
Chapter 3 A Surprise visit

“What!.. Who are you?” Gina was shocked at him, “okay, maybe you lost your way," She told him but when the guy didn't reply to her she start becoming aggressive.

"Please leave now before I call security”. She pushes the door to close it but the guy holds the door with his strong hand making Gina unable to close it, with that he forced her to give up.

    " Fine, what do you want?”

“Very well then, can I come in?” he asked with this authoritative tone in his voice.

Gina then move aside indicating her approval,  so he walked majestically into Gina’s room, sat on the bed, and look at her.

    “Your father told me where to find you, and I know you don’t know anything about me, but let me spare you the details and go straight to the point, you’re my wife",

    "What!”. Gina’s eyes widened at the shocking revelation of this man, but just in a minute she snap out of her shock and was very angry at him.

    “What the hell are you talking about?” Yell Gina. She got mad and ask him to leave her room immediately.

    “Hey, hey, hey, calm down pretty one, I will leave, is not as if I'm taking you right away, this minute, your father is taking too much time to break the good news to you, so I thought I should help him save his strength.

Listen very well pretty one", he said with a wicked smile playing at the corner of his mouth. “Let me break it down for you, everything has been arranged by your father George Williams and my father Jackson. And I'm running out of patience, and besides, we need to get to know each other better, don’t you think so?."

    "Oh no, how Gina hated the audacity, this type of men…, she can't stand them. If only she has the superpower to make him disappear, she would do it and do it real quick.

    "Well young man, I don’t know you just as you said, and if there is anything like that my dad will not keep it away from me. So I will ask that you leave my room this minute."

    "I leave when I want to, and no woman tells me what to do but for you…, well, I will make an exception.” With that, he got up to leave but stop in front of Gina and try to kiss her but Gina;...

 “Enough”. Gina yells at him, "if there is anything like that, my dad will relate it to me, and when I get home, I’m going to confirm it myself so for now you may leave my room or I call security.”

     “Okay, okay, I will leave now my sweetheart, take your time, and don’t do anything stupid, my eyes are on you", he said and with that, he lift the room.

    Gina couldn’t believe her ears, how could her father do such a thing and kept it away from her?, No, is not possible, this guy is lying, there must be a mix-up somewhere, her father can’t possibly do such a thing.

"But that guy just called my father’s full name, maybe is true, if not how could he be so bold to talk about my father like that.?”

Oh no! and these are the times that Gina wishes she had a friend to talk to, she has never had a friend except for Patrick because her parents always told her that having too many friends are a bad influence and that they are looking out for her, but now none of her parents can be of any help right now, she needs a friend she can tell everything without calculating her words.

 She needs a friend she can pour all her heart out without being afraid of being judged, this can’t be happening to her, she only prays and wishes that she will wake up from this horrible nightmare, but somehow something keeps telling Gina that the man was telling the truth, because owning to the fact that she is an heir to the Wendy Group, is only right that she gets married to one of the top richest guys in town and judging from the look of this man one can only be right to say he is from a rich family and her father has always been grooming her for such a man.

But still, her father doesn’t have to choose a man for her, and sometimes it makes her wish she wasn’t born into a rich family, because sometimes your right can be taken away from you and there is nothing you can do about it.

Now Gina doesn’t feel like leaving the hotel again because she was afraid of what she is going to find out when she gets back home, so she decides to take a walk within the hotel for fresh air in other to clear her head.

Outside Gina’s room within the premises of the hotel, she stood in a garden facing the north side of the hotel, the air was cool and fresh, and the atmosphere was beautiful, Lost in her thoughts, Gina felt a hand on her shoulder.

     “Excuse me, ma'am, I have been calling you for like minutes now but it seems you’re lost in thought".

    “W-what did you say?“ Gina ask him and  Ken said with so much difficulty in his voice.

     “I,...I was looking around to see if everywhere is secured properly and I saw you standing here, is past twelve ma'am and you need to be in your room", Ken manages to say reading her to see if she will buy that excuse because he was looking for Gina and not to secure any stupid hotel.

Gina looked at Ken and feels the urge to kiss him and cry on his shoulder, she keep staring at him without saying a word.

    Ken was confused, earlier she didn’t want anything to do with him, and now she is staring at him with so much longing in her eyes. “Of course, she is up to no good, I know her type and I would not fall for this,” Ken muttered under his breath.

    “Ma'am is past twelve and you need to be in your room is not safe here," Ken said resisting the temptation to touch her.

