
Chapter 6 Determined to see him

Chapter 6

“Really! So now you want a virgin?"  Miriam is now confused and starts questioning ken’s behavior.

Since when did ken start caring about virgins? And what has virgin got to do with what they had? Something is wrong.

"What does a virgin have that I don’t have?" Miriam asks Ken.

“Everything and I meant everything," Ken said referring to Gina in his mind and the experience he had with her, he never thought that a girl could be a virgin at her age, and here in this house, all their maids!.... none is a virgin.

"Is not as if I have tested all of them though" he muttered but he was sure none is likely to be a virgin.

Miriam left ken’s room very angry which made Ken regret his action towards her, he shouldn’t have said those words to her after all, what is it with being a virgin?.

But he was kind of glad at least she left his room.

The second maid saw Miriam coming out of ken’s room and shook her head, “seriously, are you going to keep running after him like that?"

"What are you talking about?" Miriam ask pretending not to know what she meant.

“I'm talking about you sneaking around in ken’s room now and then.

“I just went there to give him something," Miriam said.

“Yeah, you went to give him that part of you that needed him so badly, I guess that’s what you went there to give to him."

“Please I don’t have time for your nonsense" Miriam pushes her aside and walks past.

“Well I just hope that one of these days you will not get yourself into trouble," she said to Miriam who didn’t even stop to listen to her anymore.

"Because the Jackson family" she continues "is not the kind of family you joke with their sons, they're reserved for the top families with strong financial backgrounds, is not as if I'm jealous of you, am just looking out for you.

I hope she sees it in that light" she finally says to herself because Miriam was out of sight by then.

Miriam was so angry at everything and everyone that she starts becoming aggressive towards her fellow maids, she couldn’t understand why rich people think they can do anything and get away with it, but ken, hmmm she knows how to deal with him,

She is not someone they, the rich people can toy with and get away with so easily, he is going to hear from her very soon.

She's going to give him more time, to see if he will come back to his senses because this whole virgin thing is getting on her nerves.

She has been patiently waiting for ken’s return and all she could get was this nonsense talk of not being a virgin huh!.

"So he went out there just looking for a virgin!" Hahaha" clapping her hands. "I can’t believe my ears, some men are something else.

While his brother is here scheming for their father’s love and approval to get all his wealth, he is out there looking for virgins huh."

Gina has been shutting herself up in her room ever since she returns from her trip and got to confirm the news from her father.

It turns out Benjamin was saying the truth, she has been marked out for Benjamin in exchange for the collaboration of Wendy Group of companies and Jacko's Oil and Gas Exploration Company owned by Mr. Jackson Winifred.

Gina cried night and day, wishing to be born into a family of fewer means where she can at least have a say in whatever has to play out in her life,  and what is more? She wishes she has not met Ken in that hotel because right now only

 Ken holds the keys to her heart and she is not willing to let go of him. She is determined to see Ken again.