
Chapter 16 Badass Guy

 For the most dangerous sin of going out with another man.

“You will never lose me, Kenneth," Gina said.

Ken was surprised to hear Gina call him by his full name but damn! It sounds Soo.. good. And it made him fall more deeply in love with her, he wanted to take her right away and make love to her but this is not the right time and place because someone is still waiting for Gina in his car, “damnit, that male friend of hers! why must he be here at this time?.

“Ken I have to go, Patrick is waiting for me." She said but keeps wondering why Ken is not saying anything about the fight with his brother.

“How is your brother and what is your father saying about the whole situation?" Gina asks since he's not saying anything about it.

“Benjamin is a man, he can take care of himself, but as for my father I heard he called off the marriage deal, so you are free now," he said smiling at her.

“What, I mean Why?"

“Are you not happen? Do you want to marry Ben so badly?"

“What? No!, is not like that," trying to hide her fears, she is now afraid of what will happen to her father and Wendy Group of Companies because she already knows why her father enters into that kind of deal with Mr. Jackson, Patrick has already explained everything to her and now she knows.

“I don’t want you to go,".  Ken said to Gina.

"Can you just tell that friend of yours to go without you Huh..? I need you here with me."

“That will be so disrespectful of me," Gina said. "I can’t do that to Patrick, he doesn’t deserve such an insult."

“Shh. calm down, it hasn’t gotten to that, what do you mean insult? Or do you like him?"

“Stop it, Ken, you are just jealous,"

“I'm not; I'm just kidding." But Gina was telling the truth, and Ken started getting jealous of Patrick.

Why will he have that kind of relationship with a woman? He should just go and be a man; men don’t go around with other people's women, especially now that they need to be together.

 “Ken I have to go, I promise you, when all this is over, we are going to have all the time to ourselves."

What? Is she agreeing to be forever with him?

“Is okay my love, I will see you later, Just promise me to take care of yourself”. And by that, he meant never to allow any other man to touch her.

“I promise," she said. "can I go now?"

 "Yes you may," letting her go back to Patrick who by now is becoming worried about Gina.

“I hope she's okay?" just as he was about to get down from the car to go and get Gina he saw her coming out of the club's door because Ken took her back inside.

“Hey, I hope everything is fine? was that Ken? Is he okay?"

“He’s fine so let's go home," Gina enters the car, and off they drove.

Ken went around looking for Peter inside and outside the club but couldn’t find him anywhere.

"Where could this idiot be?" then he remembered seeing him following a group of girls when he was busy with Gina.

"I hope this guy hasn't gone home with this girl? Anyway, he can find his way back home."

So he left without Peter, but on getting to Peters's house he finds the door was not locked so he walks straight up into the house and got the surprise of his life.

Peter was still in the cloud not wanting to come back to earth with five girls caressing him all over, so..king, and licking him all over.

This was too much for Ken to handle so he thought of going back home to the mansion, but, he didn’t want to face his father right now, not to talk to his mother who has started blaming him for making trouble even though he has already explained to her how he comes to know Gina first before Benjamin.

What he doesn’t like was the fact that his father and Gina’s father are involved in this. And that makes him feel that somehow he is going to lose Gina but hearing that his Father has called off the marriage deal between Ben and Gina, gives him a little hope.

“Where will I go now?, because I can’t endure this torture with Peter, this is too much, five girls! Damn, I can’t believe this, and I thought I have a friend." Ken said still standing outside the door.

“Yeah, Yeah, I, the best friend anyone can ever wish for," Peter said haven’t overheard Ken speaking out loud.

“Guy, you're so stupid," Ken said.

“Yeah, I know" Peter replied

 “I mean, five girls! How do you manage that?."

“As I said, you are becoming so boring my friend, I don’t do love. Now, look at you? Running away from your house,  and all for what! loving a girl your brother wants to marry, who by the way is with another guy as we speak,  maybe that dude ban**ing her right now, who knows?"

“Just shut up, will you? What do you know?"

“I know enough, that’s why I want to make you feel good man...," he said walking back inside.

“The backsides are waiting Ken!" he yells while walking towards the door.

“Did those babes know that you need to go to rehab?" Ken yells back at Peter.

“What? Rehab!" The girls shouted simultaneously, rushing out to where ken is standing.

“So you girls don’t know you’ve been sleeping with a mad man?" Ken asks them.

“No!… we didn’t know!" they run into the house, grab their clothes, and ran out of the house, while Peter follows them shouting, no!.., no!., he's lying I'm just fine, come back to daddy?"

He stretches his hands towards the running girls.

Ken could not hold on anymore as he let out a big laugh and rolled to the ground.

“Ken, what is wrong with you? If you don’t need these backsides, I do, why will you chase them away?"

“Guy, you need serious rehab, five girls! Damn!"

“What can a man do? I was just trying to help their ministry, now look what you've done. I didn’t even pay them!.. all thanks to you, I thought you are a fool now I know you have some sense." Peter said.

“You taught me how to be a fool, if not how will I have an idiotic guy like you for a friend.?" Both of them laugh and went inside, so Ken could have some sleep.

“What are you going to do now?" Patrick ask Gina once they got to the house.

Gina looked at Patrick and wonder the same thing, what is she going to do now that Mr. Jackson has called off the deal, what is going to happen to her father and the company?.

"If what you told me is the truth, then Wendy Group is in serious trouble." Now she regrets her action but blames her father for hiding such vital information from her.

“If he needed money, he should have said so, we would have looked for another way instead of using me as collateral, you see my dad still thinks that I'm a baby,  but I'm 22 for crying out loud." Gina was about to cry again when Patrick walk closer and pull her into his embrace and consoled her.

Patrick could only imagine if they had allowed him to marry Gina, she wouldn’t have to cry like this. Because the whole thing seems like torture to Patrick.

"Gina don’t blame your father too much, it might be that he had no other choice but the only one he could find was you, or maybe it was the idea of Mr. Jackson who knows"

"Have you heard anything from my father? is he ok? How is he doing now?."

"The last time I saw him he was doing okay," Patrick said. but I will have to go back to the house to check up on him, I told him I will help him look for you, so should I tell him you are here or not?"

Gina took a deep breath and wonder if she will ever be ready to face her dad.

“I think I will go with you, but please don’t leave me alone, I can’t handle what will happen in case my dad decides to take things into his own hands."

“You don’t have to worry, I will be there for you always." He said and wonder if he can keep his promise.

[Mr. Georges resident]

Mr. George doesn’t know which one to worry about should he worry about Gina’s disappearance or the fact that Mr. Jackson has called off the deal.

But he couldn’t blame Gina for following her heart even though is going to cost him his company and everything he has worked so hard for.

He was still thinking about the whole thing