
The God-King of Saiyans

The Deleted Universes within Dragon Ball Super, a topic that remains untouched within the Community. Conspiracy theories revolve around these Universes trying to ascertain what happened to them and why? What would happen if the Deleted Universes had made a return, if the beings of the Deleted Universes came back? There's a reason why they were taken out and deleted, and the Omniverse is going to figure out that very reason... for the King and God of Saiyans has returned, no... the Saiyan Empire has returned! But the God of Saiyans may not be what you expected... [AN: To be completely honest, don't expect much. Though each and every single chapter will be quality and good, that doesn't mean that I'm going to update relatively fast or on a schedule in general. I work on my own time, there's other great FF's on this website anyway to keep you entertained. What I expect is that each and every single time I post a chapter that you'd tune in and enjoy it; but a man can only wish for so much. I do hope you enjoy whatever limited chapters I produce and give out! This is completely for my own enjoyment, creativity, and mind. Cover Image is not mine, if you want me to take it down fine,]

IngeniousBoneKing · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 04: The Baby Menace | Lets Train!

People in the restaurant awkwardly stared at each other as they looked at the scene,

There were Saiyans in the restaurant eating their food like there was no tomorrow... as if they were in prison and Jaqauvious was gonna take their food if they didn't eat it fast enough.

"Oh my God"

"Their force-feeding their child!"

"The child's throwing the food at them!"

"Watch out!" a huge table came flying in the bystander's way as glasses and plates were sent flying.

There was a little child with a little bear hat atop its head and diapers on screaming in the air and jumping looking at the table.

The child turned and looked at the exiles that had food and drinks all over them.

"Get that damn baby!" Zarrion yelled as he pointed at the kid,

"Raa-bleh" the child spit as it turned and waddled away on its two feet trying to get away.

Escaro flew at high speeds as he grabbed the child,

"I got him haha!" Escaro yelled as he swung and turned back towards the group,

The child started vibrating and moving a little as it lifted its head,

The child huffed and then proceeded to inhale a little bit more before the child sneezed in Escaro's face,

Escaro screamed as he dropped the kid and paused in the air as he tried to wipe his face as fast as he could and get the liquids out of his eye.

Pol came flying as he grabbed the child on his back and didn't say anything as he tried to get to Zarrion as fast as he could,

The child tugged on Pol's tail making him widen his eyes in pain before clenching his teeth and continuing onward to Zarrion,

Zarrion flew and met Pol in the air as he grabbed the little Emperor and put him in a bear hug trapping him,

"Hurry up and get it to me Ios!"

Ios nodded as he turned and flashed towards the table and grabbed something and flashed back in front of Zarrion.

Nion looked left and right trying to find something to do to help them,

"Don't you move a muscle Nion" Zarrion yelled from the background and Nion just simply nodded as he stood back.

Zarrion placed the baby holder around his body and grabbed the flailing child and put him in the holder on his chest and strapped him in whilst the kid was trying to scream.

Zarrion quickly reached into a pouch and grabbed something and threw it in the kid's mouth,

Zarrion wiped the sweat off his head as he looked at Pol and Escaro, "We did it, boys, mission complete" he said.

Pol nodded triumphantly towards Zarrion as he moved his tail around,

Escaro nodded blindly towards another direction that he thought Zarrion was in.

Nearby bystanders look at the group with odd looks,

"Get out!" said an older man with the owner's nametag on his shirt.

The child tilted its head at Zarrion as it laughed and then put on a serious expression as it stared intensely at Zarrion,

"Don't you fucking da-" *pshvertttt* and the child started laughing and jumping in the holder.

Zarrion scrunched his face in a way that you'd think was not possible and plugged his nose,

"Jesus Christ get that stank ass baby out of here!" RB (Random Bystander)1 said,

"Yea! Take you and your disgusting porcupine baby back to your alien planet!" RB 2 said,

"You disgusting rabid monkeys!" RB 3 said,

"Grab his tail and twist it!" RB 4 yelled out as pushed people out of the way and used a ripping motion.

Zarrion stepped forward with his palm towards them as he released a little thin white beam and moved his hands horizontally back and forth before he put his hands down.

A thin white line formed separated the top and bottom half of the building,

The top of the building started sliding as people's bodies dropped in halves.

"Disgusting humans," Zarrion said as he spit towards the bodies before turning around and flying away,

"Hurry up!" Zarrion yelled out towards the other exiles,

The exiles looked at each other with crazy looks,

"I told you he was insane!" Escaro said as he looked at Pol,

Pol looked at Escaro with widened eyes, "Yea I knew he was crazy, but to murder an entire restaurant full of people just because they threw insults at him?"

Ios chuckled as he looked at them, "Don't act like you wouldn't do the same now boys," he said as he pointed at them,

"You-", he then pointed at Pol, "-have destroyed multiple human civilizations and have destroyed worlds for no reason other than they didn't serve you good food".

