
Chapter 7 BF VISIT


She wanted to see him again, hold him, kiss him and let him make love to her one last time before she descend to the belly of the beast.

“Gina please come out of that room a strange voice came from the corridor of Gina’s room interrupting her thoughts about Ken.

Wait, she knows that voice, how come? when did Patrick arrive? No! she didn’t want Patrick to see her like this, it’s way too much for him to see her in this pitiful state, but she wants to talk to someone.

Thank goodness Patrick is here, she rushes and opens the door, throws herself on high,m and starts crying bitterly forgetting the fact that she was supposed to act strong,  and at least welcome him properly for not seeing him for a long time.

"Hey, hey, hey, come on little girl, don’t tell me you're still like this, crying over a boy"

“Who told you I was crying for a boy?", she wipes the tears from her eyes with one hand just like a baby and forced a smile.

“There you go my little sister,"

“I'm not your sister" Gina reminded Patrick.

"Then what are you to me? Because I consider you my little sister, your parent already sold you out, I have to leave so it won't disturb me so much"

“What?" Gina shouted, looking at Patrick, so you knew about this all along and you didn't think to tell me.?"

"There was nothing to tell, my parents already warned me to stay clear when they saw the way you and I were getting closer by the day, so I just have to leave with the excuse of studying abroad but now I'm here okay,  just take it easy everything is going to be fine."

"Are you telling me to calm down, and swallow a frog for breakfast?" Patrick only smiled at her and said

 “C'mon is not that bad, you see you are the one making things difficult, what if he’s a gentleman" Gina gave Patrick this suspicious look.

“How come you know everything and I don’t? is there something you want to tell me Patrick? C'mon say it". Patrick just smiled and said.

"Naa is not like that, you see we are guys, and guys know stuff you know"

“Okay, so tell me is he a good guy? Because the last time I came in contact with him, he doesn’t look like a good guy to me, he is this type of guy that doesn’t have respect for others, he thinks he has it all, and he's inaccessible, he is so full of himself"

 “Hmmm, all this for one man?" Patrick shook his head and said. "It sounds like a lot to me".

"Yeah," Gina said, "So you see that is why I'm not going to marry him."

“Gina calm down, you still need time to know this guy"

“Fine then, I will get to know him soon," she said and went back to crying.

“C'mon Gina, don’t make me cry with you I'm not good at it". Gina laugh in between her crying and said to Patrick "Get out of my room you silly boy, and by the way, welcome back, I will see you when I clean up".

“Okay, dear waiting for you downstairs," Patrick said and make his way downstairs.

Gina couldn’t stop imagining herself in another man’s arm rather than Ken’s arms “No this can’t be happening I will go find Ken tomorrow, Patrick will help me find him, yes!" she lightens up, rushing to take a shower and want downstairs to meet Patrick.