
Chapter 2 Ken in a messy situation

Where will he go? what can he do? he is not used to this kind of life.

He has never had to work before; this is the only job he could find that is safe for him, he doesn’t have to be in the street begging for a job and where to sleep at night, at least here, he has a place to sleep.

    "I have to do something! I have to beg her one more time to make sure she won’t report me to the management." He thought. 

"Oh my God!... Why has fate decided to be so cruel to him? Why is it that he keeps getting into trouble?.

It wasn’t his fault anyway; it was his father’s fault for sending him away from the house, after all, he is the son of the richest man in town.

He didn’t have to be treated like he was a nobody; he has his inheritance of Jackson’s wealth, and he can buy this damn hotel if he wants to, but none of that matters now since he has been thrown out of the Jackson family for misusing their money and was not ready to humble himself to ask for forgiveness.

He was ready to prove to the Jacksons that he can make his own money too. 

    "But damnit, that girl is hot, she’s beautiful, she’s sweet, she is……" he pause as he heard someone's footsteps.

“Ken, what are you doing?" Mrs. Beatrice's voice interrupted his thoughts. Seeing ken coming out of Gina’s hotel room.

  “Nothing ma, I just took Gina’s order to her room and I'm going back".

   “Oh okay, how is she?"

    “She’s beautiful"

    “You like her?"

    “What! Me? Oh no that’s not what I mean" Ken protested.

   “Okay then,” Mrs. Beatrice said and shook her head, "you better not, because she is way… too out of your league," she roll her eyes at him and left.

    “hmm really? That’s interesting"   Ken mumbles the words and walks back to his post.  

    The night was cool but ken was feeling the heat because he could not just stop thinking of Gina and what has happened.

 Somehow he has started liking her, and all kinds of thoughts keep rushing into his mind and he keeps fighting this urge to hold her and kiss her and tell her he loves her, but ken knew that will never happen because to Gina he is just a waiter in this hotel.

She will not take him seriously and she will think that he is just taking advantage of what just happened and will hate him for life.

But what got to him the most was the way she looked at him straight in the face and told him that between them Ken saw nothing.

    "She’s right, am not supposed to think about her, but I just can’t help it, her eyes, her breast, her nipples, standing there calling on me, inviting me was way too much for me to forget or pretend not to see anything."

A knock on Ken’s door brought him back from his daydreaming.

    "Is time for the night shift, Ken hurry and come out, is time for work". A voice came from the outside.

"Oh no.. how he hates this voice, how he wishes he can just go back to his mansion and be the Ken he knew, the Ken that all his mother’s maids are running around to get his attention, his mother won’t let him lift a plate not to talk of washing one.

How he missed those good old days, can he go back to those days? Hell no, it's time to move on, is time to be a man, is time to earn his own money.

    “Come on boy get up and go, you can do this" ken said to himself. he always speaks to himself when he doesn’t feel like doing anything. And he wants to keep pretending to be a nobody to keep his job maybe he could find a way of making his own money. 

Once outside his room, he walks straight to his duty post ready to take orders,

   “Yes, Mrs. Beatrice where am I taking this?"

   “To Gina’s room," she shouted at him.


    "Am sorry Ken, I know its not your duty to serve in the VIP today, but please can you do this for me?, there are not enough workers these days at the landmark hotel, and I wonder what is going on with the management, they refuse to hire more hands so please.. can you do this for me? just this once?."

    “Is fine, it's okay, I will do it, is just that you could have sent me somewhere else rather than Gina’s room".

    “Wait a minute, are you having problems with her? Or, oh… no... you like her, yes tell me you like her!"

    “What? Naa, is okay, just hand me the food"  Ken forcefully took the food from her and walk away.

    “Thank you, my boy," she hands Ken the food and looks the other way.

   “This woman, she knows how to make me do things huh." He murmured.

When ken got to Gina’s room, he knock and waited for like five minutes before he held the door handle, he was very careful never to make any mistakes this time.