He then pointed at Nion, "Your just a war-mongering idiot with a stone of a brain that loves killing people" he said with a chuckle,

He then pointed at Escaro, "And you are quite possibly the most prideful and annoying bastard here. If the person looks at you wrong you're going to blast him," he said with a chuckle.

"Haven't you deleted half of a universe before?" Pol said as he tilted his head looking at him,

"Aren't you the weakest here?" Escaro said as he crossed his arms and frowned,

"Haven't I beat your ass?" Nion said as he punched his fist into his palm and cracked his knuckles.

Ios squinted before sensing an angry Zarrion coming their way,

"Well shit..."


Later that day,

Goku and Vegeta stared at the screen with blank faces,

"Tch!" Vegeta then proceeded to smack the screen,

"Are you sure this is actually them and not some robot in their place Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled out as he crossed his arms and squinted his eyes with a slight angry expression.

"Are you doubting my capabilities husband?" Bulma said with a heavy emphasis on husband as she just came walking into the room,

Bulma gave off a mischievous grin as her eye twitched,

Vegeta turned around frantically looking at Bulma, "O-of course not honey," Vegeta said with a fake smile,

Bulma smiled brightly before turning back to a serious expression as she walked over to the screens, "Are you sure this is the people you're looking for? Other than the tails they seem pretty normal to me" she said as she crossed her arms and looked at Goku,

Vegeta scoffed from the background as he was grabbing a cup of coffee, "Normal? Do you consider splitting an entire restaurant full of people normal?" he said with a raised brow as he chuckled and went back to filling his cup.

Goku nodded at her with a serious expression, "Yea that's them alright, wouldn't mistake their signatures for anything else" he said as he looked back towards the screen.

Vegeta walked up next to Bulma's left as he looked at Escaro with a look of respect, he'd been able to attain something that he hadn't... Godhood.

After the incident in which the exiles had arrived to the planet, Beerus gave them some small bits of information about them, enough for them to know what they were dealing with.

Bulma put up her finger as she pointed and looked at Vegeta, "Speaking of that incident, why haven't you stopped them for doing that?" she said as she put her hands on her hip,

Goku tapped Bulma's shoulder, "It wouldn't be a good idea to do Bulma, they're too strong." he said as she turned and looked at him and nodded.

She looked at the screen whilst Goku looked at Vegeta and nodded at him,

"Because you and I both know we don't want a situation where she get's slapped again" Goku muttered under his breath,

Bulma rose her brow as she turned and looked at Goku, "What'd you just say?"

Goku jumped as he scratched the back of his head and laughed, "I was just talking about how we were going to ask them if they could help us train!" he said as he tapped Vegeta on the chest, "Right? Right?" Goku said looking at Vegeta as he widened his eyes with a smile.

Vegeta looked at Goku then at Bulma as he shook his head, "Y-Yea what Goku said, matter fact we were going there right now!" Vegeta said as he slowly backed away then flew away quickly,

Goku looked left and right and saw Bulma running for a weapon,

Goku quickly left as a blast hit into the wall, "Dammit Goku! Vegeta!" she yelled as they flew away.


"Hey little Emperor, I've brought you your food!" Nion said as he had a plate that looked pretty small in his hands,

Nion tilted the door open just a little bit to open it and saw that the child was sleep with a teddy bear in it's hands.

Nion smiled as he walked in as quietly as a giant could and calmly set down the plate.

He crouched down to the child's level as he tilted his head and looked at him and smiled.

He chuckled a little bit as he poked the child's face,

Nion sighed as he got up, "Rest easy little Emperor" he said as he pulled the cover over the child's body,

He tapped the bed gently as he looked at him,

*Knock, Knock*

Nion turned to see Escaro standing there leaning on the door frame,

Escaro motioned with his hands for Nion to come on and walked out of the door,

Nion nodded as he followed behind Escaro,

"I'm feeling two energy signatures coming this way" Escaro said as he clenched his fists,

Pol came out of nowhere as he suddenly walked in line with them, "It's them again?"

Ios suddenly flashed into view a few steps in front of them and he started walking, "Zarrion said don't let them awake the Emperor and his sleep" he said as he shook his head,

Once they got outside they all stood there waiting,

Goku and Vegeta suddenly landed in front of them a distance away,

Goku waved at them with a smile as Vegeta shook his head at Goku.

"Hey your those guys that are strong Gods right?" Goku said as he stopped at talking distance and crossed his arms.

"Train with us" Goku said with a battle-ready grin as he slammed his fist into his palm,

Nion laughed aloud as he jokingly slapped Escaro's chest and watched as Escaro laughed with him.

Pol who silently and secretly moved out of there before Vegeta and Goku arrived was putting a little bit more seals upon his body so he won't accidentally put a world-breaking magic spell up, and he had to do that for everyone. Though they could take it off at any point of time without any restrictions,

Pol looked around before placing his hands in the ground,

A large purple barrier appeared around the group, "Luckily we're super far away from any form civilization" he said with a chuckle as he looked back over towards the group's direction,

Pol looked at the barrier as he enchanted a little bit more power into it, "Soundproof and Indestructible barrier check" he said with a grin as he tapped on it.