   “Yeah, I know, and I also know you care for me and that’s why you are here, you like me right? Gina asked ".  Ken was hit by surprise and didn’t know what to say.

   “What? No, that’s not true" he protested.

    “Yes it is, you like me, just say it, you do."  Gina could no longer hold it in, she let a drop of tear fall from her eyes. Ken is now more confused.

   "You’re drunk ma, let me help you to your room”.  Gina just gave her hand to Ken and he led her away to her room.

    "Stay with me for just this night," Gina told Ken as he was about to leave the room after helping her onto her bed.

       “And why should I do that?" Ken ask.

    “Because I'm asking you to, but you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to stay". Ken looked at her and wish that Gina knows what she is asking for.

“Okay, I will stay but you are putting my job on the line".

    “I know," Gina said,  "just be a friend for tonight, tomorrow I’m leaving anyway".

    "What! So soon?".

    “Yeah, why? Don’t you want me to leave?" Gina asks and hopes to hear a very big yes from Ken?

    “Is not like that" Ken quickly said without showing his sadness upon hearing that she is leaving so soon.

    “I have a meeting to attend tomorrow and then I will go home to face the worst thing ever", she said with a sad look on her face.

    "Why? don’t you want to go home? and why is your face that way when you say the word home"?.  Ken ask.

Gina got up from the bed, and walk over to Ken where he was sited on the one single off-shoulder chair, she walked across to him putting on a revealing cloth showing off her breast with her nipples pointing at Ken, and his heart start beating very fast,  he prays that she should just stop, he was been mesmerized by what she was doing, this girl is messing with his mind because he can’t take this anymore.

Gina sat with Ken on the same chair, by this time, Ken is beginning to lose his mind, she held Ken’s two hands and say, “please save me”.

    “From who?" Ask ken”.

    “Save me from me," Gina told him with tears rolling down her face.  Ken didn’t know what to do, he could only hug and kiss her, and she kiss him back, ken’s heart began to race faster, it seem it wants to pull out of his chest, he thought he was dreaming and wanted to wake up from this dream but no, it is happening real, he couldn’t believe his eyes, Gina was all over him, kissing him from head to toe, Ken allowing her to have her way, and then is ken’s turn, he gave her the best orgasm she would ever have.

 She glues onto Ken and never wanted to let him go, she wants this moment to last forever and one thing she will ever remain grateful for was the fact that she said yes to Ken, the man she has come to love within a few hours of seeing him.

Ken on the other hand couldn’t believe his eyes, he thought he was losing his mind, could it be that Ken actually has his way with this high-class beauty, or maybe he is dreaming or something.

   “Ken!” Gina called, making him come back to earth because he doesn’t know where he was until she called his name.


   "What are you thinking?"

“Oh nothing, I was just thinking about why you were crying" he lied.

   "oh about that, is nothing really, is just a family issue is nothing.

    “And by the way, I heard you are from the Wendy Group of Companies," Ken said without thinking.

   "Who told you that?" Gina wants to know if Ken has been discussing her with the rest of the workers about that incident because she heard that…, that’s what poor workers usually do, gossiping about their bosses and the rich people and wanting to take advantage of the rich.

    But Ken just kisses her making her forget about the topic while they have another round of good lovemaking sending Gina to the Sky never wishing to come back to earth.

Both of them slept on the same bed hugging themselves so tightly as if they have known each other for a long time, the bond between them keep growing by the seconds of every minute and ken needs to get back to his duty post because the night is far spent and it is about 5 a.m.

   Oh no, Gina didn’t like the idea of Ken leaving her all alone, she want them to stay together always but she too has a meeting to attend and she didn’t know if she will ever see ken again.

    “Ken, can I see you again?" He looked at her and imagined the same thing, but he just went with the word "Sure", even though he didn’t know how that is possible, she is someone he just met in a hotel room and didn’t know anything about her except for the fact that everyone in the hotel respects her for some reasons he knows nothing about and the fact that she is beautiful and that she has just stolen his heart making him fall madly in love with her.

It makes him want to give her everything he had, but then he had nothing to be proud of, he is now just a massager in a hotel, so he just said to Gina “Sure, I hope that happens soon,"

  Gina looked at ken and find love, and longing, and it breaks her heart that this will be the last time they do meet, and it even break her heart more that they can’t even have more time to spend In this hotel, it was just hard to say goodbye to the love you just find.

How she wishes they have more time to talk about family, friends, high school, a lot there is, to talk about, but she had to say goodbye to ken in less than one hour from now.