Gina waited and didn’t see anyone coming in.

    "Who is there?" she yells.

“Is me room service, can I come in?.

    “I said yes you may come in". Ken opened the door and went inside.

    "Here ma'am, your order," he said without looking at Gina.

    "You can place it there," she said pointing at the table without looking at him.

ken place the food and was about to leave when Gina suddenly call to him.

   “Don’t you have a name? Is your name room service?."

   “Of course, I have a name ma'am".

Gina turns from her laptop to look at ken 

   “Good, so what is your name?". 

Ken gave Gina a weak smile and said “My name is Ken."

    “Ken who?" She yells once again as if trying to intimidate him.

    “Just call me Ken," he said without showing any signs of weakness.

    “Okay Ken, I hope you didn’t think I would be half naked this time?"

    “No ma'am, I didn’t think anything at all."

   “Hmmm really? So you didn’t think you saw anything last time?"

Ken looked at her and was wondering if he should say something. "Wait a minute, was she expecting me to think about her?... Oh yes, I did think about her a lot only God knows how much I thought about her that it almost cost me my sanity.

But she didn’t expect me to say it to her because she didn’t want me to remember anything at all and what’s worst? she wants me to act like a dummy ". So he said nothing to her but was just staring at her.

   “Hey...", Gina snapped at Ken with her fingers, "I'm talking to you, and why are you just looking at me like that?"

   “I'm sorry ma'am, didn’t mean to".

   “Well, I was just making sure that you are not  thinking about that incident."

     “Not at all, if you will excuse me, ma'am, I will like to go back to my duty post."

    “Sure, you are free to go", she wanted to say “take care” but realize it will be a very big mistake to try, instead she walk to the door and open the door herself ushering him out of the room.

Gina closed the door, takes a deep breath, and throws herself on her bed, “Oh my God, this guy sweeps me off my feet, he is so handsome, masculine, and oh… that smell, he smells so good, he doesn’t smell like one of those hotel waiters, something is different about him,  I just want to grab him and kiss him all over, damn, I don’t think I can control myself next time I come this close to him.

 But wait a minute, there will be no next time because I'm leaving tomorrow, will I see him again? If so how? What if I couldn’t come back to the hotel for a very long time? What if dad sent me abroad for a vacation? It may be for two months or three, I might not see him again, no, I will look for an excuse to see him again before I leave.

Did you think he loves me? No,  he doesn’t love me, but the way he looks at me, surely he is in love with me, even though he didn’t say it, it’s written all over his face, I can see it, yes I can.

Gina, please stop"  she slaps her face to make sure she was okay. “The guy is a waiter and you are the one and only daughter of Mr. George Williams, the CEO of Wendy Group of Companies. That will be a total mess, and you know your father, he will never accept a waiter for a son-in-law.

Gina…, who is talking about son-in-law right now? the guy has not even said "hi" and you are already thinking about a son-in-law,"  she laughs at herself and keeps fantasizing about all the things they will be doing together when she finally gets him to be her man.

That night Gina was determined to see Ken again and to satisfy her curiosity, Gina has never been allowed to have that kind of relationship with a man and she didn’t see any need for it since she has never fallen in love before, all she has ever do and think about is work, business, travel and yes making her father proud.

She has always wanted to be in her father’s good books and she is sure that everything she has done has earned her the faith and respect that her father and everyone in Wendy Group of Companies give to her, so she didn’t have to worry about what her father will think at this time, besides who is going to tell him?.

Is a one-night thing, is not as if her father is going to allow her relationship with ken so why think much about it, "I’m going to have fun with him this night and in the morning I'm going to pack my bags and leave period."

A knock landed on the door interrupting Gina’s fantasies, she walks to the door to get it, and when she opens the door a handsome-looking guy was staring at her which makes her uncomfortable.

  “Yes, how may I help you?"

The guy just look at her and said, "No, is like this. How may I help you? It is I who needs to help you." He said.