
Chapter 4 He quit his job

The rest of the day was just useless to ken because it seem something just left his body and he finds it very difficult to manage throughout the day.

He had to drag himself from one place to the other and pray that the day goes by faster because he needed some time alone, life keeps throwing him one challenge or the other and he has just started becoming very uncomfortable with the whole thing.

Maybe is time to go back home and fix things with his father and his arrogant half-brother. “by the way, I saw him in this hotel, I hope he didn’t come here to try to find me?. No, that guy won’t dare to find me, he would rather I die where ever I am. I know him very well to expect any kindness from him."

 Ben and his mother have always been that way since Ken was a child, they wanted everything for themselves and that is why they keep bringing up lies against Ken so his father would hate him.

 Anyways this time they succeeded in their scheming, if not for that ken had promised his mom that he was going to come back for her, he would have gone very far from here never to go back home. But he had to, for the love he has for his mother.

Ken’s mum won’t stop calling him and pleading for him to come back and even threatening to kill herself if he is unwilling to come back.

Ken couldn’t take his mind off Gina, there are lots of things he wanted to say to her, but what worry’s him most was why she kept crying and shedding those tears.

She is one of the top women in Wendy Group of Companies, she should be the happiest person on earth, with all the money, the prestige, the lifestyle, everything, surely she is one of the luckiest girls in the world so why the tears?.

Something doesn’t seem right to ken. Maybe she was just acting up to have him in her bed, but she looks innocent and honest and not to talk about the fact that he's the first man she has had sex with and she has been a virgin up to this night.

 Ken couldn’t believe a girl of her age could still be a virgin because judging from his experience with his mother’s maids and previous girlfriends, some of them are not up to twenty years, but none of them were virgins and ken couldn’t help falling deeper and deeper in love with her.

The day is far spent and is time to close for the day, Ken walks haphazardly to his room, so tired to take a shower he throws himself on his bed and went to sleep, needless to say, Gina was all over his thoughts that he started dreaming, of kissing and hugging her, laughing and playing around, and all of a sudden a tall figure came from nowhere and snatch her from him, Ken screamed and woke up, it was only a dream, ken was relieved  “Thank God is a dream".

But then he felt the urge to go home, maybe he could find a way to look for Gina, who knows?, maybe someone in his house may know where Wendy Group of Companies is located, that way he will have the chance to see Gina again and be sure that she is okay.

He just can't take off his mind from her and he wanted so badly to know what he is saving her from.

Ken was beginning to get worried by the day about their well-being of Gina, it has suddenly become his responsibility to want to protect Gina and make sure she was okay.

For some reason, he felt that she may be in some kind of trouble because he just remembers that Gina was trying to tell him something, if not, why would she ask him to save her, save her from what?.

I have to quit this job and make arrangements to get home immediately"

Once is  5 a.m. Ken went to Mrs. Beatrice to inform her that he will be quitting his job to go and see his mother who is very sick and wouldn’t be coming back any time soon.

Mrs. Beatrice was almost moved to tears because she has loved to work with Ken, he has not given her any reason to worry since he came to work with them, he was very obedient to the rules and regulations of the workplace, and she can easily make him do things for her, and now he’s leaving “oh no” how she missed him already.

   "Please say hi to your mother and tell her I will like to meet her one day, she has raised a beautiful son".

    “It’s okay” ken pat Mrs. Beatrice on her shoulder assuring her he is going to deliver her message to his mum.

After that, he walks into the manager’s office to submit his resignation letter, which the manager signed and ask to pay him off in two days.

    Outside Jackson’s beautiful huge gate stood Ken with his bag on his shoulder, unwilling to go inside, he stood there watching as the servants move to and fro running errands and he just laugh at himself.

A few minutes ago he was just like this, running errands for others too, but somehow he was happy that he has done some community service, and if not for anything he has met and fallen in love with the most beautiful woman on earth.

Just as Ken was about to enter inside, a servant who was just employed to guard the gate stop him.

    "Hey, you, who are you and where are you going with that bag?"  Ken looked at him without saying a word but kept moving, as the guard was about to manhandle Ken, an older guard came out from the corner and rushed to greet Ken.

   "Welcome Sir, bowing his head in respect, ken ask him, “Who is this?" The older guard replied “he is newly employed, Ken shook his head and said 

  "I see, teach him some manners" and with that, he hands his bag over to the older guard to take to his room".

“Yes Sir,

   "I'm sorry sir," said the new guard. ken just looked at him and wave his hand,

    “Is okay, go back to your post” he said and walk away to find his mother. 

"Mom..., I'm home!” yelling as he walks through those large corridors of his mother’s quarters. all the servants keeps rushing out to see if truly is him.

   “Oh, he’s back! thank goodness he’s back!” said one of the maids who was having sleepless nights because of him.

    “Yeah thank goodness he’s back so you can have some sleep,” said the second maid.

    “What are you talking about?" Ask the first maid.

    “Please don’t give me that look, you think I don’t know you've  been sleeping with him?"

   "Shhh.... keep your mouth shut  and stop talking about things you have no proof”

   “Yeah, what proof do you need if not pregnancy", the second maid said and walk back to the kitchen.

   “Whatever", the first maid said waving her right hand at her.

   "Mum... I'm home!” he keeps yelling and finally got to his mother’s bedroom without knocking on the door he push the door wide open and his mother couldn’t believe her eyes, her son is back! thank goodness, they both rush into each other’s arms and lock in an embrace.

    "You should learn how to knock you know", his mother said poking his nose and ken remembered the incident with Gina, had it been that he knocked and waited he and Gina wouldn’t have gotten anything to think about not to talk about having a wonderful time together. But that is why he's here, to find Gina and make her his wife.

    “Mum, are you not happy to see me?” Ken ask in his usual way of teasing his mother instead of saying I’m sorry. But his mum was very happy to see her only son which she cannot live without.