
Chapter 19

He keeps wondering why she didn't love him as much as he love her, was it because he was too close to her?.

"Maybe is time to keep a distance, I can’t continue with this, she is with someone else now, yes! is time to keep my distance so I don’t get hurt myself, the pain of seeing her rush up to someone else is killing me, I can’t do this anymore," Patrick decides to leave town the next morning.

A week has passed with Ken and Gina spending time together in Peter’s house.

"I need to go back home, my father must be worried sick by now and I still don’t know how to face him. What do you think I should do?" Gina asks Ken?

“I will say do nothing, yes, don’t do anything, just keep quiet and watch, because the more you want to say something the more your dad will be angry with you, so I say do nothing and say nothing." 

"Hmm, I don’t understand you, what do you mean by do nothing, say nothing, I don’t think that will work with my dad."

Gina was right Mr. George will like to hear Gina’s explanation of why she behaved the way she did, unlike Ken who is expected to say nothing, each time there is an argument between him and Ben.

So he was used to the philosophy of saying nothing and doing nothing.

"Well, am sorry for that, I almost forgot that we are not from the same family, but why did your father make such a deal with my father?" He was curious about it but had never gotten the chance to ask her.

Gina was shocked to hear him ask such a question but pretended not to hear him. “Why will he ask her that? She wasn’t ready to answer that question because she didn’t know the answer.

"Gina, are you sleeping?" ken ask when she didn't answer but pretended to be sleeping.

"Just rest okay, you are really tired, let’s just sleep." Ken left Gina alone and went to meet Peter outside.

"Are you still outside?" ken asks

"Guy, what can a man do? I just say make I collect breeze." Both of them sat outside having some man-to-man moment.

"Ken so you are leaving for Italy next week just like that?" Peter asks not believing this.

"Yeah, they don’t want me in their house but not to worry, because I have seen that I need to leave.  This time it will be different, I will not be the same Ken they use to know.

"I hope you are not including me, I didn't do anything wrong to you," Peter said.

"You!, you will be the first person I roast when I come back."

"But guy, on a serious note, what is going to happen to your chick?" Peter ask concerned.

"She will be fine, I trust her. Gina is a good girl, she won’t do anything stupid and besides, I will always be in touch."

"Hmm, honestly I don’t understand your family, guy you have money, your dad is a billionaire, why all this stress? Look, I prefer to be poor if this is what being rich is all about."

"You don’t understand, being rich is not the problem, but getting married to the wrong woman is. My step-mom is pure evil, nothing good happens with her around. But dude, I'm okay with going to Italy, I  think is the right thing to do, the days of me being childish are gone, I'm going to be a man, a man that Gina will be proud of, and I swear to you, I can never get married to two women."

"No..no..no.. don’t ever say that," Peter said, I like them two, three, to five, the backsides are good people, is just few who are bad."

"I agree with you, but for me one is okay,  and I mean the one you can trust."

"Yeah, your right man..., I hope I find one too, but damnit, that will be a big loss to the backsides, you know," Peter said and Ken shook his head.

"I hope you are not going to die from these backsides when I leave," ken asked.

"Never! You don’t trust your guy?" Hahaha both of them keep laughing the whole night.

Mr. George was beginning to get worried about Gina’s unwillingness to come home. "What has gotten into this girl,?" this is not the girl he raises, something is wrong somewhere, Gina has never behaved in such a way before, what happened? Is she still angry with me, but she didn't give me time to explain things to her, what was I supposed to do?

I only did that for her own sake and the sake of the company, why can’t she just understand me and come back home. Am going to bring her back to this house, she belongs here until she gets married."

Mr. George was still thinking of the next step to take when his phone rang. It was Mr. Jackson, he wants to know where his son Ken is, and also to know if Ken was with Gina all this time?

"How am I supposed to know? I'm equally looking for my daughter" Mr. George told Mr. Jackson over the phone.

"Nonsense, you can’t tell me that you don’t know your daughter is holding my son hostage."

"Mr. Jackson, let’s not just start an argument over this. I don’t know where your son is and my daughter is not at home for the past one week."

"What!, did you say one week?"

"Yes, one week and I'm so worried about her." He said and Mr. Jackson knew instantly that both of them are together.

"Ken..., that boy needs to be taught a lesson," Mr. Jackson said and hang up the phone.

"Gina..., what have I done? Please come back, I don’t want to start a fight that I can’t win, and these people are not the kind of people you look for their trouble. But as for Mr. Jackson why is he so rude, is it because of the money he lends to me? he should just say so and stop using this issue to stir up trouble where there is none."

Mr. Jackson called for the attention of his wife, ken’s mother. “Find your son and bring him to me, he leaves tomorrow, and if I don’t see him by the end of today; he will no longer be my son."

"But dear, he is but a child, take it easy with him."

"Child you say, you made him that child, he is a full grown man Tina,  for God's sakes stop treating him like a God-damn five years old. Bring him to me before nightfall," he said and walks away.

“God! what will I do?, why has Ken sworn to disgrace me like this, where will I go to look for him?. Fine, please get me the driver" she says to one of the maids standing by, "and get me my shoes too, I need to look for that boy. And this time I will make sure he leaves tomorrow."

On the way to look for Ken, Mrs. Tina asks the driver if he knows where they can look for Ken because she's not used to going outside the mansion like always.

“We can go to Mr. George's house."

"And why do you think my son would be at George’s house?"

“Sorry ma’am, I just think he might be with Gina,"

"My friend, keep driving, my son cannot go with that girl."

"Yes, ma" They keep driving around town not knowing where to look because she didn’t even know who ken’s friends were and where he might be."

 “Ma, we’ve been driving for hours, don’t you think we should look at Gina’s place?"

“Fine, take me there, I need to look at that girl in the face and tell her, she doesn’t belong to my world."

At Mr. George’s house stood Ken's mother, looking with amazement at the beautiful house and the decorations and wondering if she should change her mind,

“These people are not poor, and Mr. George is a well-behaved man, then why will he have such a daughter who cannot keep to one man?." She muttered as they entered the house.

"Well, I'm here to look for my son."

"Your son is not in my house neither is my daughter, but I think I know where to find them."

“Please take me to him, I need to see him is important that I see him."

He drove them to Patrick’s house only to be told that Ken came here and had taken Gina away for a week now.

“What!” Mr. George was angry at Patrick, “And you didn’t think of letting me know?"

"I'm sorry sir, I didn’t want to offend Gina because she begged me not to tell you."

"Don’t be too hard on yourself??" Mrs. Tina told George, “Is not his fault, I know ken, he is in love with your daughter,  and nothing will stop him from loving her, let's just look for ways to find them."

So they called Gina’s phone but she didn't pick up.