel its presence, just search it."

The old man gave a set of instructions as he looked at Raizel expectantly. Raizel just nodded his head and placed his hand on the crystal orb.

He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

Under the watchful eyes of two old people, Raizel concentrated on his inner self.

As he searched through his mind and source of his power. He instantly discovered a fluid like power circulating through his soul. Just as blood flowed through his body, spirituality flowed through his soul.

The only difference was that, he could control it.

Wasting no time, after Raizel felt the presence of this power, he quickly willed it and directed the flow of this energy towards the crystal orb his hand was touching.

He forcefully injected some of the spirituality into the orb and he slowly felt a connection form between him and the orb.

At first he had to forcefully inject spirituality into the orb but slowly the orb began to siphon the energy from him on its own.

Raizel felt this whole process a little weird, however he did what he was told.

"Now stop and guide the spirituality back into your body." Raizel heard Reichel's voice ring in his ears.

Following the instruction, Raizel instantly stopped the flow of spirituality.

He could feel his lingering spirituality present in the orb, with a little bit of focus, he made a connection with this spirituality and began to extract the energy back into his body.

This proved especially tough. It was far harder than just injecting the energy into the orb, this time he felt quite a bit of resistance not only from the orb but also the spirituality inside.

However, with some perseverance, Raizel managed to establish a connection with the spirituality and just like before, the spirituality after some time began to travel between mediums on its own.

Raizel could feel his spirituality being injected back into him. In just a few minutes, the spirituality was completely absorbed by him.

However, this did not end the entire process.

Before, the spirituality flowed in a well defined system in Raizel's soul, but now, the newly absorbed spirituality did not enter the soul circuit. Instead it randomly rummaged through his soul without any path to follow.

Just as Raizel was beginning to panic, he heard Reichel's soothing voice.

"Don't fight it, let that spirituality flow though your soul."