
Chapter 17 Badass Guy

Gina walked in with Patrick.

So glad to see his daughter in one piece Mr. George rush to hug his daughter before starting to question her about her behavior and how she has not just, succeeded in disgracing herself but the entire family.

“I didn’t raise you to behave like a prostitute…"

"Dad please stop," Gina said and ran out of the house.

Patrick looked at Mr. George, who looked back at him as if to say "Am very angry at her."

“Go after her and make sure she is okay",

“Yes sir," Patrick said and went after Gina.

“What should I do now, I don’t have that kind of money to pay back" Mr. Jackson muttered as Gina ran away.

"I was hoping this deal will pull through, and now what?" Gina's father said worriedly because he has no money to pay back his debts.

Ben could no longer hold in his anger, he wants to destroy anything and everyone he set his eyes on.

“Hold yourself as a man, will you?" His mother shouted at him.

“Mom, I will kill that Ken and that stupid Gina, you’ll see."

“What will killing them do for you? The best revenge is to pretend that you don’t have any grudges against them, marry that Gina of a girl, and show her hell on earth." She suggested.

“Yes! yes!! That's my Mom," Ben teases his mother, hugging and kissing her forehand for this brilliant idea.

“I know you are the only wise woman, and you always have the right answer to all my questions, I will make you proud." He said.

“That’s my son." Benjamin starts thinking of ways to convince his father to let him marry Gina. But Mr. Jackson would not give in.

“Son, you cannot marry a girl your brother has had his way with. That is too dangerous, I will not lay that deadly trap in my house. Now call Ken your brother, tell him I want to see both of you now." He orders Ken to be brought before him.

Ken walked in reluctantly knowing how the whole thing will end, after all, he is the only black sheep of the family.

He has never done anything to please his father anyway, so he wasn’t expecting favors from anyone as long as Benjamin is involved, he will never compete.

He is considered the good and levelheaded one while ken is the bad guy.

Just the appearance of Ken at the family gathering is a problem for Ben and his mother.

“Kenneth, what have I not done for you that needs to be done.?"  His father began. Knowing where the whole thing is heading, ken just kept quiet.

“You have refused to grow up, all you do is bring shame to this family. And now, I am going to send you to Italy."

“What!" Ken and his mother shouted simultaneously.

“You will go to my sister and stay there for five years."

“What!" They shouted again.

“You will study engineering and when you are done with your studies, then you can come back to us."

“But dad!.., you can’t do that to me,"  Ken protested.

 “Watch me do it," Mr. Jackson said, “For God's sake Ken you need to grow up. Taking your brother’s wife-to-be, sleeping with her under my roof is not acceptable."

“Go and get prepared to leave for Italy, I have called my sister and she is waiting for your arrival."

"But dad!. I met her first,"

“Just shut up, and get ready to leave."

“Why is no one ready to listen to me?" Ken asks himself.

“Well, no one listens to me in this house anyway, so I better leave." But then; what about Gina? What will happen to her? I need to see her and talk to her about this.

She needs to understand me, is not my fault that I have to leave, she just has to understand.

Ken was about to leave the house when he came face to face with Benjamin.

“You think you are smart, I'm going to make you pay," Ben said.

“You better leave my way before I do something crazy to you," Ken said ready to give him another beating of his life.

"That girl is mine, let's see who has her. You can rot in Italy!" Ben said and walk away.

Ken was very worried now, he didn't know what to think, was it the plan of Ben and his mom to send him to Italy?.

“Oh shit!.. how do I make dad change his mind, I don’t want to leave Gina alone here with Ben." Just as he was about to step out his eyes met with his mom, who turn away quickly because she was still angry with ken.

"Mom, please can I talk to you? I need your help to stop dad from making me go to Italy."

"You should be happy that you are going to Italy, it was my idea for him to send you there,"


"Do you prefer to be disowned by your father?"


"Yes!, that was what your father was going to do before I intervene. Just go to Italy and grow up please, I'm tired of begging on your behalf." With that, she left ken standing there wondering if he has been this much trouble to everyone in his family even his mom is tired of his troubles.

"Well, I think I have to go, so everyone will be in peace. It seems that my presence here is causing more trouble than I thought." He muttered.

He went to look for Gina to explain to her what is going on. Getting to gina’s house he puts only his father at home.

"Good day sir, I'm here to see Gina." Mr. George doesn’t know what to do or tell Ken, he wanted to throw him out of his house but then he remembers that he is the son of one of the most powerful business-man, and he respects his father so much but he could not come to grabs with the fact that his sons are not gentlemen just as their father.

"Gina is not in, I think she is at Patrick’s house."

"Can I see her, please? Is important that I do?" Mr. George sent a servant girl to take Ken to Patrick’s house.

Getting there Gina and Patrick were sitting very close to each other that if one is not careful will think they are lovers.

Ken cleared his throat before greeting them, under normal circumstances he would have thrown a punch at Patrick for setting so close to his woman.

"Hey!.., what brings you here?" Patrick asks Ken.

"Well, can I talk to her in private?" Does Ken ask Patrick?

"Sure,"  Patrick said and got up to leave.

"Gina, there is something very important I want to tell, you."

"Hope all is well?"

"Yes, no..., I mean I will be leaving for Italy next week, is my father’s punishment on me for falling in love with you."

Gina started to cry, hugging Ken and begging him to stay with her, she has never known what love is before, and now it seem that she wants to die if she didn’t see Ken for a day or two. And now he's talking of leaving for a whole five years!.

"I can’t do this anymore, what?" She muttered but Ken heard her.

"What can’t you do anymore?" He asks curiously.

"Ken I love you, I can’t stay without you, please don’t leave me I'm begging you." Ken didn’t know what to do, so he ask permission from Patrick to take Gina with him and promise to bring her back safely.

Patrick didn't refuse, seeing that Gina wants to go with Ken.

He took Gina to Peter’s house, the door was locked but the lights were on.

Ken called Peter on the phone but it seem that Peter was in a club already because of the background music he was hearing.

Then he thought of taking Gina home to his house but then his phone rang.

"Hello, dude! what's up?"

"Fine, I'm in your house, can you come and give me the key to your room?"

Guy as I'm speaking to you right now I'm far away, but the keys are at the top of the door frame."

"Thanks, man, don’t kill yourself okay?. I still need you as a friend." He said to Peter over the phone.

"Get out of my phone, I hope you didn’t come with a backside to my house?" He asked yelling on the phone because of the loud music.

"Shut up, what do you care? Bye." Ken hangs up the phone and gets the keys. Taking Gina inside the house, to Ken’s surprise Peter’s house was spontaneously clean this time unlike when Ken visited him the last time,  which made ken so happy that at least Gina would not have to see how messy his friend was.

"Your friend has a nice place," Gina said.

"Yeah," Ken said wishing that Gina never gets to know Peter. She will have a different opinion about him.

Peter is a pure joke but he likes him that way because he never sugarcoats his word when talking to him. He doesn’t give him that respect that other people give to him once they know he's the son of a multi-billionaire.