Nion chuckled as he looked around and at the barrier and shook his head as he looked towards Ios who was on his side, "He's so-"

He then flashed over Goku as he punched from above, "-Funny!" *boom!*

Nion smashed into the ground as smoke flew everywhere,

The smoke cleared revealing Nion's fist inside of a city-sized crater.

On the other side, Vegeta watched as Goku had got out of there just in time and sighed in relief.

Vegeta felt something and widened his eyes as he flew away at high speeds as white-beams came flying tracing and following just a bit behind Vegeta,

"Tch" Escaro said as he put down his palms looking at Vegeta,

"These damn seals" Escaro muttered out before flying towards Vegeta,

Pol squinted his eyes as he looked directly at Ios, "Guess we're sitting this one out huh?" he said as Ios turned and nodded at him.

Nion flew out of the crater as he looked above and saw Goku a distance away,

Goku had yellow hair with a yellow aura as he looked at Nion, "It's time we get serious Nion!" Goku yelled out before flying towards him,

"He know's my name?" Nion muttered under his breath as he jumped and met Goku in a clash.

Forearm to Forearm

Aura's Clashing,

Goku and Nion grinned at each other,

They roared as they backed away and flew at each other and clashed once more, this happened at high speeds that looked invisible to the eye.

Ios chuckled as he saw yellow and red auras clashing,

Escaro had just caught up to Vegeta as he grabbed his ankles from behind and pulled him into a punch with his fist.

Escaro punched towards Vegeta only for him to smack his punch away and throw a kick towards his chest,

Escaro took the hit as he flew back just a little and felt a little liquid at his mouth,

Escaro smeared his finger on the corner of his lips then looked at it, "Blood?" he muttered aloud.

He then looked at Vegeta with a smile as a silver aura poured out that reach all the way into the skies,

Vegeta looked up then back down at Escaro and then got into his battle stance, "This is just a mock battle right?" he said with an awkward chuckle,

Escaro widened his eyes as he appeared right in front of Vegeta shocking him,

Escaro hit Vegeta right into his gut making him spit and fold over his arm,

Vegeta had widened eyes as he was struggling to catch his breath,

Escaro looked down at Vegeta before taking his fist off of Vegeta, he then wrapped his arms around Vegeta's neck and threw himself towards the ground from the sky.

Vegeta who still hadn't caught his breath realized the situation and started punching and scratching at Escaro's forearms to try to get him off but he wouldn't let go.

"D-Dammit I won't fall again!" Vegeta yelled out from the choke-hold,

Veins appeared on Vegeta's forehead as he was turning red,

"Haaaa!" Vegeta let out as his hair turned blue as he pushed off Escaro and backed off to catch a breather.

Escaro landed onto the ground harshly before getting back up and wiping his mouth,

"Almost had a DDT" he said with a childish grin as he took another step and flew back up towards Vegeta.

Meanwhile... Goku looked over from his latest clash with Nion to see Vegeta going SSB.

He then snapped his neck back to Nion, "I guess that's the cue"

"Haaa!" Goku yelled out as his blue aura skyrocketed into the air and his hair changed from yellow to blue.

Goku grinned as he looked at Nion,

"This is my Super Saiyan Blue form, and this!" he then started pushing as he yelled out, "Kaio Ken!".

A red aura overshadowed his blue one now, "And this is a boosted version!"

Nion crouched a little as his eyes let out a red glow and his aura skyrocketed in the air similar to Escaro's,

"Ask me for how many fucks I give!" he yelled out as he flew at Goku as he rammed into Goku's waist effectively spearing him all the way to the barrier,

Goku regained his bearings as he leaned against the barrier more to get a little bit of space,

He lifted and interlocked his hands together and smashed them into Nion's back.

Nion let out a grunt as Goku wrapped his arms around Nion and lifted him up into a powerbomb position,

Goku jumped as he yelled and slammed Nion into the ground making rocks and smoke fly everywhere,

Another crater was formed and as a consequence the barrier shook a little,

Goku rolled off backwards and backed out of the smoke as he looked around frantically,

He knew that it'd take more than that to put Nion out of the fight,

Goku looked left and right before feeling something, "Huh?" he muttered out as he looked and widened his eyes,

"Crap!" Goku yelled out as he threw his arms above his body and pushed his feet into the ground,


Nion's fists smashed onto Goku's arms as he kept punching,

Goku grunted in pain as he knew his defense was giving up,

"Haa!" Goku heard a yell as he turned and saw Vegeta flying over towards them with Escaro not too far behind,

"I've got you Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled as he flew into Nion's waist trying to spear him away but Nion only moved a few meters before looking down at Vegeta.

Vegeta looked up and locked eyes with Nion as he lifted up his arms, "Shit!"

"No!" Goku yelled out as he reached out,

End of Chapter 4. Leave some reviews and what you think about it, if you want to see some more things let me know.

IngeniousBoneKingcreators' thoughts